Sabtu, 03 November 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Learn French Girl

French girl
French girl

Win the heart of a French girl for true love

Do you want to win the heart of a beautiful exotic French girl princess for happily ever after?

This is how :

French girl
Believe in yourself
French girl

Read my advice
French girl
Learn a few French words!

Below is my advice


Nothing changed my life as much as being 100% honest - at any price- try it you will see.
french girl


Love sees with the heart and not with the eyes.
Women think with their hearts .
They will love a charming clever guy who is sweet and has common sense,
even if he is poor.
Think of the movie the Titanic
french girl

French girls want, like all girls, to have babies, no matter what they say.
french girl

We all suffer and pass from this life. However,
when you share this life with another soul who sees you as their spiritual partner,
then when its time to leave this life, to the next your life, you will not feel alone,
and will feel your life was meaningful.
french girl

A French girl will teach you to love travel and life more than your job.
If you are reading this, you need to learn this lesson.
french girl
Charm is getting what you want without having to ask.
Romance will be always more powerful,
than looks or money.
I promise.
french girl

No matter what French girls say, they do not want a brute. Do you?
Of course not. French girls think with their hearts. Gentleness will win over force.
This is true strength.
french girl

Positive attitude- Good energy will breeds good energy. We are only strains of energy,
between heaven and earth.
Don't worry be happy and French girls will love you.
french girl


French girl
French Girls

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