Rabu, 19 September 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Re: Hopefully.

Puisi yang indah, nanti saya tanya dulu jawabnya apa dan gi mana :D

--- In psikologi_transformatif@yahoogroups.com, "non_sisca"
<non_sisca@...> wrote:
> Above me heaven and below me ocean
> A beautiful dream -- yet the sun leaves me behind.
> Alas, it is not so easy for earthly wing
> To fly on level terms with the wings of the mind.
> Yet born with each of us is the instinct
> That struggles upwards and away
> When over our heads, lost in the blue,
> The lark pours out her vibrant lay;
> (Faust - Goethe)
> --- In psikologi_transformatif@yahoogroups.com, Irwan Sutjipto
> <siao_jin_wan@> wrote:
> >
> > Ada sebuah bacaan dari sahabat di dalam sana yang mungkin
> dalam bahasa inggris, jadi... semoga berkenan, kalau bisa dinikmati
> >
> > salam
> > Irwan
> >
> > Hopefully.
> >
> > Yesterday was a rainy evening, the rain fell very hard and as
> the sky was pouring all of its tears in one shot. The water
> sound creates a heavy stroke on the canopy beside the waiting
> near the side entrance. These moment reminded me on my childhood
> time, a moment very like yesterday, the day when the sky is also
> pouring all of its tears on earth.
> >
> > I always enjoy a heavy rain like that coz It was cold and not
> many sound can conquer the rain, water dropped sound on the
> of the roof, on the canopy or any other surfaces open wide for the
> rain. The cold and the sound is always creating reezing feelings
> inside and it always be a good time if one is in a mellow or
> feelings.
> >
> > In that childhood of mine, my sorrow is not about that I did
> get a toy or lost a game with friends, but more of sad to see how
> cruel human can be to others and how though life can be to human
> about twenty year after that day, the same feelings came to me
> and still it is in the rainy day, hard rain to be more precise.
> >
> > If we metaphor or personify the earth as a mother earth and
> rain as her cry on humanity than it will be easier for us to
> how life is really worth for crying, asking for compassion and
> for all human kind or living creature on earth, and it will than
> asking for your all commitments to contribure on a better life on
> earth….hopefully.
> >
> > 180907
> >
> >
> > Diskusi dan pertanyaan mohon di kirim ke japri;irwan.sutjipto@
> > http://www.friendster.com/isutjipto
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/irwan_sutjipto/
> > http://www.friendster.com/group/tabmain.php?
> > Gallery:
> > http://www.flickr.com/photos/10455309@N05/
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> > Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with
> Yahoo! FareChase.
> >

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