Selasa, 11 September 2007

Re:[psikologi_transformatif] Sore Leo,... dapat salam dari jin di dekatku

Thanks for your response, Kang Wendi. You know yourself that such
talks with non-material creatures is somewhat a sticky issue. Mending
let it be like that lah,... yang penting kan kerohanian itu,
spiritualitas itu, dan bukan sensasi2 itu.


--- In, wendi firdaus
<cryptoner04@...> wrote:
> Mas,beneran punya jin?koq waktu ditanya mas
> Andy,kyknya ngeles mulu tuh...k?
> alo jin warisan leluhur pasti dah lama dong
> kenalnya,masa belum juga temena?
> n ma cakap2 seehh ma ntu jin...

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