Selasa, 11 September 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Dejambuology ...

Luar biasa kita dimilis ini, terumuskan kembali apa yang disebut ½Dejambuology½ Wakakaka... Berbagai teori telah digeber secara berjamaah, dan dilaksanakan secara seksama dan dalam tempo sesingkat-singktanya...

Apa itu ½Dejambuology½? Term ini ditemukan oleh Gotholoco. Dimana saya mengartikan bahwa: Dejambu, adalah pertemuan antara teori deja vu dan mimpi.

Tanggal 22 Januari 2007, (hampir 9 bulan lalu) di salah satu blog saya (dejavu cases) saya menulis demikian:

Dream and Deja vu:

Is it -somehow- connected?

My theory of ´dream´:

Dream is the ´chaotic memory´ of the universe, that encountered with your mind, on a certain level of the frequency. So, the information that the person get, is not always about the ´dreamer´. It could come from an or some actual event(s) that already or will be happening on the other people or even on the other side of the earth...


Pendapat umum, selalu mengatakan bahwa seseorang yg bermimpi itu selalu mengaitkan dengan dirinya sendiri.

Disini saya coba menambahkan sebuah misal: Salah seorang sedang mimpi makan jambu, maka mimpi tersebut belum tentu adalah informasi tentang si pemimpi. Bisa terjadi dibelahan bumi lainnya seseorang sedang/telah/akan memakan sebuah jambu. Memory sipemakan jambu ini kemudian ngalor-ngidul di frequensi yang kemudian terjadi spleteran dengan memory si pemimpi.

Bagaimana permisalan ini diaplikasikan terhadap fenomen deja vu? Bisa juga, (seperti yg digambarkan oleh Gotholoco)... Artinya to pee or not to pee...:-)

Kemungkinan lainnya adalah bermimpi dan berdejavu ria disebabkan oleh memory yg ngalor ngidul dari dua atau beberapa orang berlainan. Maksudnya, yg mengalami fenomen deja vu dalam rangka memakan jambu, memorynya juga mengalami spleteran dengan orang lain yang sedang/telah/akan makan jambu. Perbedaannya (dgn tiori mimpi) yg ngalamin deja vu makan jambu sedang tidak bobo...

Nah, sekarang apakah yang saya tuliskan 9 bulan lalu (ngait-ngaitkan mimpi dan deja vu), lalu 9 bulan kemudian dituliskan kembali sebagai ½dejambu½ itu adalah sebuah deja vu, pula ? Jika meminjam analogy lagu deja vu yang dinyanyikan oleh Robert Morris? ... SeksPeare bilang: TO PEE or not TO PEE... And who is PEEING?

Demikianlah Dejambuology... ( gigling :-)

Be Fun


--- In, "gotholoco" <gotholoco@...> wrote:
> Kalau yang saya alami, entah dejavu atau dejambu, ketika suatu saat
> saya berada di suatu tempat, saya kok sepertinya pernah ke tempat yang
> di kunjungi itu. Oh iya itu, ingat pernah ke tempat itu dalam suatu
> mimpi. Jadi kurang lebihnya ingatan akan mimpi itu terbuka kembali
> setelah berada di tempat ybs. Kurang lebihnya demikian, itu mungkin
> bisa disebut dejambu.
> :)
> --- In, "tuhantu_hantuhan"
> tuhantu_hantuhan@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > Haha Deja Vu itu kok diartikan sakbagae ½do you remember½?...
> > Wah...:-(
> >
> > Nih ada sakdikit dongengan gua tentang Deja vu, sbb:
> >
> > Deja vu is simply, when there is someone doing something for the first
> > time, and he/she felt that its already ´happened´ before.
> >
> > For example, you going to a new place or a new village, then you notice
> > a house with specific surroundings, and -in your mind- you´ve seen
> > that house before. Are you the one?
> >
> > Possible Theories:
> > One theory said that it has something to do with the theory of
> > ´Paralel Universe´.
> >
> > Another theory is that our left eye doesn´t have the exact time to
> > received memory and sending it to our brain, with our right eye. One of
> > our eyes is ´quicker´ than the other eye in terms of sending the
> > memory signals to our brain. So, once the signal is already in our mind,
> > and then the other signal coming again, that the effect make the person
> > experiencing something twice, in the level of mind.
> >
> > But, the ´second theory´ -i think- is not match, with one of my
> > experience:
> >
> > Last time I remember I experienced Deja vu clearly, when the first time
> > I came here in Croatia. Me, my wife and my mother in law went to one of
> > the cultural center, there was an exhibiton and introductions of some
> > books. We went by tram, and then the rest, we had to walk.
> >
> > My wife and her mom didn´t know where to go to find the place. That
> > specific moment I felt that the event was already happened before, and I
> > was the one who showed them the directions where to find the building.
> > Which is not easy to see from the main (tram) road, and surrounded by
> > some tall buildings.
> >
> > I also seeks the answers far back to the deep root of my ancestors (The
> > Buginese) A tribe once mentioned by John Perkins in his Book:
> > ´Psychonavigation´:
> >
> > ½Psychonavigation-a method of traveling outside the body by means of
> > visions and dream wonderings-and his encounters with Shuar of the
> > Amazon, the Quechua of the Andes, and the Bugis of Indonesia.
> > Shuar shamans psychonavigaate for the purposes of hunting and healing,
> > while the Bugis, among the most renowed sailors of the world, use these
> > techniques to navigate without the aid of charts and compasses...½
> >
> > So, Deja vu means that ½someone/you´ve been there before½ in
> > the level of ½mind½... Ato dari bahasa induknya (Prancis)simply
> > means ½udah keliatan ulang½...
> >
> > May Fun be with you
> >
> > Tuhantu
> >
> > <>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, "gotholoco"
> > <gotholoco@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, leonardo rimba
> > > leonardo_rimba@ wrote:
> > >
> > > > L = Aku bukan "meramal", tetapi memproyeksikan apa
> > > > yang aku "lihat" saat ini ke suatu saat di masa depan.
> > > > Titik di saat ini adalah suatu EVENT yang anda alami.
> > > > Event bisa suatu pertemuan fisik, bisa suatu hal yang
> > > > dipikirkan, bisa suatu mimpi, dsb... mereka itu
> > > > merupakan EVENTS. Nah, I took one current Event (in
> > > > your case, your recent dreams you've just told me) and
> > > > project it to the future.
> > > >
> > > > Hence, what I wrote before that very soon you'll meet
> > > > the actualization dalam Dimensi Fisik. Begitulah
> > > > caranya, jadi bukan "meramal" yang somewhat gak bisa
> > > > dijelaskan itu. Hmmm...?
> > > ===================
> > >
> > > Bukan meramal? Nujum... sami mawon mas.
> > >
> > > jadi "Deja vu" artinya seneng jus jambu!.
> > >
> >

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