Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2007

Balasan: [psikologi_transformatif] I'm in love for the very first time

Dear Mas as2...
so cute and really wonderfull ...
I hope it`s for us ...
just forget everything and let`s start from zero ..
warm regard

as as <> wrote:

I'm in love for the very first time.
I'm like a shop in the general line.
I've got happiness, laughter, joy ever after.
I'm in love for the very first time.

Yes, I feel that we must stick together,
no matter what the future will bring.
Now you've said, you will love me forever
and today I've got a reason to sing.

Let me always be with you, my darling.
Because without you, I can't live anymore.
When we're sailing together, my darling,
you will get me safely ashore.

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