Minggu, 07 Oktober 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Berarti naluri kita itu "iblis" yah?


D = Daisy
L = Leo

D = Hmm.. hm..hm.. (to borrow your expression) what a
commitment! Having to answer all these diabolical
questions on the mail-list!

L = Ha ha ... I laughed hearing the word diabolical;
it reminded me of Dante with his sonnets LA DIVINA
COMEDIA (The Divine Commedy). How diabolical? Hey,
DIABOLOS which is none other than THE DEVIL. Le
Diablos, maybe that's how to write it. I'm not
conversant in Italiano, yet enjoying such cute words
as "diabolical".

You know what, I know somebody who is REALLY A DEVIL
REINCARNATED. Benar2 Reinkarnasi dari Syaiton Jahanam,
dan itu ada di one of the mailing lists that I
subscribed. Bentuknya manusia, tapi SIFATNYA BENAR2
jiwa, dan tidak memiliki hati nurani. Dan tidak
memiliki rasa malu. Dan kami semua kasihan sama dia,
kok Tuhan bisa menciptakan the Devil dalam bentuk
seorang manusia? Mustinya kan bentuknya like a ghost
begitu, tetapi itu bentuknya manusia. Dan very

D = The weather forecast for Jakarta for the whole
week is simply - cloudy and scattered thunder storms.
Your wish is being granted in a scattered manner..
For Seoul, it's getting cooler and cooler! Envy me,
when it's cold I can wear clothes to keep me warm, but
when it's hot you can't take off your clothes to cool

L = Thanks for your prayer too, amen. The weather was
so humid yesterday that I slept with my shirt OFF (and
my pants _STILL_ ON). Yet I could feel the humidity
even inside the bedroom with its never turned-off air
condition. Panas sekali, but I was thinking of hugging
somebody else even then. So, it might be just a matter
of MIND SET and NOT WEATHER. How could we hug somebody
in such a humid weather ? Impossible, impossible. Too
hot, bisa basah kuyup.

D = Malay is my mother tongue but more comfortable in
English especially for private thoughts.

L = Hmm, Indonesian is my mother tongue, even though
my mother might have objected to the term. My tongue
is my tongue, my mother might have countered it. And
it has no mark on it whether it is Indonesian or not.
Ok, my mother's tongue is my mother's tongue,... it
has no nationality. I'm quite fair, I believe. But
English is a special language for me, it's the
language of LOVE. I talk with my ETERNAL LOVER in
English. And the gender is irrelevant, katanya begitu.
God told me kalau dia bukan laki2 dan bukan perempuan
walaupun menurut kebanyakan orang GOD itu laki2. Nah,
kalo GOD itu laki2, bagaimana saya bisa mencintainya?
Nanti saya dibilang homosex which I am not.

D = Last night, perhaps after midnight, I distinctly
heard a voice in my head, saying just one syllable I
think. But a distinct voice with a certain character,
and my reaction was 'Hmm what was that all about'. And
went back to sleep. Five months ago when we moved into
this apartment (a very pleasant apartment on the 12
floor), I heard a loud voice from the living room,
loud enough to wake me up and sent me investigating.
What could that be?

L = Just your restlessness EXPRESSING ITSELF. Ignore
it. But, when the voice is distinct and understandable
then you HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT. I once heard the same
exact words that NABI YAHYA heard when he baptized
NABI ISA on the River Jordan. I heard it in
Malay/Indonesian; I was 19 yo at that time. Well, the
meaning reached me finally years later. At that time I
could only get frightened. What else could I do ? The
voice was so clear yet nobody was around.

D = At the risk of sounding self-indulgent, I'd like
to describe my experience of my aura at one time -
when I lied down and had my whole face covered by
some mask at a salon, I saw light purple and green,
inter-coursing each other and spreading all over, not
in an unpleasant way, and I thought Hmm that must be
my aura., and soon fell asleep as I usually do.

L = Hmm, it means that you are PSYCHIC in your own
way. And your psychical abilities are always related
to EMOTIONS residing with the people you have
interactions with. Always like that, yet you could see
the borders. You could delineate which are INSIGHTS
(INTUITIONS) and which are simply EMOTIONS. That's the
meaning of your vision according to my humble opinion.

D = Ngobrol aja ya, Mas Leo. Nothing important to tax
your mind. I really have to read slowly your Jakarta
lingo, some of the others I find it difficult. Still,
I think Indonesian is a *wonderful* language, made so
by the people. My first trip to Indonesia was a
holiday on my own years back, to Danau Toba and
Brastagi. There was a chap with a camera enticing
people to be photographed, when it came to me, he
asked where my *pacar* was, I said 'Tidak ada'.
'Sendirian saja?' 'Ya'. 'Luarbiasa. Nanti malem dingin
enggak ada yang peluk-peluk?' 'Tidak ada'.
'Luarbiasa!!' I still think that was comical. Why

L = Luar biasa, extraordinary, because you were alone
without a BOYFRIEND or FAMILY accompanying you.
Indonesians (and Malays too) usually always travel in
groups and to be alone on your own is EXTRAORDINARY.
Aku juga seperti itu, like to travel alone, dan itu
merupakan OPPORTUNITY bagi sebagian orang untuk
menawarkan SERVICES. When I was in Surabaya staying at
a hotel, a guy approached me and inquired whether I
was alone or with somebody.

When he learnt that I was alone he was delighted. Aha,
aha, said he... pssstt we have cute little girls here
to accompany you. We'll take some here to you, and you
could choose whomever you like. Ha? said I, Really?
Yeah, said he. But there's a "price" for it. Oh, in
that case forget it, I replied. Who do you think I am
that I have to pay for just fooling around? And at
that reply the guy just walked away. Ho ho ho...

D = Have a good week ahead!

L = Have a good week for you too!



A = Ardi
L = Leo

A = Halo, saya tadi baca ttg astrologi bintang dan
planet ttg 2012, hmmm kok Rasanya seperti ada Radiasi
energi pas saya baca.

L = Radiasi ? Bagaimana 2012 menurut astrologi ?

A = <www.astrologycourse.org/2012.htm> disini mas.
Disana kan ada simbol2 ttg planet2 dan disana
diterangkan koordinat planet pas 2012, gimana mas???
hehehe saya lagi kebetulan pengen lihat images ttg
2012, eh kebetulan dapat astrologi dari segi
perbintangan. Energi yang saya rasakan itu dari
teksnya atau dari saya sendiri karena saking penasaran
mas ?

bahkan tanpa melihat astrological chart itu.

A = Hmmm mungkin saya saking penasaran itu bikin saya
"sadar" akan energinya yang sudah berjalan sekarang
ini ya mas ?

L = Energinya udah berasa, kata kuncinya kan
TRANSFORMASI. Perubahan menjadi lebih baik. Kalau
gak mau berubah, ya bisa "mati". Kalau mau berubah,
kesempatan untuk peningkatan kesadaran (awareness/
eling) itu terbuka lebar. Itu aja yang aku lihat. Dan
memang secara fisik terlihat dari PERUBAHAN CUACA,
IKLIM, banyak BENCANA ALAM. Banyak orang yang
kehilangan keseimbangan. Yang pegangannya materi akan
semakin materialisis dan akhirnya MENYALAHKAN
SEGALANYA. Semuanya salah kecuali dirinya sendiri.

Yang materialistis selalu merasa paling benar. Biar
aja, itu kan gejalanya juga. Dan "materialistis" tidak
berarti materi thok. Materialistis berarti naluriah,
mengandalkan NALURI SEMATA. Menggunakan Naluri untuk
mempertahankan kelangsungan dirinya semata. Mereka itu
yang akan terkena dampak dari TRANSFORMASI ALAM
momentum itu semakin lama semakin kuat.

A = Hmm Sama dengan Seleksi Alam ya mas? i c PuncakNya
2012 ?

L = Aku sendiri gak melihat itu sebagai "puncak", tapi
semacam TURNING POINT. Titik Balik sehingga bisa
INTROSPEKSI kejadian2 selama 100 tahun terakhir.
Menurut aku begitu. Kalau saat ini kita masih seperti
rancu, gak bisa melihat jelas. Something like that.

A = I c

L = Mungkin akan ada BENCANA ALAM BESAR-BESARAN tapi
belum tentu pas di tahun 2012. Aku rasa, bencana2 itu
munculnya justru sebelum 2012.

A = Hmmm Ngeri juga nich Bencana Alam, but ngerinya
juga Seandainya Nuklir2 yang "disimpan" dikeluarkan
ech saling Tembak-Tembakan Nuklir itu lebih serem ya

L = Aku rasa gak ada peledakan nuklir besar2an. Kalo
kecil2an mungkin ada.

A = Semoga aja mas, artinya manusia yg gak mau sadar
intinya akan seperti terseleksi oleh Alam ya kan mas,
termasuk saya juga kalau gak selaras dengan alam ini?

L = Well, lihat saja. Orang2 kan banyak RESAH. Pada
gak tahu kenapa tapi resah aja. Biarin aja, itu kan
pertanda juga. Kalo gak resah kan gak mao berobah. Aku
juga gak mao berobah kalo gak resah. Jadi memang ada
semacam ISYARAT DARI ALAM melalui TUBUH dan ALAM
PIKIRAN kita sendiri. Rasanya ada sesuatu tapi gak
tahu apa. Nah, kebanyakan orang tahu bahwa perlu
mencari sesuatu, tapi gak tahu apa yang dicari itu.
Biarin aja. Jadinya saling cari2an. Ntar ketemunya di
Biro Jodoh.

A = Hahahahaha, ok deh ya mas Thanks ya, see u !

L = See you, bay !



D = Dewanto
L = Leo

D = Halo Mas Leo, beberapa waktu lalu aku dah liat
foto Mas Leo, ternyata masih muda ya?

L = Itu waktu aku baru lulus dari UI lagi. Sekarang
masih mirip, tapi gak se-innocent itu. Gak
se-melankolis yang di foto itu. Hem?

D = Hahaaa... Mas, aku tuh merasa sejak puasa hari
pertama sampe sekarang, jadi lebih tenang; tingkat
ikhlasnya lebih tinggi; trus, lebih banyak mengalami
sinkronisitas... Ini mungkin makna dari "iblis
dikerangkeng di bulan ramadan" ya? Ada penjelasan soal
itu mas?

L = Bagus, dunk. Siapa bilang "iblis" dikerangkeng di
bulan Ramadhan. Yang dikerangkeng itu NALURI dhewe.

D = Ya, maksudku, itu maknanya.

L = Segala napsu2 kita yang biasanya menjalar
kemana-mana, di bulan ramadhan di AZAR ADAT. Gak boleh
kurang azar. Ya, simboliknya gitu. Tetapi, berarti
naluri kita itu "iblis" yah? Jahat amat ya?

D = Hehehe.... maksudnya mungkin dengan iblis
(pikiran negatif) dikerangkeng, naluri kita jadi lebih
tajam gitu kali?

L = Gak gitu mas, INTUISI yang jadi lebih tajam.

D = Ooo

L = NALURI itu TUMPUL. Always tumpul, dan
segitu-gitunya aja. Paling bisa ditahan atau dilatih
adat seperti dalam PUASA. Yang bisa menjadi LEBIH KUAT

D = Bedanya intuisi ama naluri apa siy?

L = Wah, aku udah nulis panjang lebar tentang INTUISI
dan NALURI, bisa dilihat di milis SPIRITUAL-INDONESIA
kalo belom sempat baca.

D = Siiiplah, nanti saya cari, tapi yg saya rasakan
ini membuktikan bahwa kalau kita puasa, fisik memang
terasa lemah, tapi spiritual lebih kuat ya mas?

L = Sure, emang gitu. Apalagi ditambah doa. Puasa dan
Doa itu CAPITAL (Modal) untuk hal2 yang bersifat
SPIRITUAL (Rohaniah).

D = Iya, makanya aku mau banyak2 berdoa di bulan puasa
ini. Soalnya dah terbukti dan cepet lagi.

L = Sure, emang gitu. Mas, aku mao sign out lagi neh.
Campe nanti yah, bay bay !!


[Leo adalah seorang praktisi PSIKOLOGI TRANSPERSONAL.
Untuk membuat appointment, please call / sms him at
HP: 0818-183-615. Untuk bergabung dengan milis
SPIRITUAL-INDONESIA, please click this link:
Note: Except my own name, all other names used in the
conversations are pseudonyms.].

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