Sabtu, 03 November 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Feel the truth inside

In everyday life, we often very easy and fast to conclude something, just based on what we know and experience, based on our own interpretation, and sometimes it is do correct or it is match with that it really is, but often it is not. So to say, what we conclude is very far away from the real fact or the real situation... in short, we need to learn to listen, to read, be a good observer and than we finally can see the real story behind what we see, hear or even experience and we can really know what the real thing is, what the real message is, and what lesson that you are getting from those, .. and so on.....
Meditation is actually the lesson to observe, to watch, to see and to grab the true understanding of life and the process is not really a secret, is just one need to be patient and willing to observe, to see things as it is, not as what you wanted it to be, or as what you are expected it to be... only through that, than you can see the truth... :)
Yes, see the truth, feel it inside, feel the truth inside

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