Sabtu, 29 September 2007

Balasan: [psikologi_transformatif] CHERRY RED

lagi fall in love ya ,..
puber yang keberapa ??
waahh selamat deh kalo gitu

as as <> wrote:

Bee Gess

Where are you
Cherry red , sweeter than the honeycomb
Sweeter still when we're alone
Cherry red, my cherry red

Turquoise green , greener than the deeper sea
Greener still when she's with me
Cherry red , my cherry red

I wonder why (wonder why)
The stars that night shine big and bright for me
[ Cherry Red lyrics found on ]
I wonder why (wonder why)
She's true to me the way that she will always be

Cherry red , sweeter than the honeycomb
Sweeter still when we're alone
Cherry red , my cherry red

I wonder why (wonder why)
The stars that night shine big and bright for me
I wonder why (wonder why)
She's true to me the way that she will always be

Cherry red , sweeter than the honeycomb
Sweeter still when we're alone
Cherry red, my cherry red

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