Minggu, 12 Agustus 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Ini surat dari Caroline, perempuan prancis itu...

Dear Friends, Berikut e-mail dari Rex di Bali kepada
saya tentang BUNDA MARIA dan AJARAN CINTA KASIH yang
didapatnya dari Caroline, seorang perempuan Perancis
yang baru saja dikenalnya. Message dari Bunda Maria
ala Caroline is so sweet and true that, ... I felt
compelled to share it with you all. Yes, Caroline
wrote for Rex. And Rex wrote for me. Yet, on another
dimension, somewhat and somehow, ... the Message from
Mother Mary is for us all. FOR US ALL. May you get it
ya? Semoga bisa menangkap ESSENSI-nya ya? (Leo).



Ini surat dari Caroline, perempuan prancis itu...



Dear Rex,

This morning Marie ask me to send you some messages. I
suppose you have then already in your heart, but it's
a good reminder to work on every day until it's a
second nature for you.

I hope that you are fine, but deep in my heart I know
you are and I am happy for you.

I am well and working on my spirituality with the Help
of Marie. I don t suffer any more from the fear of
loneliness. I Love you.

3 words to integrate and work on:

Harmony between what you think and what you do.

Harmony with the Humanity. Love the Humanity.
Fusion with the Others, with what He is and what He

Respect the Others in your thought and actions.

BEAUTITUDES of the worker of light:

1- Man is the Humble who need to ask everything to the
Source: Alter heart, for receiving is fertility.

2- Use every knowledge of the Intelligence of your
Heart for knowing the Source of every Source.

3- Live, all the time, the sweetness of the Divine
words to know them in your Incarnation.

4- Accept to go through difficulties without wanted to
know why. But, put all your forces and wills into your
Faith, Love, Hope and Patience.

5- The first help to others is to help them in their
Spiritual Path, that they choose in that incarnation.

6- Here, you can be tested, to help you to discover,
to put into Light, some hiding faces of your true

7- The grace of the peace is the fruit of the
Unconditional and Universal Love discovered when you
use this 8 beautitudes.

8- See and recognize those 8 Beautitudes through your
heart. Then think, talk and act through them. Then you
will be surprised of the result of these Beautitudes.

FORGIVE is the Force of the Force:

The one of the Soul, of the Spirit and Body Unify

You have to integrate the 8 Beautitudes of my Son
Yeshoua. They will help you to have the Truth of the
FORGIVENESS, this mystic truth which circulate
between your 3 bodies: Soul, Spirit and Body.


[Leo adalah seorang praktisi PSIKOLOGI TRANSPERSONAL,
dan bisa dihubungi di nomor HP: 0818-183-615.
E-mail: <leonardo_rimba@ yahoo.com>.
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