Kamis, 06 Desember 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Enlightenment is great death

If you become enlightened you will become so ordinary, so simple, that nobody will take any note of you. You will become almost absent. Let that become my definition of enlightenment: You will become almost absent. You will just pass like a small breeze of no significance. To the world you will be nobody. To yourself you will be the whole world. To the universe, you will be all that you can be, all that you are meant to be. To the universe it will be a tremendous joy that you have dropped all running after significant things. At least there is one man who lives insignificantly, ordinarily, not going anywhere; no heaven, no God, no nirvana.

- From Misery to Enlightenment, Chapter #18

I call enlightenment the great death. All other deaths only take your possessions; you go on living in different houses, in different bodies, with different possessions -- but you continue. Enlightenment is the great death, because after that you will not have the body, you will not have the mind, you will not have the heart, you will not have all your possessions. You don't need them -- because the whole universe is you.

- From Death to Deathlessness, Chapter #23

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