Kamis, 06 Desember 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Does an enlightened person transcend sex?

Does an enlightened person transcend sex?

I KNOW FOR CERTAIN that celibacy is unnatural unless you are impotent – and I don't think any impotent person has ever become enlightened. No, there is no mention of it. In fact, just the opposite is the case. THE PEOPLE WHO BECAME ENLIGHTENED WERE REALLY TOO MUCH SEXUAL – so much that finally they understood that there is nothing much in it. They experienced it through and through and found nothing in it. And that was the point from where they started searching for something else. That led them towards Buddhahood, enlightenment.

But ONCE THEY HAD BECOME ENLIGHTENED THEY BEGAN FULFILLING PEOPLE'S EXPECTATIONS, because they wanted to be seen as great enlightened Masters, prophets, messiahs.

Buddha would not allow any woman close to him, she had to remain eight feet away. Is this enlightenment? –so afraid, so shaky that even a woman coming close and you become afraid? THIS IS REPRESSION, THIS IS NOT ENLIGHTENMENT.

I want to declare to the whole world that unenlightened people can have only sexual relationships, which they call "making love". This is not right. They should stop calling it "making love"; they are simply "making sex". ONLY AN ENLIGHTENED PERSON CAN MAKE LOVE, because it is no more his need. He can be without it for years and not even for a single moment will he feel its need. But he can enjoy it as fun.

I can play cards; it is not a need. I can drink once in a while; it does not disturb my enlightenment. I can make love. My enlightenment is not made of such fragile matter. It cannot be disturbed by anything. But it can disturb some people's idea of enlightenment. That is their business. In fact, they have been asking whether enlightened people transcend sex, and I have sent the answer to them that THE ENLIGHTENED PERSON FINALLY TRANSCENDS ENLIGHTENMENT, TOO.

And I have transcended enlightenment, too. Now I am again the same old ordinary man I was before all this round trip jet journey. I am back home. I have passed through everything – all meditation, all enlightenment – and come back home, with new eyes, new clarity, new vision.

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