Sabtu, 01 September 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Anda Ingin Melejitkan Kemampuan IQ, EQ, dan SQ ………

The benefit after completing this course the participants will advance their knowledge & skills on reviving the genuine words of any Holy Book and getting themselves revitalized through Shifting Paradigm/Unitive Thinking for raising and achieving The Amazing Power to be A Genuine Leader.
·   Intellectual capacity building
·   Social capacity building
·   Entrepreneurial capacity building
·   Institutional capacity building
·   Spiritual capacity building
·   Emotional capacity building
Course Outline:
v Overview of The Shifting Paradigm.
v Technique on how to do The VMP Shifting Paradigm.
            - The Linear system of Brain Mechanism
            - The In linear system of Brain Mechanism
            - The "Unitive" Thinking
v To Revive of any wise words that nowadays have widely and commonly been unproductive stigmatized.
v The Usage of The Existing Religion Vs The Shifted Paradigm Religion for generating The Positive Thinking and Spiritually Intelligence.
            - The Natural Law that reveals to Human being
            - The "Former IKHLAS" Vs The Genuine/Productive IKHLAS
            - The Productive Logical Frame work of The Destiny
v The Genuine and Effective Leader after Getting The VMP Shifting Paradigm.
v Case Study
v Group Discussion
v Question & Answer sessions
Instructor: Kun Nurachadijat, SE., MM.
He is The Founder of VMP Breakthrough method and The International Reiki Master Teacher. He gain his Bachelor degree in Economics and Development Studies from University of Indonesia, and Master degree in Marketing Dist. Learning. He had more than 15 years working experience as a Trainer and Expert especially in Applied Motivation & Achievement and He has also awarded as The Leader in many kind of organizations.
Limited Offer !!!
The Class limited only for 25 registrants
Investment Fee: Rp 595.000
Get Special Promo Price for Only Rp 295.000 (Only for the first 15 Registrant !!!)
For Registration Before September 8th, 2007
All Include Certificate of Attendance, Seminar Kit, Handout Training
BONUS: FREE REIKI Training - The Natural Healing Method
Register Now
(021) 92856950 (24 hours hotline)
0817 914 2166 Edita
0818 903 505 Nova
Simply Payment to
Bank BCA, a/n. Panusunan H.
No Rek: 308 003 5089
The Day: Sunday, September 15th, 2007
Time: 14.00 – 18.00 WIB
Venue: Salemba Group, Jl. Akses UI No.69, Depok
For Info, Special Promo+Bonus, Available Seat Call 92856950 NOW
"Metode pelatihan ini sangat menambah wawasan dan keyakinan bagi kita semua bahwa yang dijadikan sebagai syarat utama mental prestasi menurut para pakar Psikologi  selama ini, ternyata adalah pemahaman Tuhan Yang Maha Esa tanpa mereka itu sendiri  sadari. Dan semoga mereka dalam pencarian kebenarannya itu segera dapat menyadari pula bahwa ilmu pengetahuan sesungguhnya tersebut bersumber pada  Al Qur'an sebagai sumber dari segala sumber ilmu" .
- Ary Ginanjar Agustian
Penulis Buku Best Seller "Rahasia Sukses Membangun Kecerdasan Emosi dan Spiritual ESQ Berdasarkan 6 Rukun Iman dan 5 Rukun Islam"
"Metode training ini adalah cara berpikir "Senopati" jadi bukan untuk sembarang orang!"
- Emha Ainun Nadjib
Call this number to know that u're still gonna get the bonus plus discount (021) 92856950

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