Sabtu, 03 November 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Re: TO PEE OR NOT TO PEE (By. SeksPeare)

Hush! Kurnia Ahmadi, you only an imaginary figure in one of my writings, along with Galigo Patalino, Allyda, Kintamani ... You, soon enuff to be thrown away onto the lost beach, far below in my city to meet my real friends, they are there for you. Ask them to dance with you.... So, dont talk too much about the ½Hole Spirit½... I just wanted you to know that I have heard ½the sound of spirit½, that is someone from far North, could sing an ancient songs, with three different voices at the same time... That is really something for me, tho...

Be Fun


--- In, "kurnia_ahmadi" <kurnia_ahmadi@...> wrote:
> The FACT is, that specific ½HOLE½... Is more than ½to
> pee½... Or, you just dont know how to use it...?
> Be Fun
> Tuhantu
> <>
> --- In, "leonardo_rimba"
> leonardo_rimba@ wrote:
> >
> > Either you WISH IT or NOT WISH IT, you ALWAYS PEE.
> > That's the FACT wherever DRUMSTICKS are utilized
> > as a sort of sometime uncompromising CONNECTING DEVICE
> >
> > The INTELLIGENT QUESTION to answer is, my friend,
> > where to pee. WHERE ? This HOLE, or that HOLE ?
> > Is any HOLE OK ? Or, only ONE HOLE SPIRIT is OK ?
> >
> > Hmmm hmmm hmmm... hole hole hole spirit spirit spirit
> > Holespirit Holespirit KEEP IT AWAY FROM DOGGY2
> > Keep it safe, keep it safe, CLOSE IT CLOSE IT
> > Doggy2 is after HOLE SPIRIT.... hus hus hus
> >
> > Go away Go away !!
> >
> >
> > --- In, "tuhantu_hantuhan"
> > tuhantu_hantuhan@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Quote: Religions are easy to invent. Most traditional religions
> > have
> > > little or nothing to do with reality, are dependent on obfuscation,
> > > interpretation, guilt, and unreasoning faith--some more than
> > others. end
> > > of quote.
> > >
> > > Tuhantu:
> > >
> > > What ½reality½ really is...?
> > >
> > > I tell you, what... Then why it is so difficult for some people
> > (this
> > > might including you, Alexander?) to invent their own religion (to
> > pee)?
> > > Why you had to quote Anton (who is he, anyway?) instead of to show
> > us,
> > > that you also -easily- inventing your own religion?
> > >
> > > Quote: If you can't eat it
> > > and you can't sleep under it
> > > and you can't mate with it
> > > then pee on it.
> > > This philosophy embodies the basic needs of all creatures,
> > intelligent
> > > or not. End of quote.
> > >
> > > Tuhantu: So, the question is TO PEE OR NOT TO PEE (By SeksPeare:-
> > ) ...
> > > Show me that ´To Pee´ is a very simple thing, without quoting
> > > anything from anyone...
> > >
> > > So... Anyone wanna PEE?... Be my guess... Hahahahaha.... Piss,
> > > men...wakakakakaka...
> > >
> > > Be Fun
> > >
> > > Tuhantu
> > >
> > > <>
> > >
> >

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