Selasa, 11 Desember 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Expanded-DiSC ( 26-27 Desember 2007 )

HRD Forum Two Days Workshop
Personal Assessment with
For Non-Psychologist & Psychologist
(Assessment for Recruitment, Job Macth, Training, Replacement, Development, Team building)
 26-27 Desember 2007 - Fee Early Bird : Rp 3.000.000,-

The EXPANDED DISC has been deeloped from original vrsion in the last six years. This version was develop by organization who leads in technology and know-how in so many fields, is now home to the worlds most advanced assessment system.  It has 2 validated format in bahasa Indonesia and customized delivery reports options.
provides certification workshop in EXPANDED DISC products toHR Profesional as consultants, managers, trainers etc. in business and human resource/human capital, personal development, and organizational development.
The EXPANDED DISC products help delivers these outcomes for your employees or clients:
-          Advanced and comprehensive interpretation of 4 Factors System for Strategic Business Process Diagnosis
-          Tap into core strengths for top performance and leadership
-          Accelerate team cohesiveness and consensus through Team Culture Analysis
-          Optimize how to listen and respond for maximum impact
Why The Expanded DISC?
The EXPANDED DISC has been developed from original version in the last six years. This version was develop by organization who leads in technology and know-how in so many fields, is now home to the worlds most advanced assessment system.
Most of Psychologist and Non-Psychologist who use old DISC already upgrade their assessment to EXPANDED DISC. They like the enhanced technical and application capabilities of the EXPANDED DISC, as well as the fair and reasonable price. So, join the hundreds of organizations that have upgraded theirs assessment to Expanded DISC.
Workshop Objectives

To become familiar and comfortable with the EXPANDED DISC system
To understand about various applications of tools in the EXPANDED DISC
To learn how to score and interpret the basic and advanced reports in the EXPANDED DISC
Workshop Program
08.30 - 17.00 WIB
DAY 1 (Basic E-DiSC )
            Background of EXPANDED DISC
            The Behavioral Styles
            Walk-through of typical half-day workshop
            EXPANDED DISC Model
            Interpreting the Personal Analysis
            Interpreting the Work Pair Analysis
            Advanced Interpretation Techniques
DAY 2 (Advance E-DiSC)
            TEAM ANALYSIS:
Scoring, Application & Interpretation.
Scoring, Application & Interpretation
            JOB/TASK  ANALYSIS:
Scoring, Application & Interpretation
            TEAM ALIGNMENT:
Scoring, Application & Interpretation
What will you get?

This basic certification training includes:
1.        Personal Style Analysis Report Generation Software (CD Installer) for 100 assessments ($300 value)
2.        Manuals
3.        Training materials, case practices in CD format (Softcopy)
4.        Bahasa Indonesia version Questionnaires (Format A)
5.        Validated alternative Format B --> for validation
6.        Customized delivery options for reports
7.        Certificate of completion
* Wonderlic Aptitude Test
* CCT (Color Code Test) Hartman
* E-Test for Career Development:
- E-Career Advancement Test
- E-Goal Setting Test
- E-Leadership Test
- E-Emotional Inteliggence Test
- E-Ability Test
- E-Motivation Inventory
- E-MindStyle Inventory
- E-Personality Style Inventory
* Culture Assessment
Included snacks, lunch, materials, CD & certificate of completion
Early Bird Rp. 3.000.000,- 
peserta diharapkan membawa notebook (lap top)
No Account
BCA - KCP Ahmad Yani - Bekasi -
No. Rek : 739 041 0829  a/n Bahari Antono
HRD Forum Training Center - IS PLAZA Building 9th Floor
Information & Registration
0815 1049 0007

IS Plaza Building, 9th Floor,  Jl Pramuka Raya Kav.151, Jakarta-13120
Telp     : 021 – 851 3661 ; 021 – 857 9510 (hunting) ; 021 – 856 4666 ext.1053
Fax      : 021 – 851 3661 ; 021 – 857 9510
Email  :
Website :

Form Pendaftaran E-DiSC  26-27 Desember 2007
Name: ........................
Company: ..................
Address: ....................
Phone/HP: .................
E-mail: .......................
Date of Transfer: ........

Agenda Pelatihan Periode November - Desember 2007
   HRD Forum - Human Resources Development For Unlimited Mind 

1. How To Be Personnel Professional
Tanggal             :           1 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp 1.000.000,-
Lokasi               :           Hotel Aston Atrium
Untuk mendukung Fungsi dan tugas HRD secara keseluruhan di perlukan seorang personalia yang professional & handal. Pada workshop ini kami uraikan satu persatu apa dan bagaimana menjadi seorang personalia yang professional.
2.  Make Powerfull And Meaningfull Psychology Report
Tanggal             :           4 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.600.000,-
Lokasi               :           Hotel Sofyan Cikini
Dalam workshop ini peserta akan di ajarkan bagaimana membuat report yang baik dan benar sesuai dengan latar belakang teori, metodologi dan manualnya sehingga menjadi sebuah report yang powerfull & meaningfull.
3.  The Doodle Test
Tanggal             :           6 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.500.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre

4. Human Capital Management Blue Print
Tanggal             :           7 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.300.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre

Salah satu aspek yang paling penting di dalam sebuah perusahaan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan sumber daya manusia adalah dengan adanya blue print atau cetak biru, cetak biru juga merupakan sebuah pijakan yang harus di miliki oleh setiap perusahaan agar jelas dan terarah keman SDM nya akan di kembangkan. Dalam workshop ini akan di bahas blue print dalam dua modul yakni analisa kondisi internal dan eksternal.
5.  PHK & Rasionalisasi
Tanggal             :           8 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.850.000
Lokasi               :           Aston Atrium Senen
Dalam workshop ini akan didemontrasikan betapa mudahnya menghitung kompensasi PHK, baik yang sesuai dengan normatif maupun di tambah dengan kebijaksaan perusahaan, sehingga PHK menjadi solusi yang win win.
6.  How To Be Assertive
Tanggal             :           10 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.000.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre

7. Pay For Performance
Tanggal             :           11 - 12 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 2.850.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre

8.  Make Powerfull & Meaningfull Assessment Report for Non Psychology
Tanggal             :           13 Desember  2007
Investasi            :           Rp 1.600.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre

Mempersiapkan Praktisi HR Non Psikologi untuk dapat menjadi seorang recruiter yang efektif. Memberikan pemahaman mengenai perilaku pelamar dalam proses assessment & recruitment dan dapat menyajikan sebuah laporan hasil assessment dengan baik dan benar.
9. Time Management
Tanggal             :           14 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.000.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre
10. Make Performance Appraisal Design
Tanggal             :           14 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.500.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre

11. Job Evaluation & Remuneration
Tanggal             :           14 - 15 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 2.500.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre
12. The Recruitment Handbook
Tanggal             :           17 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.000.000,-
Lokasi               :           Aston Atrium Hotel
Panduan Efektif proses rekrutmen
13. Quasi Assessment & Development Centre
Tanggal             :           17 - 18 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 3.000.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre
Mempelajari tentang metoda Assessment Centre dalam format yang lebih praktis & sederhana.
Workshop ini merupakan "cutting edge" yang mengadopsi beberapa metode assessment center yang klasik dan mengembangkannya dengan teknik permodelan dan pendekatan psikometrik

14. Modern Graphology Course
Tanggal             :           19 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.500.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre
Dalam workshop ini peserta akan di ajarkan mengenal karakter seseorang berdasarkan tulisan.
15. Expanded DiSC
Tanggal             :           26-27 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 3.000.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre
Agenda dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu dan akan di informasikan di Milis atau di Blog

Ms. Rani Kartika
0815 1049 0007
Email  :
Agenda Lengkap :

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