Jumat, 19 Oktober 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Re: Freedom Writers

saya udah liat duaduanya, kalo gak salah dangerous mind itu dulu
bnaget kan? kalo nggak salah film tahun 90-an. duaduanya bagus,yang
unggul dari freedom writers itu "based on the true story". Film ini
mirip film "conviction", dan "shattered glass", yg berdasarkan kisah
nyata jg.

--- In psikologi_transformatif@yahoogroups.com, "pabrik_t"
<pabrik_t@...> wrote:
> Saya menyarankan Dangerous Mind daripada Freedom Writers. Freedom
> Writers adalah remake yang buruk dari Dangerous Mind. Lagi pula
> Freedom Writers memiliki bias-bias politik dengan wacana
> antisemitism/holocaust di dalamnya, sementara Dangerous Mind membawa
> kita untuk melepaskan diri dari ketakutan-ketakutan, dengan mengambil
> ketakutan akan maut sebagai tantangan tertinggi, melalui pembacaan
> puisi Dylan Thomas dan syair-syair Bob Dylan.
> pabrik_t
> "I am nothing"
> --- In psikologi_transformatif@yahoogroups.com, Nana P <fe36smg@>
> wrote:
> >
> > http://serbaserbikehidupan.blogspot.com/2007/10/freedom-writers.html
> >
> >
> >
> > When doing small researches to write a paper I entitled "America – A
> Dream that Has Not Come True" in African American Literature Class and
> another paper I entitled "'Salad Bowl' and `Anti Semitism' in Elmer
> Rice's Street Scene" in Modern American Literature class in 2003, I
> was wondering if racial prejudice portrayed in "Street Scene" and
> racial discrimination illustrated in Langston Hughes' poem—Will V-Day
> Be Me-Day Too?—can still be easily found in America at the end of the
> twentieth century and in the beginning of the twenty first century.
> > When watching FREEDOM WRITERS, a movie inspired by a real event in
> Long Beach California that happened at the last decade of the
> twentieth century, I got the answer of that question of mine. Racial
> prejudice, racial violence, racial discrimination, or whatever people
> call it, still exists in the land Langston Hughes mentioned as a dream
> country for million immigrants with various color skins in his poem
> "Freedom's Plow". The movie starts with live news on TV showing gang
> violence and racial tension causing more than 120 people killed,
> following the Rodney King riots. It is followed by a depiction of how
> a Latino father raises his daughter—Eva Benita, one central character
> in the movie—to be the next generation of a gangster. The marginalized
> communities living in Long Beach—say Latino, Asians, and Black—believe
> that they have to fight each other for territory, kill each other over
> race, pride, and respect. In short, I can say that Long Beach is the
> "modern" area of the
> > cheap tenement portrayed by Elmer Rice in his realistic play STREET
> SCENE (1929). What I mean "modern" here is people using more advanced
> `media' to show their prejudice and hatred against different races,
> such as guns. In Long Beach, people are divided into some separate
> sections, depending on tribes. The Latinos get along with their own
> tribe, so do the Asians and Blacks. They openly show their hatred to
> each other. However, they can become united when facing the mainstream
> of America—the Whites.
> > For the marginalized tribes' hatred toward the Whites, Eva said,
> "White people always want to be respected as if they deserve to get it
> for free. It is all about colors. It is all about people deciding what
> you deserve; about people wanting what they don't deserve; about white
> people thinking they can get anything … no matter what."
> > The amazing aspect from the movie is the way Erin Gruwell, one white
> English teacher working for Woodrow Wilson High School chosen by the
> government to be reform school with voluntary integration program to
> win her students' hearts—many of them are just out of juvenile prison
> due to gang fights—to make them want an education and believe that the
> education will better their future. Failing to get her students'
> attention on the first day, slowly Erin succeeds making them united to
> be hostile to her due to her white complexion. Later on Erin can get
> their attention and make them interested to read the books she buys
> for them, although it means she has to have an extra job to get money
> to buy the books. After making them interested to read the books she
> provides, Erin eventually succeeds making them realize that education
> will really change their future to be better. Nevertheless, her hard
> work and much time she dedicates for her students result in divorce
> because her
> > husband—feeling neglected—does not agree with her way of living.
> Besides, Erin realizes that her happiness is gathered when she can
> help her students aware the meaning of their lives, and not just as a
> wife of a man.
> >
> > This amazing movie is produced by Double Feature Films Production.
> Hilary Swank plays as Erin Gruwell, Patrick Dempsey as Scott Casey,
> Erin's husband, Scott Glenn as her father, who always supports
> anything Erin does for her students, and April Lee Hernandez as Eva
> Benita.
> > PT56 13.20 161007
> >
> >
> > P.S.: You can view my post at
> http://afeministblog.blogspot.com/2007/10/america-dream.html for my
> paper "America - A Dream that Has Not Come True Yet" and my other post
> at
> for my paper on STREET SCENE
> >
> >
> > Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open.
> > (Sir James Dewar)
> > visit my blogs please, at the following sites
> > http://afemaleguest.blog.co.uk
> > http://afeministblog.blogspot.com
> > http://afemaleguest.multiply.com
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Nana
> >
> >
> > __________________________________________________
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> > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> > http://mail.yahoo.com
> >

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