Kamis, 08 November 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] LAUGH YOUR WAY TO GOD....



"This is the only ultimate joke in existence. You are enlightened. You are Buddhas -
pretending not to be, pretending to be somebody else. And my whole work here is to expose you."


"Man is so repressed that he cannot even speak certain words; he is utterly inhibited. The joke starts with ordinary words, but takes a sudden turn and catches you unawares. And that sudden turn you could not have expected; that's why all your repressed mind, your inhibitions suddenly explode.
"Nobody has used jokes for cleaning your mind. It is a catharsis. The moment you see the point, suddenly you say, 'My God, I was going towards a certain rational conclusion...' The joke turns at a point where you would not have expected it. That sudden turn makes you forget all your rationality, all your logic, all your language. In a split moment you are suddenly like a child.
"You must have noted, the jokes are only concerned with the repressed parts of your being. It is a revenge - revenge by the powerless against the powerful. They kill you, they destroy you, but you can do it better without weapons, just by a single joke! Jokes have a beauty of their own, because they bring laughter to you. And to me laughter is the moment where the mind stops, time stops and you are suddenly overwhelmed by a new energy, a new delight. These are simple glimpses to prepare you for the ultimate laughter.
"It is said about Bodhidharma that the first thing he did after his enlightenment was, he laughed loudly. Again and again it was asked of him why he laughed; there was no visible reasons for it.
He said, 'I laugh because I was searching for myself, and I was going round and round everywhere except within myself. Existence has played a great joke on me.' Certainly jokes are not irrational. I have never come across any joke - and perhaps I have come across many more jokes than any living or dead man - that is irrational. There is a certain strange turning at the end, but it is not irrational. It is how human beings function, how their minds function.
"Every joke has a great reason. It is connected with your unconscious and the society's torture of humanity. It brings it out in the open - in no other way can it be released - and you can be unburdened. This unburdening, this relief is the very reason of every joke."

Take it really seriously
a revolutionary insight into jokes.

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