Kamis, 11 Oktober 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Message to Indigo Children

The Master Djwhal Khul's Message to the Indigo Children on the Seven Major Rays of Creation

Through Wistancia

(From Wistancia)
I greet you as your sister. And this is a story about you. I will turn this entire session over to a master who isn't in a body but who once was in a physical body. Then he ascended from the Earth and had no need of lessons to return into a body and learn.  For most who live on Earth are learning and refining many things which help them to know and to "be" more. All of life everywhere is always expanding. He became an ascended master, which means teacher, and he is still teaching. He teaches from another "level of Creation."  And he is quite wonderful and he will speak wonderfully and he will speak a little bit about you and he will speak with love and about love.

Please settle down and sit with me.
Place your attention on your breath and feel the life in you.
Feel your breath lacing through you like a little needle.  Or feel it like a small warm wave from an ocean moving through you.
If you can trace it and follow it, follow it softly into your heart. You can imagine that a soft, rainbow feather is being carried by the wind and is floating into the chamber to your heart.  Follow the rainbow into your heart that your own breath carries and moves.

Just feel your heart.
Did you know that your heart was just like GOD's heart?
Did you know that when you were created you were like a spark, like a point of fire that came out of the energy that created absolutely everything? When the spark jumped out and started spiraling into all the levels of Creation, it also landed on the Earth. And in all that time, if there really is time, You came out of GOD with the same kind of a heart.  With a creative heart.  God is the creator and you have a creative heart, very much like what we will call "Mother/Father GOD."

Did you know that your true mother and your true father is GOD?
And that even though you have had an earthly mother and an earthly father, you have had many bodies and many parents in each of those lifetimes in each of many places in this one Universe. Did you also know that there are many many many many Universes?  So even though you may be called "young" Who you really are is not young.  You are without age.  Your body may be young, but your soul is very old.  The REAL YOU is spirit that comes into a body to learn and refine. Often spirit takes a body also to give something to others and it needs a vehicle to drive around in, like a car. That is the body. Perhaps you came to Earth to hold up a mirror and reflect something also!!

Anyway, your true parent - all the way back in time – is Mother/Father God.

Please relax and let Djwhal Khul speak with you.
Sit in a chair and put your feet on the floor.
You have energy centers at the top of your head and also at the bottom of your feet.
Let's call on the Elohim, Archangels, and Masters to be present here.

The Elohim build all the big forms, like solar systems. These mighty beings create the worlds. Let's invite in the Archangels. We ask them to build a beautiful dome of gold above you that you can sit inside. Feel safe here. Let's call in the planetary Masters who work with the Rays and let's call 7 beautiful Rays to come and be with you, and dance with you. There is a grand spiritual government above the planet Earth where there are big houses for each of the seven major rays. Certain masters are leaders in those houses.

Now let's call in the wondrous colors of all of the rays. You may see the colors of the rays that are very far away or those that are closer to the planet. You may see many different joinings of colors.

See your heart as a beautiful underground cave that is full of light. Please walk inside and see a magnificent coat/gown of gold. Put it on. Then see a chair in violet sitting in the center of the room with another chair opposite it.
Please go and sit in the chair.
Your feet automatically touch the pillow that is there, that is in the shape of a white bird called a Dove.
Settle in and get comfortable and close your eyes.
We will ask Djwhal Khul to come and sit with you and speak with you about the rays.

Djwhal Khul Speaks to the Children

Well, blessings to you, Beloved Ones! You have traveled many different planes (of existence) and many existences in your Earth and beyond your Earth. You are like a little time traveler. You are one to be honored and one to be cherished. For you are a divine child of God. And yet living on the Earth is not always easy for you. But then you chose this. You asked to be present on the Earth at this time. And you asked to be able to bring a certain focus that may be slightly different. In other words, the focus on the Earth and the perspective of many who live there, what is expected of you by many and what is desired of you by some, is NOT your focus. Is that so? You have a different gift to bring to the Earth. And you are an Indigo Child. You may not be an indigo child like some; you are a variation, for they are not all the same.  Perhaps you have brought in the indigo heart and the indigo need for truth and the need for beauty.  Perhaps you have brought in the indigo sensitivity that only wants to be about love. It wants to circulate love and create love. Maybe you have brought in the artistic perception of an Indigo. Or even the Grand Intelligence and Deep Scientific Calculations of an Indigo who is at home with computers and devices of intricacy.

There are things for you to learn and there are things for you to teach

This does not make you better than anyone else. Nor is anyone else better than you are. All are of GOD. It is like a grand garden. There are many flowers that grow in this garden. The seed that sprouted your particular flower has come from a long, way away. And yet it has seeded in the garden of the Earth. So know that you are in your right place for now because you are here. You need to be here. There are things for you to learn and there are things for you to teach. You need to be here. So do not waste your time dreaming of leaving. Because in your dreams and in your visions and those that are forthcoming, you may see and catch glimpses of other worlds. They are worlds that you have lived in. But it does not mean that there is any mistake that you have come here. For you have come here to open the heart. Even if it is in a rather unique way, as seen from the perspective of some on the Earth.

And I shall not tell to you all the things that you will do. For you are a flower that grows upon a vine. And what does that mean? It means that you grow entertwined with others. And there are others that shall come and they will join you. And you shall grow together. And you shall find the others that are like you. And then you will not feel so alone.

For you have come to build a new society

Deep inside of you you know why you have come, for your heart knows. And you have come to seed a New Kind of Being. And it does go against the grain of your socieity. For you have come to build a new society. You have come to become a builder of a new focus and a new society. And it is as if there is a prism and you have come to polish one of the colors on the prism. But I say to you in order to accomplish that which you have come to do – your job – your gift – it is important for you to honor the other colors in the prism. And it is important that you achieve a certain amount of balance in your world, so that others might listen to you. So that you might learn about many things. So that THEN you can bring your own gift, and others will listen to you. For they will not always understand you, but when you understand them, by dabbling, you might say, a little bit in all of the things that are important to them, then you shall bring them to you, endear them to you. And then they will not be afraid of you. And they will not be put off by you. And they will come closer to you. And then they will be able to see your gift. And those things that you create, you will then be able to share with them, because you have not separated yourself from them.

It is important that you learn something about everybody.  That is why you are in school

And it is not that you should separate yourself from any other, but that you would bring the Gift of Unity and Oneness. Perhaps you are a golden thread. But then there are threads that are silver and threads that are white and there are threads that are green and gray.  And you have come to take a needle and unite all of the threads. And not to be superior and not to be inferior. And not to stop listening to your own heart either. But in order to gain the heart and the ear, so that others will see your works and listen to you, it is important that you learn something about everybody.  That is why you are in school.

You have already come with a gift and you have a purpose. It is to restore beauty on the Earth. To restore the heart. And to hold a focus of the Divine Feminine. And the Divine Feminine comes forth from you like a fountain. Much beauty and much flow of harmony, for you are all about harmony and love. And where there is no harmony, you do not understand it. And where there is no love, you do not want to be there. And where it does not make sense to your heart, your mind wants to leave and not be there. And that is why the dreams are so strong within you. And that is why the force of love is so strong within you.  But in order to grow and strengthen your stem and build your leaves and branches as the bright flower are, it is important, since you are planted in the soil of the Earth, to understand something of the Earth.  And that is why you are in school. To understand something of things that you may not choose to be with for very long. But go through the learning of it. And learn something about it. Why? So you can speak with many people. So you can love many people. So you can share your gifts with them and learn from their gifts. 

And it doesn't mean that you will lose the wondrous gift that you bring.

You are different but you are also the same

You are different but you are also the same. Because everything is united. That which created Everything. Every flower, every bird, every planet, every universe, every little dog and every little human and every little angel. The Creator of All put a thread of Unity through all so that everything moves altogether. On your Earth, it is not so easy to see the threads. They look invisible, but they are not. Everything is united.

So please, Beloved Indigo Child, please honor and love yourself

So please, Beloved Indigo Child, please honor and love yourself and know that you are honored in Heaven, even as you shall be honored on Earth. And there is unity there as well! Heaven and Earth are really one. Everything is really connected. This you will see before too long, if you do not already see it.

Earth is a little bit of a school itself. You may not like school and you may not like Earth at times. But please honor Her. Know that She is alive. She isn't just a big ball that you walk on. She is alive. Every little part of Her. Even as you walk on Her Big Body, She is conscious and She is growing. And She is, in one sense, in Her own school of development, of expansion. She is spinning through space and doing many things. And She shelters you. And She is one of your mothers, for She nourishes you. Her elements are in your physical body and Her soils, although depleted by Humanity, give you food to eat. Her waters give you drink.

The Rays come out of GOD that created Everything. And what they are are different little colors, like streams. When you draw a sun you sometimes put lines that come out of the sun. If you go back to the original sun that created and warmed everything, you will have what is called GOD. And the lines that come out are like the rays.

Each of the rays stand for a major part of God's personality

You have a personality and God has a personality.
Each of the rays stand for a major part of God's personality.
Now everybody who walks onto the Earth in a body, even though they are Spirit, they have a body around them. If you are here, and you are here, then you are here to master living on the Earth.  To live on the Earth and be able to join the personality of God with your own personality. 7 major points of personality God has. And it is for you to also have them.

Certain ones are very very strong within you.
GOD has 7 points of light that are God's personality.
You have these points of light, too.  You have to because you are a Child of GOD.  Well, some of these are very very strong and others are not so strong. They are there, but they may be less strong.

While you are on the Earth, it will be your choice to try to embrace all 7 of them. To invite them all into your life.

If you do that, you will be very balanced and you will bring a certain harmony, a certain melody of peace to yourself and all others.

People call this working with the rays

People call this working with the rays. Working with the personality of God.
It is joining a Rainbow. All the colors. And saying, "I want to work with the whole rainbow. Not just a few colors. Let me work with the whole rainbow."

When you work with the whole rainbow, then you have a Whole Big rainbow around you and you have a huge prism of light that has all the different colors. This is Wholeness. This is Unity. And it feels very full. This is Fullness. This feels like God. God is ONENESS and UNITY.

This will be fun as I tell you about the 7 rays.

The First Ray is about Power. The power of God is like a big wind that moves Love everywhere. And when Power is Moving Love, then everyone feels a lot of Faith because there is nothing to fear. How can you be afraid when so much love has moved in? Fear is the opposite of Love. You do not fear when you are full of Love. Ray number one is filled with love and moving with the Power of God.  There is safety and protection. This kind of power that comes from a Divine Source has a strong sense to move forward. If GOD wanted something to happen, you might say that it was the Will of GOD. It was God's intention to make that thing happen. When what you want lines up with what God wants, then you can say that your will and GOD's will are lining up. The First Ray of Power lines up the two wills and makes them one. When one is lined up with the Intention and power of GOD, there is a sense that all is right and there is no fear. After all, GOD's way is always the way of perfection and truth.

The Second Ray is Love. It is the love through the heart. It is that beautiful wisdom from the heart. The heart that knows what to do. That knows only love. The heart that wants to teach it and wants to share it. Wants to give it. And you serve the Light in this way. It seeks to walk a path of Truth planting seeds of truth for others even as it eats the fruits of Truth along the way. It wants to learn so it can become "wisdom." Wisdom of the heart. The heart that knows how to love. This ray always wants to expand something. And here you are a teacher. You work from the heart and want to provide love for others. You want to understand everything, through the Eyes of the Heart. There is a radiant shimmer that is like a magnet.  This ray is all about love, teaching, growing – with the emphasis on the heart.  This is about building a circle that will awaken humanity to love. It wants to allow others to open the love valve now.  If you need a little bit more power call in the first ray to push you and help you do the things you need to do.  The third ray can come and help you find a form to fit love into. You can picture a bowl or a pot and you fill it with water. Love is like water. And the pot is like the third ray. There needs to be something to catch the love so that others can use it.  If a cup goes there, then the cup of water can be offered to someone.

The Third Ray is Intelligent activity of God that says, "I'll take the Love and I'll take the Power and I will join them and I will go about and create something tangible, something that has a form. And I will change the world through these ideas that come about.  This ray takes all kinds of wonderful ideas and builds things. It is like building a house and laying first a strong foundation. The plan is to move Love and Power forward, but you need a plan to do this. The Third Ray gives you the plan of action to move Love and Power into the world. It relates to the strong mind that creates movement in order to produce something in the world. It can be said that it is love in action.

Rays 4,5,6 and 7 come out of the Third ray.  Did you ever see an outline in school with a capital A, B, and C. And did you see under the letter A, what is a number 1, 2 and 3. Perhaps you did. That is the way the third ray is. Third Ray is intelligent; it uses mental light to make things happen. It is using lots of ideas. Then from those ideas and the activity of creative imagination, comes 4,5,6 and7. Like in an outline.

The Fourth Ray is the ray of harmony and purity. It is very creative. It is very sweet and loving and affectionate. It comes to deliver purity and hope. To bring the full heart and the Divine Mother. Some Indigos are strong in this ray. They find it difficult to be where there is disharmony and lack of purity. Hope is so important. When hope falls away, deep sadness comes in. They want to see love restored everywhere and they may look around and not see the love they want. This may sadden them. Here is the artist. This ray is all about beauty. What you want is to lift the entire world to a pedestal where it is perfect and everything is harmonious. And yet the fourth ray sometimes can feel like a tug of war. There is a rope and there are children at one end pulling and there are children pulling at the other end too. Fourth ray can sometimes feel like you are caught in the middle. You want it to stop and be the same on both sides. You want equal on one side and equal on the other. Here is where you love the animals and the colors and the waters and the earth and the butterflies. Here is where you reflect the life within everything. Here is where the restoration energy comes to restore purity. So there is a lot of change because life is mirrored in change. Here is the painter and the dancer and the one who sings for all is an expression of Joy and of Love.

Then there is the Ray of Five. It is more scientific. Some Indigos have very strong fifth ray energy. It is holding a strong concentration. Like a horse wearing blinders so that it keeps a very intense focus and does not look around. It pays total attention to one thing at a time. This ray is scientific and it is strong in the mind. It is the ray of doctors who must hold a strong focus as they operate in hospitals. They can't be looking here and there; not when someone is under their knife! This is the science of healing the body, the mind and the spirit. It also has to do with holding a lot of facts and figures in the mind and finding out what is true and what is not true. It is like mining for gold and really going after the gold. If a big wind comes up can you hold your focus even when the wind is blowing? The Ray of Five keeps going even when the winds blow. It is that strong because it wants to find the answer and will not stop until it does. It is the ray that puts science and technology together with Spirit. Please think of the Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary. They are very very focused and concentrated.

Then the Sixth Ray comes. It is like a fountain of love that has devotion pouring out.  God's personality has power, love, a strong will, faith, protection. It also has activity and things to do. It also has a purity and harmony. It has a strong focus in order to do things and get them done. Now it shows devotion and reverence for life, God, and the Masters. This is the sixth ray. It is a ray of loyalty. This is like a guardian angel who says, "I will stand by you. And if others leave you, I will not. Because I love you and it is my job to be devoted to you, loyal to you. And you can count on that! You may lean on me." This is forgiveness and peace.  Also parts of the personality of God. It is wanting to take care of others. It is leaning on God and the Masters and it is also letting your friends lean on you or count on you. 

The Seventh Ray is all about Freedom.  Freedom happens to a person who is full of God. Why? Because freedom of God takes away all the blocks and all the friction. Freedom wants to remove big rocks in the river. In the River of God there are no rocks slowing down the water. There are no blocks. And that feels good and that feels like God. God is freedom. The Seventh ray takes out all that is in the way and turns it into something else so flow comes back in. Seventh ray wants victory.  It wants to merge Heaven and Earth together and it will be very organized. It organizes so that freedom can then come through, step by step by step. Picture someone standing firmly on the Earth and reaching their hands into the Heavens. They are on the Earth and yet they are also in the Heavens for they are working with both. They make everything sacred and yet they make it practical. They follow rules and laws because the Universe has rules and laws that make it run smooth. But victory is what they want. This ray sets up all the rules to follow so that Everything can break out and change. So that everything can change its form from one thing to another thing. That is called Transformation.

The rays are like 7 friends who go everywhere together

All of these rays need each other. They are like 7 friends who go everywhere together. They want to be together.  Power isn't good without love. Because when power is there without love, then it will get controlling. Have you ever been around someone who pushes you around and orders you around and is aggressive? That is power without love. Fear is there when there is too much power and not enough love.

But love needs power because if there is no power, then the little boat sits on the ocean and doesn't go anywhere. The power is like a motor that moves the boat.

And the wisdom of ideas and activity that comes from the mind, takes the power and the love in order to do something in the world of form.  Now you need to make your way through the world of form. So something can be completed and be finished. Third ray sees it all the way through to the finishing line. It is like a little battery that keeps everything going and going and going until your assignment is complete.

Remember, Wisdom without Love is quite cold. It needs Love to warm it up. And it needs Power to move it and to make sure that it is wise, as God is wise. To make sure that it is set up following the Will of God, not a selfish will. So it is not ME ME ME, but it is GOD that is making everything happen.

The rays all need each other.

And all the ones that come under the Third ray all need to be joined also. Harmony needs Peace. Harmony that wants to balance everything may feel sometimes that it doesn't have peace. It wants to call to its friend, Peace. And Peace wants Freedom and wants to take the steps to accomplish Freedom. Sometimes it wants to organize something and be very focused. Sometimes the focus needs to be there, to hold the mind steady, so it can learn something and understand something else. And Focus needs to have Purity and Harmony and a God Purpose; or else it will be too dry and not at all fun. God is enjoyment. Being in JOY.  Without Peace, it may not help anyone. Think of Those that have their noses in the books all day and do NOT have the time to watch a bunny hop around or see the color in the face of a flower. Why they may be a little caught up in the mental and they need to bring the heart in!

Any one ray without their friends, can be imbalanced and too much

Any one ray without their friends, can be imbalanced and too much. The Heart and the Mind must go hand in hand.

So, please, Beloved One, honor your heart for it is full. And honor your mind as well. For it is full. They go together. The mind follows the heart; let the mind keep pace with the heart.

Source: www
The Master Djwhal Khul's Message to the Indigo Children on the Seven Major Rays of Creation

Through Wistancia

(From Wistancia)
I greet you as your sister. And this is a story about you. I will turn this entire session over to a master who isn't in a body but who once was in a physical body. Then he ascended from the Earth and had no need of lessons to return into a body and learn.  For most who live on Earth are learning and refining many things which help them to know and to "be" more. All of life everywhere is always expanding. He became an ascended master, which means teacher, and he is still teaching. He teaches from another "level of Creation."  And he is quite wonderful and he will speak wonderfully and he will speak a little bit about you and he will speak with love and about love.

Please settle down and sit with me.
Place your attention on your breath and feel the life in you.
Feel your breath lacing through you like a little needle.  Or feel it like a small warm wave from an ocean moving through you.
If you can trace it and follow it, follow it softly into your heart. You can imagine that a soft, rainbow feather is being carried by the wind and is floating into the chamber to your heart.  Follow the rainbow into your heart that your own breath carries and moves.

Just feel your heart.
Did you know that your heart was just like GOD's heart?
Did you know that when you were created you were like a spark, like a point of fire that came out of the energy that created absolutely everything? When the spark jumped out and started spiraling into all the levels of Creation, it also landed on the Earth. And in all that time, if there really is time, You came out of GOD with the same kind of a heart.  With a creative heart.  God is the creator and you have a creative heart, very much like what we will call "Mother/Father GOD."

Did you know that your true mother and your true father is GOD?
And that even though you have had an earthly mother and an earthly father, you have had many bodies and many parents in each of those lifetimes in each of many places in this one Universe. Did you also know that there are many many many many Universes?  So even though you may be called "young" Who you really are is not young.  You are without age.  Your body may be young, but your soul is very old.  The REAL YOU is spirit that comes into a body to learn and refine. Often spirit takes a body also to give something to others and it needs a vehicle to drive around in, like a car. That is the body. Perhaps you came to Earth to hold up a mirror and reflect something also!!

Anyway, your true parent - all the way back in time – is Mother/Father God.

Please relax and let Djwhal Khul speak with you.
Sit in a chair and put your feet on the floor.
You have energy centers at the top of your head and also at the bottom of your feet.
Let's call on the Elohim, Archangels, and Masters to be present here.

The Elohim build all the big forms, like solar systems. These mighty beings create the worlds. Let's invite in the Archangels. We ask them to build a beautiful dome of gold above you that you can sit inside. Feel safe here. Let's call in the planetary Masters who work with the Rays and let's call 7 beautiful Rays to come and be with you, and dance with you. There is a grand spiritual government above the planet Earth where there are big houses for each of the seven major rays. Certain masters are leaders in those houses.

Now let's call in the wondrous colors of all of the rays. You may see the colors of the rays that are very far away or those that are closer to the planet. You may see many different joinings of colors.

See your heart as a beautiful underground cave that is full of light. Please walk inside and see a magnificent coat/gown of gold. Put it on. Then see a chair in violet sitting in the center of the room with another chair opposite it.
Please go and sit in the chair.
Your feet automatically touch the pillow that is there, that is in the shape of a white bird called a Dove.
Settle in and get comfortable and close your eyes.
We will ask Djwhal Khul to come and sit with you and speak with you about the rays.

Djwhal Khul Speaks to the Children

Well, blessings to you, Beloved Ones! You have traveled many different planes (of existence) and many existences in your Earth and beyond your Earth. You are like a little time traveler. You are one to be honored and one to be cherished. For you are a divine child of God. And yet living on the Earth is not always easy for you. But then you chose this. You asked to be present on the Earth at this time. And you asked to be able to bring a certain focus that may be slightly different. In other words, the focus on the Earth and the perspective of many who live there, what is expected of you by many and what is desired of you by some, is NOT your focus. Is that so? You have a different gift to bring to the Earth. And you are an Indigo Child. You may not be an indigo child like some; you are a variation, for they are not all the same.  Perhaps you have brought in the indigo heart and the indigo need for truth and the need for beauty.  Perhaps you have brought in the indigo sensitivity that only wants to be about love. It wants to circulate love and create love. Maybe you have brought in the artistic perception of an Indigo. Or even the Grand Intelligence and Deep Scientific Calculations of an Indigo who is at home with computers and devices of intricacy.

There are things for you to learn and there are things for you to teach

This does not make you better than anyone else. Nor is anyone else better than you are. All are of GOD. It is like a grand garden. There are many flowers that grow in this garden. The seed that sprouted your particular flower has come from a long, way away. And yet it has seeded in the garden of the Earth. So know that you are in your right place for now because you are here. You need to be here. There are things for you to learn and there are things for you to teach. You need to be here. So do not waste your time dreaming of leaving. Because in your dreams and in your visions and those that are forthcoming, you may see and catch glimpses of other worlds. They are worlds that you have lived in. But it does not mean that there is any mistake that you have come here. For you have come here to open the heart. Even if it is in a rather unique way, as seen from the perspective of some on the Earth.

And I shall not tell to you all the things that you will do. For you are a flower that grows upon a vine. And what does that mean? It means that you grow entertwined with others. And there are others that shall come and they will join you. And you shall grow together. And you shall find the others that are like you. And then you will not feel so alone.

For you have come to build a new society

Deep inside of you you know why you have come, for your heart knows. And you have come to seed a New Kind of Being. And it does go against the grain of your socieity. For you have come to build a new society. You have come to become a builder of a new focus and a new society. And it is as if there is a prism and you have come to polish one of the colors on the prism. But I say to you in order to accomplish that which you have come to do – your job – your gift – it is important for you to honor the other colors in the prism. And it is important that you achieve a certain amount of balance in your world, so that others might listen to you. So that you might learn about many things. So that THEN you can bring your own gift, and others will listen to you. For they will not always understand you, but when you understand them, by dabbling, you might say, a little bit in all of the things that are important to them, then you shall bring them to you, endear them to you. And then they will not be afraid of you. And they will not be put off by you. And they will come closer to you. And then they will be able to see your gift. And those things that you create, you will then be able to share with them, because you have not separated yourself from them.

It is important that you learn something about everybody.  That is why you are in school

And it is not that you should separate yourself from any other, but that you would bring the Gift of Unity and Oneness. Perhaps you are a golden thread. But then there are threads that are silver and threads that are white and there are threads that are green and gray.  And you have come to take a needle and unite all of the threads. And not to be superior and not to be inferior. And not to stop listening to your own heart either. But in order to gain the heart and the ear, so that others will see your works and listen to you, it is important that you learn something about everybody.  That is why you are in school.

You have already come with a gift and you have a purpose. It is to restore beauty on the Earth. To restore the heart. And to hold a focus of the Divine Feminine. And the Divine Feminine comes forth from you like a fountain. Much beauty and much flow of harmony, for you are all about harmony and love. And where there is no harmony, you do not understand it. And where there is no love, you do not want to be there. And where it does not make sense to your heart, your mind wants to leave and not be there. And that is why the dreams are so strong within you. And that is why the force of love is so strong within you.  But in order to grow and strengthen your stem and build your leaves and branches as the bright flower are, it is important, since you are planted in the soil of the Earth, to understand something of the Earth.  And that is why you are in school. To understand something of things that you may not choose to be with for very long. But go through the learning of it. And learn something about it. Why? So you can speak with many people. So you can love many people. So you can share your gifts with them and learn from their gifts. 

And it doesn't mean that you will lose the wondrous gift that you bring.

You are different but you are also the same

You are different but you are also the same. Because everything is united. That which created Everything. Every flower, every bird, every planet, every universe, every little dog and every little human and every little angel. The Creator of All put a thread of Unity through all so that everything moves altogether. On your Earth, it is not so easy to see the threads. They look invisible, but they are not. Everything is united.

So please, Beloved Indigo Child, please honor and love yourself

So please, Beloved Indigo Child, please honor and love yourself and know that you are honored in Heaven, even as you shall be honored on Earth. And there is unity there as well! Heaven and Earth are really one. Everything is really connected. This you will see before too long, if you do not already see it.

Earth is a little bit of a school itself. You may not like school and you may not like Earth at times. But please honor Her. Know that She is alive. She isn't just a big ball that you walk on. She is alive. Every little part of Her. Even as you walk on Her Big Body, She is conscious and She is growing. And She is, in one sense, in Her own school of development, of expansion. She is spinning through space and doing many things. And She shelters you. And She is one of your mothers, for She nourishes you. Her elements are in your physical body and Her soils, although depleted by Humanity, give you food to eat. Her waters give you drink.

The Rays come out of GOD that created Everything. And what they are are different little colors, like streams. When you draw a sun you sometimes put lines that come out of the sun. If you go back to the original sun that created and warmed everything, you will have what is called GOD. And the lines that come out are like the rays.

Each of the rays stand for a major part of God's personality

You have a personality and God has a personality.
Each of the rays stand for a major part of God's personality.
Now everybody who walks onto the Earth in a body, even though they are Spirit, they have a body around them. If you are here, and you are here, then you are here to master living on the Earth.  To live on the Earth and be able to join the personality of God with your own personality. 7 major points of personality God has. And it is for you to also have them.

Certain ones are very very strong within you.
GOD has 7 points of light that are God's personality.
You have these points of light, too.  You have to because you are a Child of GOD.  Well, some of these are very very strong and others are not so strong. They are there, but they may be less strong.

While you are on the Earth, it will be your choice to try to embrace all 7 of them. To invite them all into your life.

If you do that, you will be very balanced and you will bring a certain harmony, a certain melody of peace to yourself and all others.

People call this working with the rays

People call this working with the rays. Working with the personality of God.
It is joining a Rainbow. All the colors. And saying, "I want to work with the whole rainbow. Not just a few colors. Let me work with the whole rainbow."

When you work with the whole rainbow, then you have a Whole Big rainbow around you and you have a huge prism of light that has all the different colors. This is Wholeness. This is Unity. And it feels very full. This is Fullness. This feels like God. God is ONENESS and UNITY.

This will be fun as I tell you about the 7 rays.

The First Ray is about Power. The power of God is like a big wind that moves Love everywhere. And when Power is Moving Love, then everyone feels a lot of Faith because there is nothing to fear. How can you be afraid when so much love has moved in? Fear is the opposite of Love. You do not fear when you are full of Love. Ray number one is filled with love and moving with the Power of God.  There is safety and protection. This kind of power that comes from a Divine Source has a strong sense to move forward. If GOD wanted something to happen, you might say that it was the Will of GOD. It was God's intention to make that thing happen. When what you want lines up with what God wants, then you can say that your will and GOD's will are lining up. The First Ray of Power lines up the two wills and makes them one. When one is lined up with the Intention and power of GOD, there is a sense that all is right and there is no fear. After all, GOD's way is always the way of perfection and truth.

The Second Ray is Love. It is the love through the heart. It is that beautiful wisdom from the heart. The heart that knows what to do. That knows only love. The heart that wants to teach it and wants to share it. Wants to give it. And you serve the Light in this way. It seeks to walk a path of Truth planting seeds of truth for others even as it eats the fruits of Truth along the way. It wants to learn so it can become "wisdom." Wisdom of the heart. The heart that knows how to love. This ray always wants to expand something. And here you are a teacher. You work from the heart and want to provide love for others. You want to understand everything, through the Eyes of the Heart. There is a radiant shimmer that is like a magnet.  This ray is all about love, teaching, growing – with the emphasis on the heart.  This is about building a circle that will awaken humanity to love. It wants to allow others to open the love valve now.  If you need a little bit more power call in the first ray to push you and help you do the things you need to do.  The third ray can come and help you find a form to fit love into. You can picture a bowl or a pot and you fill it with water. Love is like water. And the pot is like the third ray. There needs to be something to catch the love so that others can use it.  If a cup goes there, then the cup of water can be offered to someone.

The Third Ray is Intelligent activity of God that says, "I'll take the Love and I'll take the Power and I will join them and I will go about and create something tangible, something that has a form. And I will change the world through these ideas that come about.  This ray takes all kinds of wonderful ideas and builds things. It is like building a house and laying first a strong foundation. The plan is to move Love and Power forward, but you need a plan to do this. The Third Ray gives you the plan of action to move Love and Power into the world. It relates to the strong mind that creates movement in order to produce something in the world. It can be said that it is love in action.

Rays 4,5,6 and 7 come out of the Third ray.  Did you ever see an outline in school with a capital A, B, and C. And did you see under the letter A, what is a number 1, 2 and 3. Perhaps you did. That is the way the third ray is. Third Ray is intelligent; it uses mental light to make things happen. It is using lots of ideas. Then from those ideas and the activity of creative imagination, comes 4,5,6 and7. Like in an outline.

The Fourth Ray is the ray of harmony and purity. It is very creative. It is very sweet and loving and affectionate. It comes to deliver purity and hope. To bring the full heart and the Divine Mother. Some Indigos are strong in this ray. They find it difficult to be where there is disharmony and lack of purity. Hope is so important. When hope falls away, deep sadness comes in. They want to see love restored everywhere and they may look around and not see the love they want. This may sadden them. Here is the artist. This ray is all about beauty. What you want is to lift the entire world to a pedestal where it is perfect and everything is harmonious. And yet the fourth ray sometimes can feel like a tug of war. There is a rope and there are children at one end pulling and there are children pulling at the other end too. Fourth ray can sometimes feel like you are caught in the middle. You want it to stop and be the same on both sides. You want equal on one side and equal on the other. Here is where you love the animals and the colors and the waters and the earth and the butterflies. Here is where you reflect the life within everything. Here is where the restoration energy comes to restore purity. So there is a lot of change because life is mirrored in change. Here is the painter and the dancer and the one who sings for all is an expression of Joy and of Love.

Then there is the Ray of Five. It is more scientific. Some Indigos have very strong fifth ray energy. It is holding a strong concentration. Like a horse wearing blinders so that it keeps a very intense focus and does not look around. It pays total attention to one thing at a time. This ray is scientific and it is strong in the mind. It is the ray of doctors who must hold a strong focus as they operate in hospitals. They can't be looking here and there; not when someone is under their knife! This is the science of healing the body, the mind and the spirit. It also has to do with holding a lot of facts and figures in the mind and finding out what is true and what is not true. It is like mining for gold and really going after the gold. If a big wind comes up can you hold your focus even when the wind is blowing? The Ray of Five keeps going even when the winds blow. It is that strong because it wants to find the answer and will not stop until it does. It is the ray that puts science and technology together with Spirit. Please think of the Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary. They are very very focused and concentrated.

Then the Sixth Ray comes. It is like a fountain of love that has devotion pouring out.  God's personality has power, love, a strong will, faith, protection. It also has activity and things to do. It also has a purity and harmony. It has a strong focus in order to do things and get them done. Now it shows devotion and reverence for life, God, and the Masters. This is the sixth ray. It is a ray of loyalty. This is like a guardian angel who says, "I will stand by you. And if others leave you, I will not. Because I love you and it is my job to be devoted to you, loyal to you. And you can count on that! You may lean on me." This is forgiveness and peace.  Also parts of the personality of God. It is wanting to take care of others. It is leaning on God and the Masters and it is also letting your friends lean on you or count on you. 

The Seventh Ray is all about Freedom.  Freedom happens to a person who is full of God. Why? Because freedom of God takes away all the blocks and all the friction. Freedom wants to remove big rocks in the river. In the River of God there are no rocks slowing down the water. There are no blocks. And that feels good and that feels like God. God is freedom. The Seventh ray takes out all that is in the way and turns it into something else so flow comes back in. Seventh ray wants victory.  It wants to merge Heaven and Earth together and it will be very organized. It organizes so that freedom can then come through, step by step by step. Picture someone standing firmly on the Earth and reaching their hands into the Heavens. They are on the Earth and yet they are also in the Heavens for they are working with both. They make everything sacred and yet they make it practical. They follow rules and laws because the Universe has rules and laws that make it run smooth. But victory is what they want. This ray sets up all the rules to follow so that Everything can break out and change. So that everything can change its form from one thing to another thing. That is called Transformation.

The rays are like 7 friends who go everywhere together

All of these rays need each other. They are like 7 friends who go everywhere together. They want to be together.  Power isn't good without love. Because when power is there without love, then it will get controlling. Have you ever been around someone who pushes you around and orders you around and is aggressive? That is power without love. Fear is there when there is too much power and not enough love.

But love needs power because if there is no power, then the little boat sits on the ocean and doesn't go anywhere. The power is like a motor that moves the boat.

And the wisdom of ideas and activity that comes from the mind, takes the power and the love in order to do something in the world of form.  Now you need to make your way through the world of form. So something can be completed and be finished. Third ray sees it all the way through to the finishing line. It is like a little battery that keeps everything going and going and going until your assignment is complete.

Remember, Wisdom without Love is quite cold. It needs Love to warm it up. And it needs Power to move it and to make sure that it is wise, as God is wise. To make sure that it is set up following the Will of God, not a selfish will. So it is not ME ME ME, but it is GOD that is making everything happen.

The rays all need each other.

And all the ones that come under the Third ray all need to be joined also. Harmony needs Peace. Harmony that wants to balance everything may feel sometimes that it doesn't have peace. It wants to call to its friend, Peace. And Peace wants Freedom and wants to take the steps to accomplish Freedom. Sometimes it wants to organize something and be very focused. Sometimes the focus needs to be there, to hold the mind steady, so it can learn something and understand something else. And Focus needs to have Purity and Harmony and a God Purpose; or else it will be too dry and not at all fun. God is enjoyment. Being in JOY.  Without Peace, it may not help anyone. Think of Those that have their noses in the books all day and do NOT have the time to watch a bunny hop around or see the color in the face of a flower. Why they may be a little caught up in the mental and they need to bring the heart in!

Any one ray without their friends, can be imbalanced and too much

Any one ray without their friends, can be imbalanced and too much. The Heart and the Mind must go hand in hand.

So, please, Beloved One, honor your heart for it is full. And honor your mind as well. For it is full. They go together. The mind follows the heart; let the mind keep pace with the heart.

The Master Djwhal Khul's Message to the Indigo Children on the Seven Major Rays of Creation

Through Wistancia

(From Wistancia)
I greet you as your sister. And this is a story about you. I will turn this entire session over to a master who isn't in a body but who once was in a physical body. Then he ascended from the Earth and had no need of lessons to return into a body and learn.  For most who live on Earth are learning and refining many things which help them to know and to "be" more. All of life everywhere is always expanding. He became an ascended master, which means teacher, and he is still teaching. He teaches from another "level of Creation."  And he is quite wonderful and he will speak wonderfully and he will speak a little bit about you and he will speak with love and about love.

Please settle down and sit with me.
Place your attention on your breath and feel the life in you.
Feel your breath lacing through you like a little needle.  Or feel it like a small warm wave from an ocean moving through you.
If you can trace it and follow it, follow it softly into your heart. You can imagine that a soft, rainbow feather is being carried by the wind and is floating into the chamber to your heart.  Follow the rainbow into your heart that your own breath carries and moves.

Just feel your heart.
Did you know that your heart was just like GOD's heart?
Did you know that when you were created you were like a spark, like a point of fire that came out of the energy that created absolutely everything? When the spark jumped out and started spiraling into all the levels of Creation, it also landed on the Earth. And in all that time, if there really is time, You came out of GOD with the same kind of a heart.  With a creative heart.  God is the creator and you have a creative heart, very much like what we will call "Mother/Father GOD."

Did you know that your true mother and your true father is GOD?
And that even though you have had an earthly mother and an earthly father, you have had many bodies and many parents in each of those lifetimes in each of many places in this one Universe. Did you also know that there are many many many many Universes?  So even though you may be called "young" Who you really are is not young.  You are without age.  Your body may be young, but your soul is very old.  The REAL YOU is spirit that comes into a body to learn and refine. Often spirit takes a body also to give something to others and it needs a vehicle to drive around in, like a car. That is the body. Perhaps you came to Earth to hold up a mirror and reflect something also!!

Anyway, your true parent - all the way back in time – is Mother/Father God.

Please relax and let Djwhal Khul speak with you.
Sit in a chair and put your feet on the floor.
You have energy centers at the top of your head and also at the bottom of your feet.
Let's call on the Elohim, Archangels, and Masters to be present here.

The Elohim build all the big forms, like solar systems. These mighty beings create the worlds. Let's invite in the Archangels. We ask them to build a beautiful dome of gold above you that you can sit inside. Feel safe here. Let's call in the planetary Masters who work with the Rays and let's call 7 beautiful Rays to come and be with you, and dance with you. There is a grand spiritual government above the planet Earth where there are big houses for each of the seven major rays. Certain masters are leaders in those houses.

Now let's call in the wondrous colors of all of the rays. You may see the colors of the rays that are very far away or those that are closer to the planet. You may see many different joinings of colors.

See your heart as a beautiful underground cave that is full of light. Please walk inside and see a magnificent coat/gown of gold. Put it on. Then see a chair in violet sitting in the center of the room with another chair opposite it.
Please go and sit in the chair.
Your feet automatically touch the pillow that is there, that is in the shape of a white bird called a Dove.
Settle in and get comfortable and close your eyes.
We will ask Djwhal Khul to come and sit with you and speak with you about the rays.

Djwhal Khul Speaks to the Children

Well, blessings to you, Beloved Ones! You have traveled many different planes (of existence) and many existences in your Earth and beyond your Earth. You are like a little time traveler. You are one to be honored and one to be cherished. For you are a divine child of God. And yet living on the Earth is not always easy for you. But then you chose this. You asked to be present on the Earth at this time. And you asked to be able to bring a certain focus that may be slightly different. In other words, the focus on the Earth and the perspective of many who live there, what is expected of you by many and what is desired of you by some, is NOT your focus. Is that so? You have a different gift to bring to the Earth. And you are an Indigo Child. You may not be an indigo child like some; you are a variation, for they are not all the same.  Perhaps you have brought in the indigo heart and the indigo need for truth and the need for beauty.  Perhaps you have brought in the indigo sensitivity that only wants to be about love. It wants to circulate love and create love. Maybe you have brought in the artistic perception of an Indigo. Or even the Grand Intelligence and Deep Scientific Calculations of an Indigo who is at home with computers and devices of intricacy.

There are things for you to learn and there are things for you to teach

This does not make you better than anyone else. Nor is anyone else better than you are. All are of GOD. It is like a grand garden. There are many flowers that grow in this garden. The seed that sprouted your particular flower has come from a long, way away. And yet it has seeded in the garden of the Earth. So know that you are in your right place for now because you are here. You need to be here. There are things for you to learn and there are things for you to teach. You need to be here. So do not waste your time dreaming of leaving. Because in your dreams and in your visions and those that are forthcoming, you may see and catch glimpses of other worlds. They are worlds that you have lived in. But it does not mean that there is any mistake that you have come here. For you have come here to open the heart. Even if it is in a rather unique way, as seen from the perspective of some on the Earth.

And I shall not tell to you all the things that you will do. For you are a flower that grows upon a vine. And what does that mean? It means that you grow entertwined with others. And there are others that shall come and they will join you. And you shall grow together. And you shall find the others that are like you. And then you will not feel so alone.

For you have come to build a new society

Deep inside of you you know why you have come, for your heart knows. And you have come to seed a New Kind of Being. And it does go against the grain of your socieity. For you have come to build a new society. You have come to become a builder of a new focus and a new society. And it is as if there is a prism and you have come to polish one of the colors on the prism. But I say to you in order to accomplish that which you have come to do – your job – your gift – it is important for you to honor the other colors in the prism. And it is important that you achieve a certain amount of balance in your world, so that others might listen to you. So that you might learn about many things. So that THEN you can bring your own gift, and others will listen to you. For they will not always understand you, but when you understand them, by dabbling, you might say, a little bit in all of the things that are important to them, then you shall bring them to you, endear them to you. And then they will not be afraid of you. And they will not be put off by you. And they will come closer to you. And then they will be able to see your gift. And those things that you create, you will then be able to share with them, because you have not separated yourself from them.

It is important that you learn something about everybody.  That is why you are in school

And it is not that you should separate yourself from any other, but that you would bring the Gift of Unity and Oneness. Perhaps you are a golden thread. But then there are threads that are silver and threads that are white and there are threads that are green and gray.  And you have come to take a needle and unite all of the threads. And not to be superior and not to be inferior. And not to stop listening to your own heart either. But in order to gain the heart and the ear, so that others will see your works and listen to you, it is important that you learn something about everybody.  That is why you are in school.

You have already come with a gift and you have a purpose. It is to restore beauty on the Earth. To restore the heart. And to hold a focus of the Divine Feminine. And the Divine Feminine comes forth from you like a fountain. Much beauty and much flow of harmony, for you are all about harmony and love. And where there is no harmony, you do not understand it. And where there is no love, you do not want to be there. And where it does not make sense to your heart, your mind wants to leave and not be there. And that is why the dreams are so strong within you. And that is why the force of love is so strong within you.  But in order to grow and strengthen your stem and build your leaves and branches as the bright flower are, it is important, since you are planted in the soil of the Earth, to understand something of the Earth.  And that is why you are in school. To understand something of things that you may not choose to be with for very long. But go through the learning of it. And learn something about it. Why? So you can speak with many people. So you can love many people. So you can share your gifts with them and learn from their gifts. 

And it doesn't mean that you will lose the wondrous gift that you bring.

You are different but you are also the same

You are different but you are also the same. Because everything is united. That which created Everything. Every flower, every bird, every planet, every universe, every little dog and every little human and every little angel. The Creator of All put a thread of Unity through all so that everything moves altogether. On your Earth, it is not so easy to see the threads. They look invisible, but they are not. Everything is united.

So please, Beloved Indigo Child, please honor and love yourself

So please, Beloved Indigo Child, please honor and love yourself and know that you are honored in Heaven, even as you shall be honored on Earth. And there is unity there as well! Heaven and Earth are really one. Everything is really connected. This you will see before too long, if you do not already see it.

Earth is a little bit of a school itself. You may not like school and you may not like Earth at times. But please honor Her. Know that She is alive. She isn't just a big ball that you walk on. She is alive. Every little part of Her. Even as you walk on Her Big Body, She is conscious and She is growing. And She is, in one sense, in Her own school of development, of expansion. She is spinning through space and doing many things. And She shelters you. And She is one of your mothers, for She nourishes you. Her elements are in your physical body and Her soils, although depleted by Humanity, give you food to eat. Her waters give you drink.

The Rays come out of GOD that created Everything. And what they are are different little colors, like streams. When you draw a sun you sometimes put lines that come out of the sun. If you go back to the original sun that created and warmed everything, you will have what is called GOD. And the lines that come out are like the rays.

Each of the rays stand for a major part of God's personality

You have a personality and God has a personality.
Each of the rays stand for a major part of God's personality.
Now everybody who walks onto the Earth in a body, even though they are Spirit, they have a body around them. If you are here, and you are here, then you are here to master living on the Earth.  To live on the Earth and be able to join the personality of God with your own personality. 7 major points of personality God has. And it is for you to also have them.

Certain ones are very very strong within you.
GOD has 7 points of light that are God's personality.
You have these points of light, too.  You have to because you are a Child of GOD.  Well, some of these are very very strong and others are not so strong. They are there, but they may be less strong.

While you are on the Earth, it will be your choice to try to embrace all 7 of them. To invite them all into your life.

If you do that, you will be very balanced and you will bring a certain harmony, a certain melody of peace to yourself and all others.

People call this working with the rays

People call this working with the rays. Working with the personality of God.
It is joining a Rainbow. All the colors. And saying, "I want to work with the whole rainbow. Not just a few colors. Let me work with the whole rainbow."

When you work with the whole rainbow, then you have a Whole Big rainbow around you and you have a huge prism of light that has all the different colors. This is Wholeness. This is Unity. And it feels very full. This is Fullness. This feels like God. God is ONENESS and UNITY.

This will be fun as I tell you about the 7 rays.

The First Ray is about Power. The power of God is like a big wind that moves Love everywhere. And when Power is Moving Love, then everyone feels a lot of Faith because there is nothing to fear. How can you be afraid when so much love has moved in? Fear is the opposite of Love. You do not fear when you are full of Love. Ray number one is filled with love and moving with the Power of God.  There is safety and protection. This kind of power that comes from a Divine Source has a strong sense to move forward. If GOD wanted something to happen, you might say that it was the Will of GOD. It was God's intention to make that thing happen. When what you want lines up with what God wants, then you can say that your will and GOD's will are lining up. The First Ray of Power lines up the two wills and makes them one. When one is lined up with the Intention and power of GOD, there is a sense that all is right and there is no fear. After all, GOD's way is always the way of perfection and truth.

The Second Ray is Love. It is the love through the heart. It is that beautiful wisdom from the heart. The heart that knows what to do. That knows only love. The heart that wants to teach it and wants to share it. Wants to give it. And you serve the Light in this way. It seeks to walk a path of Truth planting seeds of truth for others even as it eats the fruits of Truth along the way. It wants to learn so it can become "wisdom." Wisdom of the heart. The heart that knows how to love. This ray always wants to expand something. And here you are a teacher. You work from the heart and want to provide love for others. You want to understand everything, through the Eyes of the Heart. There is a radiant shimmer that is like a magnet.  This ray is all about love, teaching, growing – with the emphasis on the heart.  This is about building a circle that will awaken humanity to love. It wants to allow others to open the love valve now.  If you need a little bit more power call in the first ray to push you and help you do the things you need to do.  The third ray can come and help you find a form to fit love into. You can picture a bowl or a pot and you fill it with water. Love is like water. And the pot is like the third ray. There needs to be something to catch the love so that others can use it.  If a cup goes there, then the cup of water can be offered to someone.

The Third Ray is Intelligent activity of God that says, "I'll take the Love and I'll take the Power and I will join them and I will go about and create something tangible, something that has a form. And I will change the world through these ideas that come about.  This ray takes all kinds of wonderful ideas and builds things. It is like building a house and laying first a strong foundation. The plan is to move Love and Power forward, but you need a plan to do this. The Third Ray gives you the plan of action to move Love and Power into the world. It relates to the strong mind that creates movement in order to produce something in the world. It can be said that it is love in action.

Rays 4,5,6 and 7 come out of the Third ray.  Did you ever see an outline in school with a capital A, B, and C. And did you see under the letter A, what is a number 1, 2 and 3. Perhaps you did. That is the way the third ray is. Third Ray is intelligent; it uses mental light to make things happen. It is using lots of ideas. Then from those ideas and the activity of creative imagination, comes 4,5,6 and7. Like in an outline.

The Fourth Ray is the ray of harmony and purity. It is very creative. It is very sweet and loving and affectionate. It comes to deliver purity and hope. To bring the full heart and the Divine Mother. Some Indigos are strong in this ray. They find it difficult to be where there is disharmony and lack of purity. Hope is so important. When hope falls away, deep sadness comes in. They want to see love restored everywhere and they may look around and not see the love they want. This may sadden them. Here is the artist. This ray is all about beauty. What you want is to lift the entire world to a pedestal where it is perfect and everything is harmonious. And yet the fourth ray sometimes can feel like a tug of war. There is a rope and there are children at one end pulling and there are children pulling at the other end too. Fourth ray can sometimes feel like you are caught in the middle. You want it to stop and be the same on both sides. You want equal on one side and equal on the other. Here is where you love the animals and the colors and the waters and the earth and the butterflies. Here is where you reflect the life within everything. Here is where the restoration energy comes to restore purity. So there is a lot of change because life is mirrored in change. Here is the painter and the dancer and the one who sings for all is an expression of Joy and of Love.

Then there is the Ray of Five. It is more scientific. Some Indigos have very strong fifth ray energy. It is holding a strong concentration. Like a horse wearing blinders so that it keeps a very intense focus and does not look around. It pays total attention to one thing at a time. This ray is scientific and it is strong in the mind. It is the ray of doctors who must hold a strong focus as they operate in hospitals. They can't be looking here and there; not when someone is under their knife! This is the science of healing the body, the mind and the spirit. It also has to do with holding a lot of facts and figures in the mind and finding out what is true and what is not true. It is like mining for gold and really going after the gold. If a big wind comes up can you hold your focus even when the wind is blowing? The Ray of Five keeps going even when the winds blow. It is that strong because it wants to find the answer and will not stop until it does. It is the ray that puts science and technology together with Spirit. Please think of the Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary. They are very very focused and concentrated.

Then the Sixth Ray comes. It is like a fountain of love that has devotion pouring out.  God's personality has power, love, a strong will, faith, protection. It also has activity and things to do. It also has a purity and harmony. It has a strong focus in order to do things and get them done. Now it shows devotion and reverence for life, God, and the Masters. This is the sixth ray. It is a ray of loyalty. This is like a guardian angel who says, "I will stand by you. And if others leave you, I will not. Because I love you and it is my job to be devoted to you, loyal to you. And you can count on that! You may lean on me." This is forgiveness and peace.  Also parts of the personality of God. It is wanting to take care of others. It is leaning on God and the Masters and it is also letting your friends lean on you or count on you. 

The Seventh Ray is all about Freedom.  Freedom happens to a person who is full of God. Why? Because freedom of God takes away all the blocks and all the friction. Freedom wants to remove big rocks in the river. In the River of God there are no rocks slowing down the water. There are no blocks. And that feels good and that feels like God. God is freedom. The Seventh ray takes out all that is in the way and turns it into something else so flow comes back in. Seventh ray wants victory.  It wants to merge Heaven and Earth together and it will be very organized. It organizes so that freedom can then come through, step by step by step. Picture someone standing firmly on the Earth and reaching their hands into the Heavens. They are on the Earth and yet they are also in the Heavens for they are working with both. They make everything sacred and yet they make it practical. They follow rules and laws because the Universe has rules and laws that make it run smooth. But victory is what they want. This ray sets up all the rules to follow so that Everything can break out and change. So that everything can change its form from one thing to another thing. That is called Transformation.

The rays are like 7 friends who go everywhere together

All of these rays need each other. They are like 7 friends who go everywhere together. They want to be together.  Power isn't good without love. Because when power is there without love, then it will get controlling. Have you ever been around someone who pushes you around and orders you around and is aggressive? That is power without love. Fear is there when there is too much power and not enough love.

But love needs power because if there is no power, then the little boat sits on the ocean and doesn't go anywhere. The power is like a motor that moves the boat.

And the wisdom of ideas and activity that comes from the mind, takes the power and the love in order to do something in the world of form.  Now you need to make your way through the world of form. So something can be completed and be finished. Third ray sees it all the way through to the finishing line. It is like a little battery that keeps everything going and going and going until your assignment is complete.

Remember, Wisdom without Love is quite cold. It needs Love to warm it up. And it needs Power to move it and to make sure that it is wise, as God is wise. To make sure that it is set up following the Will of God, not a selfish will. So it is not ME ME ME, but it is GOD that is making everything happen.

The rays all need each other.

And all the ones that come under the Third ray all need to be joined also. Harmony needs Peace. Harmony that wants to balance everything may feel sometimes that it doesn't have peace. It wants to call to its friend, Peace. And Peace wants Freedom and wants to take the steps to accomplish Freedom. Sometimes it wants to organize something and be very focused. Sometimes the focus needs to be there, to hold the mind steady, so it can learn something and understand something else. And Focus needs to have Purity and Harmony and a God Purpose; or else it will be too dry and not at all fun. God is enjoyment. Being in JOY.  Without Peace, it may not help anyone. Think of Those that have their noses in the books all day and do NOT have the time to watch a bunny hop around or see the color in the face of a flower. Why they may be a little caught up in the mental and they need to bring the heart in!

Any one ray without their friends, can be imbalanced and too much

Any one ray without their friends, can be imbalanced and too much. The Heart and the Mind must go hand in hand.

So, please, Beloved One, honor your heart for it is full. And honor your mind as well. For it is full. They go together. The mind follows the heart; let the mind keep pace with the heart.

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