Selasa, 09 Oktober 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Re: Di Lem Biru Saja !!!

--- In, "sinagahp"
<sinagahp@...> wrote:
> --- In, Helga Noviari
> <helga_noviari@> wrote:
> >
> >Mas2 & Mbak2 psikolog, ada ga nich yg tau teori
> psikologinya?he..he..Helga jg dari psikologi, tp asli kasus yg
> belom pernahtau...he..he..
> harez:
> Kalau komputer sering hang sih, biasanya ada virus atau ada
hardware en
> software yang nggak bener. Format dan install ulang seringkali
> cara yang dipilih. Itu juga belum tentu berhasil. Sering juga
> low-level format. Kalau tidak, ganti saja hard disknya. :)
> Kalau nggak juga .... yang dilem biru (dilempar dan beli yang
> salam,
> harez

ini kata Mbak Jeni Sudarwati.... Jeni kemana aja nih?

Have you ever really love a women by Bryan Adams

To really love a woman
to understand her
you've got to know what deep inside
hear every thought, see every dream
and give her wings when she wants to fly
and when you find yourself lying helpless, in her arms
You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman
you tell her that she's really woman
When you love a woman
you tell her that she's the one
She needs somebody
to tell her that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
really, really
ever loved a woman?

To really love a woman
to let her hold you
till you know how she needs to be touched
you've gotta breath her
and really taste her
until you can feel her in your blood
when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman
you tell her that she's really woman
When you love a woman
you tell that she's the one
She needs somebody
to tell her that you'll always be together
so tell me have you've ever really,
really, really ever loved a woman?

You've got to give her some faith
hold her tight
a little tenderness
you've gotta treat her right
she will be there for you
taking good care of you
(you've really gotta love your woman) (yeah)
and when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms
you know you really love a woman

When you love a woman
you tell her that she's really woman
When you love a woman
you tell her that she's the one
She needs somebody
to tell her that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever, really
really, really, ever loved a woman?
Just tell me have you ever really,
really, really, ever loved a woman?
Just tell me have you ever really,
really, really, ever loved a woman?

"Jeni Sudarwati" <sudarwati_jeni@...>
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