Selasa, 13 November 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Re: Maslow, etc (was: Jiddu Krishnamurti...)

Cuma makasih doang nih? :)  Nggak pakai traktir... ? ;)


--- In, "was_swas" <was_swas@...> wrote:
> Wow!
> Makasih Bang :). Iya ya, baru sekarang aku ingat bahwa Maslow udah
> menambahkan dua hal lagi. Waktu kuliah udah pernah disebut juga. Karatan
> nih Maslow-ku lama nggak dipakai.. hehehe.. Untung konsepnya Maslow
> nggak berubah biarpun nambah ;) Kalau berubah kayak Stephen Hawking dan
> lubang hitamnya, waaah.. bisa berabe ;)
> Salam
> --- In, "sinagahp"
> sinagahp@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > Rekan-rekan Yth.,
> >
> > Teori Maslow tentang 5 tingkat hirarki kebutuhan adalah teori yang
> > dikemukakan Maslow pada tahun 1943 (A Theory of Human Motivation).
> Pada
> > tahun 1970 sebenarnya Maslow sudah mengajukan revisi terhadap
> gagasannya
> > terdahulu. Dalam bukunya yang berjudul Motivation and Personality,
> > Maslow mengemukakan 7 tingkat kebutuhan manusia.
> >
> > 7. Aesthetic
> > <>
> > * Each need level is "evoked" to the degree that the organism is
> > "threatened" or "unsatisfied" at that level.
> > * In general, lower levels supersede higher levels when the
> > organism's "degree of satisfaction" at the lower level is
> > "threatened".
> > * A need that has been satisfied for a long time may lose the
> > ability to assert itself.
> > * An individual may become "fixated" at a given level.
> > * Needs tend to me more unconscious than not.
> > 6. Know & Understand
> > <> (*
> > <> ) 5.
> > Self-actualize <>
> > 4. Esteem or Ego
> > <>
> > 3. Love & Belonging
> > <>
> > 2. Safety & Security
> > <>
> > 1. Physiological
> > <>
> > Revisi yang diajukan Maslow ini relatif tidak banyak dikenal dibanding
> > dengan gagasan Maslow tentang 5 tingkat kebutuhan manusia. Gambaran
> > singkat mengenai 7 tingkat kebutuhan manusia ini dapat dilihat di:
> >
> > Sedangkan naskah lengkap dari teori maslow yang diajukan pada tahun
> > 1943, dapat dilihat di:
> >
> > Ada beberapa hal yang cukup menarik untuk disimak dari naskah gagasan
> > awal Maslow (5 tingkat kebutuhan).
> > Degree of relative satisfaction. -- So far, our theoretical discussion
> > may have given the impression that these five sets of needs are
> somehow
> > in a step-wise, all-or-none relationships to each other. We have
> spoken
> > in such terms as the following: "If one need is satisfied, then
> another
> > emerges." This statement might give the false impression that a need
> > must be satisfied 100 per cent before the next need emerges. In actual
> > fact, most members of our society who are normal, are partially
> > satisfied in all their basic needs and partially unsatisfied in all
> > their basic needs at the same time. A more realistic description of
> the
> > hierarchy would be in terms of decreasing percentages of satisfaction
> as
> > we go up the hierarchy of prepotency, For instance, if I may assign
> > arbitrary figures for the sake of illustration, it is as if the
> average
> > citizen [p. 389] is satisfied perhaps 85 per cent in his physiological
> > needs, 70 per cent in his safety needs, 50 per cent in his love needs,
> > 40 per cent in his self-esteem needs, and 10 per cent in his
> > self-actualization needs.
> > Hal-hal lain yang terkait, dapat dilihat pada artikel/link yang saya
> > berikan. Moga-moga bermanfaat. :)
> >
> > salam,
> > harez

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