Rabu, 05 September 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Kayak Nokia Dong Connecting People

Dear Friends, Berikut percakapan di Yahoo Messenger
antara saya dan berbagai rekan tentang various issues
CONSCIOUSNESS. Check them out! (Leo).



E = Egi
L = Leo

E = Pak Leo, pagi. Mao nanya, apakah Pak Leo tau
istilah STAR PEOPLE ???

L = Hm.. orang bintang. Simbol KESADARAN TINGGI.

E = oh ternyata Pak Leo tau juga ya. Pak Leo, bisa
tolong sebutkan ciri2 yg jelas dari seorang bintang?

L = Beda2 mas, orangnya always spiritual tapi di luar
agama2. Bisa aja mengaku beragama, tetapi agama cuma
dipakai sebagai teknik untuk konek ke the SOURCE.

E = Wah, betul skali pak.

L = Orangnya KREATIF, EASY GOING,.. tapi terkadang
ngutek sendiri, dan bosen di dunia. Gak betahan.

E = Benar2 menggambarkan diri saya tuh, pak.

L = Tapi musti bertahan and spread the news that we
are going home. All of us have to GO HOME sooner or
later, dan going home itu melalui KESADARAN TINGGI,
gak bisa melalui cara tabrak tubruk lewat NALURI yang
saing2an saling sikat dan makan satu sama lain itu.
Gak bisa itu. Itu KESADARAN RENDAH.

E = Betul skali tuh, pak. Jarang2 lho pak yg sefaham
dgn saya gini.

L = Dan orang2 bintang adalah mereka yang memiliki
misi untuk menyadarkan manusia2 yang masih memiliki
KESADARAN RENDAH agar berubah. Bukan melalui cara2
pemaksaan, tetapi melalui cara2 PERSUASI.

E = Betul skali tuh pak, sepakat.

L = Melalui pendekatan2 manusiawi, dan bukan lewat
tekanan2 seperti yang dilakukan oleh orang2 yang duduk
di lembaga2 itu (lembaga keagamaan, pendidikan,
pemerintahan, bisnis, dsb.) Caranya selalu PERSUASI,
melalui PENDEKATAN ANTAR PRIBADI yang menghargai HAM
tiap individu. Menghargai HAM tiap entitas manusia
juga merupakan ciri dari Manusia Bintang.

E = Betul skali tuh pak, sepakat. All you said are
compatible with mine.

L = Hmmm... Emangnya dari Bintang mana seh? Aku
kan dari Sirius.

E = Blom tau saya pak, dan ga penting dr mana, yg
penting skrg sama2 di bumi kok.

L = Sure, that's it. Simbol is the term. Kita kan make
banyak simbol2,.. Pilih aja suka bintang yang mana.

"Bintang kecil, di langit yang tinggi... amat banyak,
menghias angkasa. Aku ingin, terbang dan menari...
jauh tinggi, ke tempat kau berada".

E = Semua bintang suka kok pak, termasuk bintang2 film
kali pak.

L = Well, nice talking with you mas. I have to sign
out now. Talk with you again later yah. Bye bye!!

E = See you Pak Leo, thanks, may the force be with


E = Lho kok dah kembali lagi pak? Ke Sirius nya kok
cepet amat pak?

L = Udah bayik yagi. Kangen cama Bumi, pengen ketemu
temen2 di Bumi. Orang bumi lebih ramah, orang2 bintang

E = Bukan bumi manggilnya, tapi nyebutnya URANTIA pak!

Orang bumi lebih ramah, orang2 bintang judes2 <--- apa
gak kebalik nih pak?

L = Kan lagi bikin SKENARIO CONSPIRACY. Ada pemutar-
balikkan fakta2.

E = Conspiracy mau ngapain nih pak?

L = Mao dudukin bumi, mao bikin repoyusi. Repoyusi
Kecadayan Umat Manucia... --Well, I have to sign out
now. Talk to you later again ya? Bye!

E = Bye, may the force be with you!



M = Martina
L = Leo

M = Apakabar boss? How's life nowadays?

L = Pretty good, and you?

M = So so, nothing exciting, resting time i guess. Dah
mulai bosan.

L = Hm,.. how could you be so restless? Well, it's
VERY normal, though.

M = I am learning to be SABAR, WAIT, LIVING IN THE

L = Good,.. there's NO TIME but NOW. Only the now.

M = I guess i miss the roller coaster. So u never
think abt tmrw? Dont be so deceitful ha ha ha...

L = No, not like that. I mean,.. to talk of the
so-called Principles,.. principally there is NO time
but NOW. Just that. The principle is true, is fact,..
even SCIENCE admits it. But we are still human, still
living in the Time Dimension. That's what I mean.

M = Eh, do u know anything abt parallel lives?

L = Our lives are PARALLEL, happening at the same

M = Do u think our memories of "PAST lives", is
actually right now somewhere, somehow happening NOW?
That its not really past?

L = Yes, and we can access it should we wish to. Past,
Present, Future... are happening NOW. Parallel.

M = It's just we are being injected with storage house
of SAME memories for the same composite soul?

L = Yeah, more or less like that. ENTITY, that's the

M = Can u access it already? HOW to access?

L = Never tried, you have.

M = Lho itu kn waktu itu aku pikir bener2 UDAH PAST.
Aku baru tau it's actually a memory of another NOW. I
am beginning to suspect that my dream of spiritual
exper tsb is actually a reminder n a touch by my other
soul fragments yg remind me to quickly get back on

L = Sure, you know that to be sure.

M = Eh HOW DO U KNOW ??? How come u know all this? Did
u read? Did u feel? Or u just have INNER knowing?

L = I read some and felt some. Just that. Haven't gone
too deep into it.

M = Yg aku msh confused (ya i know i create my own
confusion) is = if we can create reality NOW in this
life NOW, not in the other paralled lives, then what
for we hv other lives?... Misalnya begini nih ya, If i
want som thg, do i create it in another lives, yg
somehow, by design, ?? bs ada alternate path in that
direction that i want. Berarti, udah aja di sini, in
this life, i jd dianggap tak perlu lg mendapat yg aku

L = According to some books that I read, ya emang
begitu. Whatever we CREATE in our minds WILL HAPPEN.
Bisa di this dimension, bisa juga dimension lain,
including di so-called "Past Lives" or even "Future
Lives". Jadi, nothing wasted gitu lho. Semuanya itu
instantly happen.

M = I am crazy. What m i studying all this in detail
for What am i going after actually?

L = There are innumerable alternative realities even
for this CURRENT LIFE of ours, and those realities are
also HAPPENING parallel to this life. So dizzying ya?

M = Ya emang i understand that part. I blm understand
HOW to ikut atur2 he he he... HOW to affect a change

L = Prayer, Meditation... that is the PERENNIAL METHOD
to acces the SOURCE from which all LIVES have their
roots. ALL THAT IS is the term used to refer to it,

M = How to overcome laziness in meditation? I prefer

L = Hm... Well, yes why not? Imagination also works
because you give ENERGY, thoughts and emotions are
energy. Your thoughts and emotions propel your
IMAGINATION to become REALITY. Sure, it'll work also.
Possibly the easiest method for some people with your
kind of inclination.

M = Do u think i over imagine. Truth pls?

L = Hmmm, I don't think so. I believe you have some
identifiable role to do at the present and some
immediate future. And you are "equipped" to perform
that role.



A = Arnoldus
L = Leo

A = Selamat pagi, Mas Leonardo Rimba!

L = Pagi, mas!

A = Manggilnya Mas Leo aja ya ^^

L = Sure, anything I can do for you Mas Arnoldus?

A = Boleh tanya2 Mas Leo?

L = Sure, please do.

A = Boleh tanya ttg mata batin, Mas Leo? 3rd eye?

L = Boleh aja mas, why? ... Nothing is perfect. You
have seen as clearly as can be, ngapain repot2 cek and
ricek. Emang kayak begitu rasanya.

A = Waduh, ga ngerti istilahnya Mas Leo ^^

L = Hm... kan udah jalan tuh Mata Batin or Mata Ketiga
itu. You have that.

A = Hah? Masa?

L = Gak perlu pake "kacamata" segede gitu ah.

A = Wedew.

L = Biasa2 aja juga keliatan kok.

A = hmm... "kacamata" ?

L = Ya, gak perlu pake kacamata buat Mata Ketiga.
Langsung aja.

A = ooo.. Koq bisa, Mas Leo, bukannya perlu meditasi
utk bisa dpt hal itu?

L = Ada yang bisa langsung, mas.

A = Wew.

L = Kalo gak ada beban dari masa lalu, maupun segala
impian di awang2 untuk masa depan, maka artinya memang
sudah terbuka.

A = Wew,.. kadang saya merasa pernah mengalami suatu
kejadian, kadang ada kalimat2 aneh muncul di pikiran,
blm pernah didengar sebelumnya. Lalu beberapa waktu,
ketemu org lain yg mengucapkan kalimat2 itu ^^ Apa
itu termasuk?

L = Itu dari Alam Bawah Sadar,... ya Mata Batin atau
Mata Ketiga juga.

A = ooo

L = Do you know the meaning? Ya, itu termasuk. Alam
Bawah Sadar kita itu CONNECTED dengan Alam Bawah Sadar
dari SEMUA MANUSIA yang hidup sekarang, pernah hidup
di masa lalu, dan akan hidup di masa datang. Namanya

A = Kayak nokia dong connecting people. I see.

L = Lha iya, kayak Nokia. Nokia kan nyontek dari
istilah New Age. Nyontek tanpa bayar royalty lagi.

A = Heheheh.. New Age ? usia baru?

L = New Age is New Paganism... orang2 KAPIR BARU.
Kapir nih ye! Hu hu hu

A = Wew kapir? ^_^ ??

L = Musyrik, Syirik, en Kapir abiesz... Ha ha ha.
Well, aku kan suka becanda. Becandanya kayak gitu.

A = Istilah2nya, heheh, aku kurang paham.

L = You'll understand later on. Baca dikit2 yah, itu
istilah2 New Age,... you'll understand later. Bisa di
search di internet juga.

A = Mbah google ^^

L = Di google juga boleh. Tulisan2 aku bisa diakses di
milis <spiritual-indonesia@yahoogroups.com>. Bacain
aja sampe bosen, you'll understand some of the terms
from there.

A = Heheheh..

L = Well, nice talking with you mas. I have to sign
out now. Talk with you again later yah. Bye bye!!

A = Ok, see u, tq ya atas ngobrolnya!


[Leo adalah seorang praktisi PSIKOLOGI TRANSPERSONAL
dan bisa dihubungi di nomor HP: 0818-183-615.
E-mail: <leonardo_rimba@ yahoo.com>.
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