Rabu, 31 Oktober 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Re: behind the walls of doubt a voice was crying out:

Prinsip yang paling dalam pada sikap manusia adalah keinginan untuk
mengerti arti hidup dan dunia. Namun semua seolah sia-sia, segala
daya upaya untuk maju, senantiasa menghadapi resistance.

Hingga semua orang bertanya, siapa sebenarnya jati diri?

kepuasan sejati, kebanggaan utama, keadilan yang tertinggi.

Bagaimana caranya menguasai dunia?

Dengan semua tarik-menrik kekuasaan?

Mengapa semua orang sungguh sulit membebaskan diri? dari beban
hidup, seolah hidup hanyalah sebuah perlombaan, antara energi dari
dalam dengan semain sulitnya menangani beban.

Kapan kita bisa merdeka?

Kapan kita bisa merasa lega, tenteram, damai, terbebas dari belenggu
beban hidup?

Kapan kita bisa merasa bahagia, dan hidup sebenar-benarnya?


--- In psikologi_transformatif@yahoogroups.com, "non_sisca"
<non_sisca@...> wrote:
> Prinsip yang paling dalam pada sikap manusia adalah keinginan
> dihargai.
> Dan ketika melakukan hal yang baik dengan memusatkan perhatian ke
> luar, alih2 ke dalam. Fokus yang berada di luar, membebaskan diri
> untuk hidup lebih bermakna dan bertujuan.
> Juga ketika bertemu, menampilkan kesegaran dan keajaiban diri yang
> sesungguhnya.
> Menjadi yang alami. Tidak mencoba mengesankan siapapun, tidak
> berkompetisi dengan siapapun. Termasuk juga menerima dan
> ke-khas-an unik dari setiap orang.
> Secara unik menjadi diri sendiri, sekaligus melepaskan ego diri.
> Kita berusaha sekeras mungkin untuk menjadi sempurna, namun apa
> definisi kesempurnaan ?
> Bukankah kesempurnaan itu juga subjektif ?
> Kesempurnaan itu membosankan.
> Kepribadian yang unik itulah yang menarik.
> so.......
> Say you, say me
> Say it for always, that's the way it should be.
> Say you, say me - say it together naturally.
> I had a dream, I had an awesome dream:
> People in the park, playing games in the dark.
> And what they played was a masquerade,
> But from behind the walls of doubt a voice was crying out:
> As we go down life's lonesome highway,
> Seems the hardest thing to do is to find a friend or two.
> That helping hand, someone who understands,
> And when you feel you've lost your way,
> You've got someone there to say: I'll show you!
> ...Believe in who you are, you are a shining star.
> for u n u, as ^_^
> --- In psikologi_transformatif@yahoogroups.com, as as
> <as2004as_as@> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [input] (center text)
> > http://www.mp3lyrics.org
> > Say you, say me
> > Say it for always, that's the way it should be.
> > Say you, say me - say it together naturally.
> >
> > I had a dream, I had an awesome dream:
> > People in the park, playing games in the dark.
> > And what they played was a masquerade,
> > But from behind the walls of doubt a voice was crying out:
> >
> > Say you, say me
> > Say it for always, that's the way it should be.
> > Say you, say me - say it together naturally.
> >
> > As we go down life's lonesome highway,
> > Seems the hardest thing to do is to find a friend or two.
> > That helping hand, someone who understands,
> > And when you feel you've lost your way,
> > You've got someone there to say: I'll show you!
> >
> > [ Lyrics provided by www.mp3lyrics.org ]
> > Say you, say me
> > Say it for always, that's the way it should be.
> > Say you, say me - say it together naturally.
> >
> > So you thin you know the answer - oh no.
> > Well, the whole world's got you dancing,
> > that's right, I'm telling you.
> > It's time to start believe, oh yes,
> > Believe in who you are, you are a shining star.
> >
> > Say you, say me
> > Say it for always, that's the way it should be.
> > Say you, say me - say it together naturally.
> >
> >
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> > http://mail.yahoo.com
> >

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