Senin, 10 September 2007

Re:[psikologi_transformatif] ! (3)

Wah...wah...mksdnya ada conspiracy gitu?ada tokoh
'ular bermuka dua'?!ehem-?
ehem,dulu sbnrnya saya prnh ikutan ni mlist,tp
unsubscribe trus subscribe l?
agi sktr satu bulan kebelakang,ternyata eh ternyata
konflik sama si VcL msh?
brlngsung.berasa nonton felem seri,dah abis musim
trus main lagi.lanjuuutt?
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--- Original Message ---
Date: Sun Sep 09 11:50:11 PDT 2007
From: nagasakit_bombing <>
Subject: [psikologi_transformatif] ! (3)

Kalau anda sudah membaca tulisan Vincent Liong
berjudul "Surat resmi ke Nur?
uddin Asyhadie dan seluruh kubu Pabrik_T", apakah anda
menemukan keanehan y?
ang tidak biasa dari tulisan-tulisan Vincent Liong?

Jika anda cermat, anda akan menemukan keanehan itu
pada bagaimana tidak bia?
sanya Vincent menggunakan bahasa Inggris begitu
banyak. Lihat lima poin tun?
tutan berikut, yang (astgafirullah!!) ditulis dengan
bahasa Inggris:

Pertanyaan kepada kubu Pabrik_T:
You still a coward or you will stand to pay the debt ?

If you want to pay your debt, this is what you must
1* Contact Cornelia Istiani and ask for meeting with
Vincent Liong and all the Kompatiolog-ist at Senayan
City near Vincent Liong house. You pay for Vincent
Liong’s Taxi Fee dan Food. I will arrange the
2* You can say or cannot what you want to do to pay
your debt. Its not about money. My girl friend is not
as cheap as some millions rupiah. Your publication
connection is not the price for my girlfriend also.
You can give me money or publication connection but
it’s not pay your debt, it just a good manner.
important is how you keep your good intentions and
good manner for permanent (long time period).
3* In front of my people (Kompatiologi user): All of
you must say sorry with promise that you never touch
Vincent Liong’s family again, never play any
scene for
me, never meet, call and chatting with my girlfriend
all of your life. Even you do all of that is not pay
your debt. Its only to make me believe that you have
good intentions, if you keep your promise. I still
contuinue to take revenge to your name till you pay
your debt or till you start to play your debt. Its my
own free choice. You must promise that if you break
that again, the god will kill you or one of your
family members in an accident.
4* Twice a month for three month we (you, me dan my
people) somewhere near my place for a lunch or dinner,
everybody pay by himself. If you want me to tell story
about kompatiologi, I will do as long as you are in
good manner and didn’t irritate me. My people
hate or look down to you at first, but will change if
you keep your manner dan be original not any politic
act again, but even you are nice nobody can forgot
about what you do to me before, so don't think you
have the chance to play a political act again.
5* Just let Audifax dan Leonardo Rimba live alone by
each of himself to think, I never do bad to them,
always treat them the best I can till he prepare the
strike with you. Audifax and Leonardo Rimba will never
understand about friendship all of his life and also
never understand relationship. Each of them lives by
himself.When he unserstand that he need friends, it
will be too late.

Coba kita ingat-ingat....siapa ya...yang gaya
tulisannya penuh bahasa Inggr?
is itu...hmmm..kok bau-bau ingus ya...ada yang bau
ngga nih?

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