Selasa, 09 Oktober 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Hole Spirit: FuNNy LoGiC

For you who are familiar with the term of ´fuzzy logic´ might be not too difficult to enjoy this neuron chit chats of mine, called ½FuNNy Logic½. For those who is not familiar with the term of ´fuzzy logic´ I might as well to ask you to go to Uncle Google and Auntie Wiki... 

FuNNy LoGic

FuNNy Logic, can be also interpreted as a pun of ´fuzzy logic´where the letters of ´Z´ (fuZZy) being turned around or being rotated around 90 degrees to the left, to become ´N´ (fuNNy)

For years, I´ve been using this kind of ´logic´ to created some words like ½Kopitalisme½ for example . Kopitalisme is came from words of ´Kopi´ means coffee, and ´kental´ means thick. So the whole meaning of Kopitalisme is actually a parodical ism about black coffee. But be also a pun of Kapitalisme (Capitalism)

This term of Kopitalisme is well known to the most of cyber community of Indonesia. Specially by those who are dealing with sociology and culture, academicly. And later that term found by someone while he was blog walking, then sent me an email informing that the term of ´Kopitalisme´ being used by marketing purposes smells like some kind of agenda to buzz up the image of Starbuck Indonesia perhaps because of the bad images of some MNC in Indonesia. An article also called ´Kopitalisme´ appeared in one of a well known national news paper of Indonesia, called Republika...


I do believe everyone of us have something in our mind, no matter how ´strange´ and ´wild´ it is. Can be something fun, serious, deep or perhaps something light. Or something that we don´t want to share with other people because of many reasons.

Back in time, since I was in the highschool until the college, I was involved with so many conflicts and fightings. I remember one of my friend/neighbour who came from Manchester -she was one of those student exhange programs between countries- said to me, jokingly ½Maybe you should resign from your college, and get a ½SoB½ degree instead...½

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May FUN be with you



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