Minggu, 04 November 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] O, my Lord, please help us

In the midst of great turmoil there can be peace.
In the midst of great change, a new direction can be found.
Lift up our hands and see what the good Lord can do in our life.
Lift them up in the midst of the storm.
Let's surround ourself with good friends, and make sure that our idleness
does not lead us to do evil.
The days are rushing forward, and in time all things will come to pass.
Where once there was great sorrow,
there can be found joy.
Check and see what our priorities in life are.
Consider a balancing beam: which side is heavy
and which side is light?
Let the winds of change, through the spirit of our good Lord,
create new possibilities in our life.
Please,  our  Lord, surround us with rubies and sapphires.
For those of us who have been in the caves,
Our Lord will now give us His light.
Then we will come upon a new day.
Then we will come out into the open


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