Kamis, 02 Agustus 2007

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Lowongan dan Beasiswa
2 Agustus 2007
BEASISWA: Beasiswa Peliputan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah DKI Jakarta 2007

"Beasiswa Peliputan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah DKI Jakarta 2007" Aliansi
Jurnalis Independen (AJI) Jakarta bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Tifa
membuka kesempatan bagi para jurnalis yang bekerja di Jakarta untuk
mendapatkan beasiswa peliputan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Jakarta 2007
dengan total hadiah sebesar Rp 60 juta.

Adapun tujuan dari beasiswa ini adalah mendorong wartawan dan media
untuk senantiasa mengedepankan fungsinya sebagai anjing penjaga
demokrasi, terutama dalam proses-proses demokrasi yang penting
seperti pemilihan umum dan pemilihan kepala daerah.
Panitia akan memilih 10 (sepuluh) proposal peliputan terbaik untuk
mendapatkan beasiswa dan pendampingan peliputan selama 2 (bulan)
sejak Agustus sampai September 2007.

Adapun syarat untuk memperoleh beasiswa tersebut adalah:

1. wartawan media cetak atau elektronik yang bekerja di Jakarta

2. mengirimkan proposal peliputan yang berisi (1) judul, (2)
liputan, (3) mengapa topik itu penting, (4) data awal yang sudah
dan (5) rencana kerja peliputan (rencana reportase, daftar
narasumber dan
pertanyaannya, serta rencana foto/grafis/audiovisual).

3. Sejumlah tema peliputan yang diharapkan muncul adalah:
- Dana kampanye dan politik uang selama Pilkada
- Netralitas penyelenggara pilkada
- Pelanggaran aturan pilkada
- Diskriminasi calon pemilih
- Manipulasi suara dan data pemilih
- Korupsi logistik Pilkada DKI Jakarta

Proposal peliputan harap dikirimkan ke :
Sekretariat AJI Jakarta: Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo, Kompleks BIER No. 1
A, Menteng Dalam, Jakarta Selatan, telp./fax. 021-83702660 email:
ajijak@cbn.net.id dan diterima panitia paling lambat 7 Agustus 2007.

Sekretariat AJI JAKARTA
Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo No 1 A
Kompl. BIER, Menteng Dalam
Jakarta Selatan 12870
Telp/fax. +62-21-83702660
Website : www.aji-jakarta.org

Print version

1 Agustus 2007

Dalam rangka Dies Natalis IPB ke 44, Program Pascasarjana Manajemen
dan Bisnis (MB-IPB) bekerjasama dengan PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia,
Tbk. akan memberikan BEASISWA*) kepada 10 orang Sarjana Baru (Fresh
Graduate) berprestasi untuk bergabung pada Program MMA-IPB kelas pagi
yang akan dimulai pada Awal Bulan Oktober 2007.'

Persyaratan untuk menjadi calon penerima beasiswa adalah :
- Lulusan baru/fresh graduate (kelulusan </= 1 tahun pada tangal 18
Agustus 2007).
- Lulusan berprestasi 1 s/d 3 (3 terbaik) dari masing-masing
jurusan/program studi (yang dikuatkan dengan keterangan dari
masing-masing jurusan/program studi) atau mempunyai IPK min 3,5.
- Melampirkan Biodata lengkap, Photo ukuran 4x6 dua buah, dan Surat
Rekomendasi dari Dosen Pembimbing.
- Lulus tahapan seleksi tertulis & wawancara. Membayar biaya seleksi
sebesar Rp. 375.000,-.
- Belum mengikuti/ diterima di Program Studi lainnya dan tidak sedang
mendapatkan beasiswa dari institusi lain.

Tahapan Seleksi Waktu
1.Seleksi Dokumen Paling lambat dokumen aplikasi diterima di MB-IPB
14 Agustus 2007
2.Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Tahap I 16 Agustus 2007
3.Tes Tertulis 24-26 Agustus 2007
4.Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Tahap II 17 September 2007
5.Wawancara 19-20 September 2007
6.Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Tahap III 26 September 2007
7.Perkuliahaan Oktober 2007

Dokumen aplikasi dapat dikirimkan langsung ke
Divisi Pemasaran MB IPB,
Gedung MB-IPB Jl. Raya Pajajaran Bogor.

*) Beasiswa yang diberikan adalah Biaya Kegiatan Akademik (BKA) untuk
Kelas Pagi.

Beasiswa tidak termasuk biaya administrasi, biaya penelitian, biaya
hidup, dan biaya lainnya.

Informasi ini juga tersedia di

Print version

1 Agustus 2007
BEASISWA: Program Beasiswa Unggulan Depdiknas


Biro Perencanaan dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri Kerjasama dengan


Program Pascasarjana Magister Teknik Sipil
Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan


Program Beasiswa Unggulan adalah program beasiswa nasional dan
internasional yang diberikan pemerintah Indonesia kepada putra-putri
terbaik yang termasuk dalam kategori "unggul" memiliki prestasi
nasional maupun internasional dalam rangka menyiapkan insan Indonesia
yang cerdas dan kompetitif sesuai dengan visi pendidikan nasional.
Dengan adanya Program Beasiswa Unggulan, diharapkan di akhir program
akan muncul critical mass dan bangsa Indonesia yang berdaya saing
tinggi di masa yang akan datang.

Pada dekade terakhir ini usaha-usaha pemerintah dalam rangka
meningkatkan kompetensi lulusan pergurun tinggi terus dilakukan. Hal
tersebut secara jelas dituangkan dalam 5-pilar penyelenggaraan
Perguruan Tinggi yaitu peningkatan kompetensi lulusan, otonomi,
akuntabilitas, evaluasi dan akreditasi. Peningkatan kompetensi
lulusan menjadi pilar yang pertama karena begitu pentingnya masalah
ini. Di lain fihak otonomi Perguruan Tinggi sekarang ini cukup dapat
dirasakan dengan semakin longgarnya/adanya diregulasi aturan-uturan.
Antara otonomi dan peningkatan kompetensi lulusan berhubungan sangat
erat. Dengan adanya otonomi maka perguruan tinggi dapat menentukan
kebijakan berikut melaksanakannya dengan cepat terlebih Universitas
Islam Indonesia sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta.

Sebagai perguruan tinggi yang sudah berdiri sejak 7 Juli 1945,
Universits Islam Indonesia mempunyai tanggung jawab terhadap
peningkatan kompetensi lulusan sebagai salah satu bentuk dari
Akuntabilitas terhadap stakeholder . Lulusan yang mempunyai
kompetensi yang tinggi diharapkan mampu/dapat mengisi ruang-ruang
yang diperlukan secara riil di dalam masyarakat khususnya kompetensi
lulusan dalam menyelesaikan problem bencana alam. Sudah diketahui
secara umum bahwa penanganan bencana alam di Indonesia yang terjadi
akhir-akhir ini belum berhasil seperti yang diharapkan.

Terdapat banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan dalam
menangani bencana alam. Faktor yang terpenting adalah adanya suatu
lembaga/institusi yang secara khusus menangani problem dalam bencana
secara terencana, terstruktur dan sistematis. Faktor yang kedua
adalah tersedianya sumberdaya manusia yang memahami seluk beluk
bencana-alam dan manajemen bencana alam ( disaster management ). Dua
hal terpenting ini masih menjadi problem terbesar di banyak negara
termasuk di Indonesia. Faktor-faktor yang lain misalnya faktor
finansial dan koordinasi. Apabila penanganan bencana dikehendaki
lebih baik, maka kedua hal terpenting tersebut di atas harus
disediakan dengan baik.

Bencana alam yang terjadi di Indonesia akhir-akhir sangat beragam
mulai dari gempa-bumi, gunung berapi, tsunami, tanah longsor, banjir,
kekeringan sampai apedemi misalnya flu burung dan demam berdarah.
Bencana alam gempa bumi terjadi hampir di sebagian besar wilayah di
Indonesia, kecuali Kalimantan, Sumatera bagian timur dan Irian Jaya
Bagian selatan. Setiap bencana mempunyai tata-cara penanganan yang
spesifik, sehigga tidak ada prosedur penanganan bencana yang berlaku
general untuk semua jenis bencana. Walaupun tidak semua bencana alam
tersebut terjadi pada satu tempat, tetapi setiap tempat harus
menyiapkan diri dalam menangani bencana yang secara spesifik di
tempatnya masing-masing. Mengingat begitu banyaknya jenis bencana dan
terjadi di banyak tempat maka diperlukan SDM ( demand ) yang kompeten
dalam menangani bencana alam.

. Arah pendidikan Program Magister Teknik Sipil Konsentrasi
Manajemen Teknik Kegempaan, Universitas Islam Indonesia adalah mampu
dan tanggap terhadap perencanaan dan penanggulangan bencana yang
ditimbulkan akibat bencana gempa. Keilmuan dasar pendidikan yang
dibekali terdiri dari: KNOWLEDGE (Keilmuwan), SKILL (Ketrampilan),
ATTITUDE (Sikap), dengan demikian lulusan diharapkan dapat memenuhi
standar profesionalitas, terampil dan memiliki etika tinggi.

. Kompetensi umum lulusan yaitu mampu menghasilkan lulusan siap
kerja dan mempunyai kemampuan analisis serta terampil mengambil
keputusan sesuai dengan masalah yang dihadapi di lapangan. Secara
khusus kompetensi lulusan diharapkan mampu menerapkan keahliannya
dalam bidang penanganan bencana alam berupa gempa bumi dan
kegunungapian. Dengan demikian lulusan diharapkan siap menjadi ujung
tombak perencana bagi instansi pemerintah, maupun intansi swasta
lainnya, dan mempunyai kepribadian muslim yang teguh sesuai dengan
tujuan pendidikan di UII.


Lulusan S-1: Jurusan Teknik Sipil
Usia pendaftar = 35 tahun per 1 September 2007
Calon peserta berasal dari:
Umum Perorangan
Sudah Bekerja



Biaya pendaftaran Rp 300.000,-


Surat Rekomendasi (khusus bagi yang berasal dari instansi
diperlukan rekomendasi dari instansi yang bersangkutan)
Surat pernyataan dari instansi, bahwa peserta akan kembali dan
diberdayakan di instansi tersebut setelah selesai masa pendidikan
Formulir Pendaftaran Program Beasiswa Unggulan dilengkapi pas foto
berwarna terbaru 3 x 4 (2 lembar)
Rencana topik tesis
Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai pendidikan terakhir yang telah
Mengikuti: Placement Test TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC, Tes Potensi Akademik,
dan Wawancara serta melampirkan sertifikat penghargaan lainnya (bila

. Beasiswa selama mengikuti pendidikan (masa studi 24 bulan atau 4
. Mendapat tunjangan pendidikan Rp 1.000.000 per bulan dari
Depdiknas maksimum 24 bulan

30 Juli - 21 Agustus 2007 23 - 24 Agustus 2007 3 September
Kuliah Perdana : 8 SEPTEMBER 2007

Informasi & Pendaftaran:


Kampus Terpadu UII, Gedung FTSP Lantai II - Sayap Barat, Jl.
Kaliurang Km. 14,4 Yogyakarta Telp. (0274) 896441, Faks. (0274)
896442, www.beasiswaunggulan.depdiknas.org atau www.uii.ac.id , e-
mail: admisi@mts.uii.ac.id
Contact Person : N. Basori/Desi (Hp. 08122942703/0811293629)
Print version

1 Agustus 2007
LOWONGAN: Community Development Program Manager (MERCY CORP)

Community Development Program Manager
25 Jul 2007 17:05:00 GMT
Source: Mercy Corps
Deadline: 05 Sep 2007
Organisation: Mercy Corps
Location: 216540
Type: permanent
Salary: TBA (000's USD)
Description: Apply to our jobs board:



Mercy Corps' program in Indonesia started in 1999, and aims to
address the root causes of poverty, thereby improving the quality of
life for disaster and conflict affected, urban, and coastal
communities. Mercy Corps Indonesia promotes sustainable economic
development through integrated, entrepreneurial self-help programs
and skills training, and by improving the living conditions of
vulnerable population living in crisis, especially with a focus on
food security, health, and nutrition of the poor.

Mercy Corps has been operating in Aceh Province since December 28,
2004, after a massive earthquake with its epicenter in the Indian
Ocean, within 150 kilometers of Aceh Province, hit Indonesia on the
northern tip of Sumatra Island, triggering a massive tsunami on
December 26, 2004. Mercy Corps' strategy is founded on the belief
that recovery is most effective when communities are entrusted to
take the lead on decision-making and resource allocation. Mercy
Corps' community reconstruction and economic development approach is
based on communities identifying their own social and physical
infrastructure priorities. While the relief phase focused on directly
restoring economic activity and social services, the long-term
development phase is aimed at enhancing and sustaining these
activities by stimulating local demand for economic and social
services and working with economic and service providers and
government structures to respond to that demand in a sustainable way.


The Community Development Program Manager is a senior member of the
Mercy Corps team in Meulaboh with the primary responsibility of
driving the community development program to implement high-quality,
results-oriented projects. Responsibilities include supervision of
six staff, managing budget and work plans, maintaining donor and
government relations, writing reports, and overseeing all elements of
program implementation including planning, logistics, staff training,
monitoring, and evaluation. The Community Development Program Manager
is a member of the Mercy Corps Aceh management team and participates
in strategic decision-making, proposal preparation, and donor


Program Development
Work closely with the Field Director, Economic Development Program
Manager, Aceh Healthy Schools Program Manager, and community
development program teams to sharpen the program strategy in Meulaboh
and ensure that the community development program effectively
integrates with the Economic Development and Healthy School programs.

Support program development by enhancing program strategy, identify
potential funding opportunities, write proposals and allocate team
resources to support program development.

Program Implementation

Ensure that the community development teams implement all planned
activities according to best practice, with maximum community
participation and in a transparent manner.

Identify potential local partners (CBOs, local government, private
businesses, and local NGOs) for community development activities and
develop their capacity to manage community development activites.

Complete monthly reports to Field Director and all required donor
reports on community development activities and ensure that program
learning is shared with other teams in Indonesia and with Mercy Corps
teams globally.

Team Management

Supervise the community development team in Meulaboh, ensuring
continued high quality staff performance and program delivery.
Recruit an Indonesian as Deputy Community Development Program Manager
who will take over the Community Development Program Manager position
after 12 months.

Work closely with the Organizational Learning and Capacity Manager to
identify staff training needs and draft staff development action


Represent Mercy Corps at government meetings, NGO coordination
events, and with donors when necessary related to community
development program operations or when requested by the Field

Coordinate with local and international NGOs to ensure there is no
overlap in target areas and to combine technical resources of

Coordinate closely with other Mercy Corps teams (including the
engineering, M&E, Aceh Healthy Schools Program teams and program
support departments) to ensure program success.

Organizational Learning

As part of Mercy Corps' agency-wide Organizational Learning
Initiative, all team members are responsible for spending 5% of their
work time in formal and/or non-formal professional learning


Four Community Development Team Leaders, the Community Development
Advisor and the Program Information Management Officer.


Meulaboh Field Director
Deputy Director in Banda Aceh, Technical Unit Managers, Operations
Manager, Administration Manager, Procurement & Logistics Manager,
Finance Supervisor, Community Development Program Manager in Banda
Aceh and all program staff (national and expatriate).


BA/S or equivalent in social science, development studies,
management, or related field required.
Demonstrated ability to implement a complex, diverse program, manage
a range of staff, and develop staff capacities.
Five years experience managing development programs in relief and/or
development settings preferred.
Proven experience with community development processes utilizing a
variety of participatory methodologies and ability to present
evidence of positive impact based on prior experience.

Understanding of economic development and engineering/construction
processes preferred.
Excellent verbal and written communication, multi-tasking,
organizational skills.
Indonesian language skills a plus.


The successful Community Development Program Manager will have a
strong commitment to teamwork, accountability, staff capacity-
building, and the principles of participatory community-oriented
development. S/he will make effective communication a priority in all
situations and will maintain a sense of humor.


This is an accompanied position in a relatively safe and comfortable
environment. Candidates must be able to live and work in hot,
tropical environments and within a fairly conservative Muslim
culture. Access to education facilities and health care is very
limited. Meulaboh is a small town and has a limited range of
restaurants, but good access to beaches. Singapore is the nearest
destination for serious medical care and the amenities of a fully
developed city. There are currently daily flights to Banda Aceh and
Medan, excluding Sundays. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Jakarta are
easily accessible by charter flight from Medan and Banda Aceh.
Apply to our jobs board: www.mercycorps.org/aboutus/jobs

Print version

1 Agustus 2007
LOWONGAN: Assistant IT Coordinator (ADB)

Assistant IT Coordinator

Department/Division: Indonesia Resident Mission (IRM)


Country Director through the Administrative Officer.


To coordinate and implement ADB¢s policy in Information
Technology (IT) in IRM, including telephone and video conferencing;
to assist IRM staff get the best use of the present IT systems and
develop, direct and implement the office automation plan; to assist
in maintenance and operation of efficient communication systems for
smooth functioning of IRM; to assist in some of the administrative
functions with relation to budgetary management in the IT and
Communications area.


IT Coordination

Acts as IT Coordinator at IRM by: coordinating/communicating with
OIST for all IRM IT related matters; determining, analyzing,
screening, prioritizing and endorsing requests for computer services;
serving as principal advisor on the benefit/uses of automation to
improve the efficiency and administrative support of IRM operations;
serving as initial contact point between IRM staff and OIST for new
applications; coordinating all IRM automation initiatives, including
planning, organizing and implementation; coordinating necessary
training programs and providing IRM expertise to assist OIST staff in
supporting automation needs for IRM; assisting in verifying inventory
of software and hardware; and managing budgets for the IT and
Communications areas and the associated paperwork related to
ordering, billing, and receipt of goods.

Training and Technical Support

Develops, coordinates and implements a comprehensive computer-
training plan for all computer users in the office, covering both
routine maintenance and application program use. Conducts on-the-job
training for computer users. Provides support to HQ missions and ADB
consultants when required. Produces user-oriented training handouts,
manuals and instructions. Organizes a library of books, magazines,
and software on computers.

Systems Administration and Maintenance

Performs as a local administrator of IRM computer network
systems, Lotus Notes, etc.

Hardware Maintenance and Inventory

Develops, implements and supervises a routine periodic
maintenance plan for all computer hardware and accessories, including
inspection, operator training and troubleshooting. Arranges for
repairs of computer hardware as required, including local servicing
and/or importation of spare parts. Assists staff to carry out regular
backups of their computers.

Support to Library

Assists in maintenance of the IRM website and in dealing with HQ
library in accessing information electronically.
Telecommunications Support

Provides support to telecommunications area to ensure that
options offered by current PABX are maximized, that effective liaison
takes place with HQ on effective communication, and that staff are
well trained in use of various communication facilities.


Technical Knowledge and Skills

- Able to perform all aspects of the job without help
- Recognizes and corrects things that are wrong
- Able to answer all routine queries and questions

Client Orientation

- Sees colleagues and other departments as clients as well as
external contacts
- Always speaks and acts with respect towards clients
- Makes changes to help clients when their needs change

Achieving Results

- Manages time to ensure work is completed to deadlines and
- Prioritizes to ensure important deadlines are met
- Find ways around obstacles to getting work done

Working Together

- Regularly assists others in their work
- Has supportive and cooperative relationships with others in the
- Compliments the work of other team members

Learning and Knowledge Sharing

- Learns new things and keeps knowledge and skills up to date
- Volunteers for training and development
- Explains new methods of work to colleagues and voluntarily
shares useful information


a. Supervisor

Country Director through the Administrative Officer
Work planning, performance feedback, results assessment, and
personal development

b. Internal Clients

Coordinates and supports IRM's automation
initiatives/needs; prepares training materials and provides IT
training to staff; supports telecommunications area; develops,
implements and supervises a routine periodic maintenance plan for all
computer hardware and accessories.

c. External Clients

Provides technical support to HQ missions and consultants;
coordinates with service providers/suppliers.


Bachelor¢s degree in Information Technology (IT); master¢s degree
an advantage.


Suitability to undertake the responsibilities mentioned above at
the required level.

At least five years of IT work experience including technical
support and administration in following areas:
(a) Required: Windows NT/Windows 2003 server technical support;
Windows XP user support; Local area networking; good
command of English
(b) Important: Notes Mail technical support; Notes Domino
technical support; Internet usage, web-site development, web-server
technical support, anti-virus solutions.
(c) Useful: Wide area network support for inter-networking, PBX
and video conferencing; experience of coordination, supervision
and training of computer users of a mid-sized automated office
Familiarity with local languages and institutions.


The Asian Development Bank¢s vision is a region free of poverty.
Established in 1966 and headquartered in Manila, Philippines, ADB's
multicultural staff come from over 50 member countries. The
advertised position is a local staff position with a local
remuneration package. It is open only to persons who are nationals
and residents of Indonesia. The position is for a three-year fixed
term appointment. ADB offers a highly competitive salary and benefits
package applicable to local staff. While the position advertised is
for the Indonesia Resident Mission (IRM), ADB staff must be prepared
to serve in any location outside the Resident Mission at the
discretion of Management.

Interested applicants should quote Ref. No. EXT-AS-07-005-IRM and
job title and submit their curriculum vitae not later than 12 August
2007 to:

Country Director
Gedung BRI II, 7th Floor
JI, Jend Sudirman Kav. 44-46
Jakarta 10210, Indonesia
P.O. Box 99, JKPSA, Jakarta 10350A, Indonesia
Fax: +62 21 251-2749
E-mail: adbirm@adb.org

An electronic application form is available at


Gender and cultural diversity is a core recruitment value and
women are actively encouraged to apply.
Applications from qualified ADB staff will be considered before
external applications.
Applications lacking the job reference number and job title or
using the wrong e-mail address will not be considered.
Print version

31 Juli 2007
[Beasiswa] Fulbright Master's Degree Program

Preference will be given to applicants who serve as faculty members
of state and private institutions of higher education in Indonesia.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

Applicants will possess:
1. a Sarjana (S1) degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.00 scale)
2. leadership qualities
3. a good understanding of Indonesian and international cultures
4. a demonstrated commitment to the chosen field of study
5. a willingness to return to Indonesia upon completion of the
Fulbright program
6. a minimum TOEFL score of 550.

Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms. Forms
are available either by mail or in person at the AMINEF Office,
Gedung Balai Pustaka, 6th floor, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya 4, Jakarta
10720. Application forms may also be downloaded from the AMINEF
Website at the following URL: www.aminef.or. id.

Please return to AMINEF your complete application package by the
application deadline that includes:
1. Completed application form. This includes a clearly written and
concise study objective.
2. Copy of your most recent, less than two years old, TOEFL score
3. One letter of reference, either from your current employer or
previous lecturer.
4. Copy of academic transcript (English translation).

Specific questions regarding the application process may be addressed
via e-mail to the following address: infofulbright@ aminef.or. id. We
do not accept email applications. Hard copies must be sent or
delivered to American Indonesian Exchange Foundation.

The deadline for the submission of application materials for all
programs is May 31, 2008.

Print version

31 Juli 2007
BEASISWA: ASEAN Visiting Scholar (dari AMINEF)

Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Singapore

The Fulbright Program is pleased to announce a new opportunity for
Fulbright Visiting Scholars, The Fulbright ASEAN Visiting Scholars
Program. The purpose of this new initiative is to provide
opportunities for travel to the United States for scholarly and
professional research on issues central to the ASEAN-U.S.
relationship. The program is open to university faculty, foreign
ministry and government officials, and professional staff of think
tanks and other NGOs in ASEAN member nations.

For 2008-09, the inaugural year of the program, applications will be
invited from interested individuals in Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
University faculty, foreign ministry and government officials, and
professionals in think tanks and other NGOs whose work focuses on
ASEAN-U.S. issues are eligible to apply. Fields of inquiry may
include economics, political economy, foreign policy, international
relations, and history, including such relevant sub-specialties as
security, trade, and cultural issues directly related to the ASEAN-
U.S. relationship. Applicants will be expected to have a significant
record of scholarly or professional accomplishment; they must be
citizens of their countries; and they must be proficient in English.
Preference will be given to qualified applicants who have not had
recent and substantial experience in the United States.

Proposals should be carefully developed projects that will deepen the
applicant's understanding of one or more aspects of the ASEAN-U.S.
relationship. While it is expected that the majority of time will be
spent in research, grantees are also encouraged to expand and develop
their network of professional contacts so that professional
relationships established during the grantee's time in the U.S. can
be sustained after the formal grant period has ended. In addition,
grantees will be encouraged to seek opportunities to voice the
Southeast Asian perspective during their time in the U.S. through
guest lectures, seminars, or participation in academic or
professional conferences. All applicants are urged to explore
possible affiliations with U.S. institutions, including universities,
think tanks and research institutes, in advance of submitting their
formal applications. Letters of invitation will enable program
organizers to make the most suitable affiliations. DURATION OF AWARD
Award periods are flexible and should be congruent with the needs of
the project. The minimum period for an award is two (2) months, the
maximum period six (6) months.

Grants will provide a monthly stipend for grantees, together with
round-trip air travel, and a book and incidental allowance. A small
travel allowance for travel within the U.S. will also be available. A
small additional sum will be available for one dependent for grant
periods of three months or more. HOW TO APPLY
Candidate should complete the 2008-2009 Application for the Fulbright
Scholar Program which could be requested from AMINEF by mail or in
person at the following address: AMINEF, Gedung Balai Pustaka, 6th
Floor, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 4, Jakarta 10720. Soft copy of the
application can also be requested by sending an e-mail to

Applications are to be submitted to the American Indonesian Exchange
Program (AMINEF). Applications for this program will be evaluated by
a peer review panel in accordance with normal Fulbright standards
that are competitive, merit-based, open and transparent. Final
selections will be made by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board in
October 30, 2007. We do not accept e-mail application. Hard copies
must be sent or delivered to AMINEF.

Specific questions regarding the application process are accepted via
e-mail at the following address: infofulbright@aminef.or.id.

Print version

31 Juli 2007
LOWONGAN: Staf Administrasi di GTZ

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH is
an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development
with worldwide operations. GTZ promotes complex reforms and change
processes. Its corporate objective is to improve people's living
conditions on a sustainable basis. GTZ has been working in Indonesia
since 1975 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic
Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

GTZ Office Jakarta is seeking a qualified Indonesian candidates for
the position of Administrator (Consultancy) that will be based in
Jakarta. Please find attached the Job Description below .

Interested candidate should submit their application letters and CV
to Carolina Asti at carolina.asti@gtz.de

The closing date to submit the application letter is on 10.08.2007
- Only short-listed candidates will be notified for interviews -

Model Job Description: Administrator (Consultancy)

Job category 2: "Administrative Staff"
Incumbent: Vacant
Project: GTZ Office Jakarta
Project number: 92.9070.1-001.00
Period of Contract: 01.09.2007 - 31.08.2008 (1 year )
Duty Station: Jakarta

A. Responsibilities
The incumbent is responsible for
* General clerical services
* Assisting in the tasks of a specific administration expert
according to his/her specific instructions
* Support concerning the filing of documents and brochures according
to GTZ procedures

Within this context, s/he fulfils the following tasks:

B. Tasks
Consultancy Management
§ Prepare contracts for local and regional freelance experts
and consulting companies, coordinate assignments
§ Monitor status of contract implementation, computation of all
payments including advances, file documents of completed assignments
§ Maintain a database of national and regional experts including
moderators by using computer program.
§ Filing the contracts according to GTZ regulation as active and
inactive files

Support to Administrative Experts
§ Make photocopies and scans documents if and when required
§ Compile and organize information materials
§ Label files according to GTZ filing system
§ Fill lists and tables according to the specific instructions
of the administrative expert
§ Maintain record of service requests

C. Other Duties/Additional Tasks
* Assist the Personnel Officer National Staff in other administrative
matters as needed.

D. Required Entry Qualifications and Competencies
Formal Education
* Secondary school
* Diploma in accounting, secretarial, or other related field.

Professional Experience
* At least 1 -3 years of work experience in a similar position

Other Qualifications
* Good working knowledge of modern telecommunication systems
(telephone, fax, e-mail, internet and its software)
* Good working knowledge of computer programs (e.g. MSOffice, Excel)
* Mandatory language knowledge (English fluent both oral and written)
* Excellent communication and administrative skills
* Abilities to work in an international team and stressful environment
* Abilities to work under pressure

E. Reports to: Head of Office and Program Manager and close
supervision of Personnel Officer National Staff
F. Deputy of Position: Personnel Officer National Staff
G. Deputized by: Personnel Officer National Staff

Carolina Asti
GTZ Office Jakarta
Personnel Officer National Staff
Print version

31 Juli 2007
LOWONGAN: berbagai posisi di Tearfund Foundation

Closing Date for Application : August 3, 2007

Tearfund is an international non-governmental organization working in
Meulaboh on various projects.

We are in urgent need of competent individuals and committed
to fill in the following positions:

Community Liaison Officer ( 1 post ) - Graduate in relevant field
with 2
years of implementation community development project and 1 year
implementation of rural facilitator of housing and infrastructure
appropriate qualification in community development; understanding of
and development issues; familiar with community approach methodology;
excellent supervisory skills; ability to train local/contractors with
excellent interpersonal skills with good written and verbal
skills; good standard of English written and verbal; ability to work
as part
of the team and work under pressure.

Finance Officer ( 1 post ) - Graduated from Diploma in Accounting or
Business Studies, with minimum 2 years experience in book keeping or
accounting; demonstrated ability to manage cash with high level
skills; with excellent interpersonal skills with good written and
communication skills; good standard of English written and verbal;
organizing skills and ability to meet deadlines; ability to work
independently with limited supervision; able to handle and guard
confidential information sensitively and discretely; ability to work
as part
of the team and work under pressure.

Cashier ( 1 post ) - Secondary level education, preferably with basic
accounting background; with minimum 6 months experience in
understanding of regulations relating to statutory deductions; very
communication skills both oral and written; good English language
ability to plan and organize work logically; very good computer
ability to effectively prioritize tasks; able to work to deadline and

Qualified candidates may send their detailed curriculum vitae
detailing work
experience and salary history to dmt-indonesia-admin2@tearfund.org or
them to the Tearfund DMT Indonesia Programme - Jl. Haji Ousman No
3, Desa
Seuneubok, Kec. Johan Pahlawan, Meulaboh, 23617Aceh Barat, Indonesia.
indicate the position for the job you are applying for.

Closing Date for Application : August 3, 2007
Print version

31 Juli 2007
LOWONGAN: fasilitator, staf keuangan dan Staf Administrasi

Hanya ada di http://www.milisbeasiswa.com/


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