Selasa, 20 November 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] [INFO] 2nd Call for Papers - ISSM 2008, Delft, The Netherlands

2nd Call for Papers - ISSM 2008, Delft, The Netherlands




Di bawah ini kami sampaikan "2nd Call for Papers" dari acara ISSM 2008 yang akan diadakan di Delft, Belanda, 13-15 Mei 2008, bertajuk "Sustainable Development  in Indonesia : An Interdisciplinary Approach" atau "Pembangunan berkesinambungan di Indonesia: sebuah pendekatan antar disiplin". Acara ini adalah kerjasama antara ISTECS, PPI Delft, PPI Wageningen, serta beberapa sponsor, termasuk Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia untuk Kerajaan Belanda.



Pembicara kunci yang akan tampil dalam acara ini adalah:

    1. Prof. B.J. Habibie (menunggu konfirmasi)

    2. Prof. Emil Salim (menunggu konfirmasi)

    3. Dr. Saul Lemkowitz  - TU Delft

    4. Prof. Johan Sanders - Wageningen University

    5. Prof. G.J. Harmsen - University of Groningen


Deadline pengiriman abstrak adalah 31 Desember 2007. Detil lebih lanjut (format penulisan abstrak dan paper, rencana program acara, dll) dapat dilihat di atau dapat ditanyakan langsung ke . Silakan menyebarluaskan informasi ini ke rekan-rekan anda.




Second Call for Papers




Delft, The Netherlands, 13-15 May 2008

"Sustainable development  in Indonesia : An Interdisciplinary Approach"




Organized by:


  • The Institute for Science and Technology Studies (ISTECS), the Netherlands Chapter and Europe Chapter
  • Indonesian Students Association in Delft and Wageningen, the Netherlands (PPI Delft and PPI Wageningen)
  • In co-operation with: Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in the Netherlands


Public Relation:






Since 1996, the Indonesian Student's Scientific Meeting (hereinafter, ISSM) has been organized annually by the Institute for Science and Technology Studies (hereinafter, ISTECS) Europe in collaboration with student and professional organizations in Germany, France, the Netherlands and United Kingdom. Hundreds of participants, coming from European countries, Canada, Japan and Indonesia, attended these events. Each of the previous meetings has presented outstanding keynote speakers, followed by parallel sessions and poster presentations from the participants.


ISSM is held to provide scientists, professionals, decision makers and government representatives an opportunity to discuss together current work and future directions for research and applications for the development of Indonesia.


Following the success of the previous meetings, the Indonesian Student's Scientific Meeting 2008 (ISSM 2008) will be held on 13–15 May 2008 in Delft, the Netherlands .


The theme of the ISSM 2008 is "Sustainable development  in Indonesia : An Interdisciplinary Approach"

 (Pembangunan berkesinambungan di Indonesia: sebuah pendekatan antar disiplin).


Therefore, this event is designed to provide scientists, engineers, regulators, and other professionals an opportunity to discuss current work and future directions for research and application in order to participate in the development of Indonesia .


Besides speech from many outstanding keynote speakers, paper and poster presentation from students, there will be special workshop organized to give inputs in order to reform higher education program in Indonesia .


We are more than happy to greet you in Delft !





ISSM 2008 aims to:


  • Establish and maintain scientific and technical collaboration between Indonesian scientists and their partners from abroad, particularly from the European countries.
  • Intensify the scientist role in national industries by focusing on Energy, Agribusiness, Biotechnology, Industrial Engineering, Information Technology, Environment, Natural Science and Social Science




The program includes:

  • Plenary session presented by invited Keynotes Speakers,
  • Presentations and thematic Parallel Sessions
  • A tour to Keukenhof


The program includes:


Plenary sessions presented by invited Keynote Speakers Poster presentation and thematic parallel sessions, including the following subjects:

  • Agriculture and Food Technology
  • Architecture, Design and Urban Planning
  • Biology and Biotechnology
  • Microtechnology and Nanotechnology
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil, Mining and Geology
  • IT and Computer Science
  • Economy
  • Management of Technology
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Energy
  • nvironmental and Pollution Control
  • Marine Science
  • Material Science
  • Mathematics, Statistics and Computation
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
  • Physics and Chemistry
  • Politics and Social Sciences


The Scientific committee will consider other papers on topics not mentioned above, which may contribute to the general theme of ISSM 2008.


All presentations will be held in English or Indonesian. All papers will be published in the regular ISTECS Proceedings with ISSN 0855 - 8692.





Indonesian students, scientists and professionals interested in presenting a paper at ISSM 2008 are invited to submit abstracts before December 31, 2007.


The deadline of the full manuscript submission and other necessary  information will be informed in the middle of February 2008. All participants are invited to join a mailing list special established for ISSM 2008. For more information please contact the public relation.





  • Prof. Dr. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, Former President of Indonesia *
  • Prof. Dr. Emil Salim, Former Indonesian Minister of State for Population and Environment *
  • Prof. Dr. Johan Sanders, Professor of Valorisation of Plant Production Chains, Wageningen University, the Netherlands (confirmed)
  • Prof. ir. G.J. Harmsen, Hoogewerff-chair Sustainable Chemical Technology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (confirmed)
  • Dr. Saul Lemkowitz, Associate Professor in Risk Management and Sustainability, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (confirmed)
  • Invited – pending confirmation





  • Mr. J.E. Habibie, Indonesian Ambassador for the Royal Kingdom of Netherlands
  • Mr Djauhari Oratmangun, Deputy Chief of Mission, Indonesian Embassy for the Royal Kingdom of Netherlands
  • Mr. Firdaus Dahlan (Counsellor for Information and Socio-Cultural Affairs, Indonesian Embassy for the Royal Kingdom of Netherlands
  • Attache for Culture and Education of the Indonesian Embassy in Den Haag, the Netherlands
  • Mochamad Chalid, Chairperson of ISTECS, Netherlands Chapter
  • Rachmat Triandi, Chairperson of ISTECS, Europe Chapter





ISSM 1997

1st Indonesian Students Scientific Meeting in Europe 1997 (ISSM'97)

2–3 August, Wiesbaden, Germany


ISSM 1998

2nd Indonesian Students Scientific Meeting 1998 (ISSM'98)

4–5 September, Paderborn, Germany


ISSM 1999

Indonesian Students Scientific Meeting 1999 (ISSM'99)

8–9 October, Kassel, Germany


ISSM 2000

"Revitalisation of the Role of Indonesian Scientist in Increasing National Competence"

6–7 October, Paris, France


ISSM 2001

'Global Networking and Research Contributions towards Indonesian Prosperity'

25–26 August, Manchester, UK


ISSM 2002

'Empowerment of Small and Medium Enterprises through Environment Oriented Technology"

4–6 October, Berlin, Germany


ISSM 2003

'International Cooperation in Research and Education for Community Development"

9–10 October, Delft, the Netherlands


ISSM 2004

"Industrial Sustainability for National Economic Recovery in Developing Countries"

7–9 October 2004, Aachen, Germany


ISSM 2005

"Toward a better Indonesia: Perspectives from Indonesian Students in Europe"

30 September – 1 October 2005, Paris, France


ISSM 2006

"Developing Agriculture Based on Science, Technology and Energy Conservation"

4 November 2006, Heidelberg, Germany



sigit kusumawijaya, ST. (B.Arch)
architect, designer & videographer
Candidate of MSc. Urbanism, TU Delft,

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