Selasa, 13 November 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] kontemplasi

How great is this Love that finite words fail to describe
Love so Pure
So Trustworthy
So Sure

This Love that I now allow to pulse my heart
As It has done throughout Eternity

Yes, it comes in time to quench the thirst
Of all who remain here still on earth
Bringing forth the Abundant Harvest
While remaining in gentle Rest

Yes, it is Good that causes the sky to bring
The rain and the snow
Quench the dry earth
Feed the river's flow

Yes, I arise from the sleep of my complacency
And Embrace Life's Generosity
Let all the walls vanish,
The rain wash the silt away
And in celebration, I now join
The Pulse beating the heart One

Yes, like the rain that brings the harvest's wealth
This Love saturates me
And I remember the Essence of my Self

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