Senin, 03 Desember 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] KOMENTAR PESERTA ASING di MMD Bali, Nov 2007

[Dari retret MMD ke-3 di Brahmavihara-arama, Singaraja, Bali, 30 November – 2 Desember 2007.]



"The experience was purposeful and challenging.
Your teaching is clear, as clear as one can get on such subjects as the self.
I found bits & pieces of a state of mind I had reached a long time ago.
I will look for the one who is watching and do my best to keep it meditating on a daily basis. I know it is the way.
Thank you for visiting Bali and for sharing your wisdom & knowledge with us."

Claude Chaunard


"After five-week holiday in Bali, it is like a red line that led me here. Although I was very interested in their Hinduistic religion, and I appreciated their serious practices like blessings, ceremonies, I also felt, that the Balinese people are too much bound by their religious rules like we are in our Christian churches, and often do not understand why we are doing religious things.

So, at the first day of my holiday, I was invited by an artist from Java, who lives in Ubud, and from him I bought a very beautiful Buddha statue, which I put at a nice place in my guest-house, and I meditated every day for several minutes there with my 'new friend'.

By chance (?) I found a book (in German!) in a secondhand bookshop in Ubud by Krishnamurti, 'Ein___(?) in die Freiheit', which gave me new interesting ideas! I didn't know that our meditation teacher in the Buddhist Monastery is a student of Krishnamurti. And when I was invited by a Dutch girl, whom I met 'by chance', to this meditation weekend and learned of that, my heart really throbbed!

I appreciated our teacher very much, for how he taught in a very gentle way and the interesting thoughts he gave us mostly experienced by the Buddha himself. Especially when he said every time after his talks, 'Now forget it all and experience it for yourself!' This is what I also bought from this artist: a cloth with a saying of the Buddha: 'Believe nothing and nobody, unless it agrees with your own thinking and experience!'

So, dear reader, 'Forget and live now by your own experience!' "

Lisa Schnike-Heinze, Germany


"The last few days I followed the meditation course in the temple of Bali. It was a very special experience for me. To be quiet and sit and walk. From the early morning until the evening. Be aware of yourself. No talking, writing or reading. Just be quiet and experience your awareness. A wonderful experience. Thanks for getting the possibility of enjoying this experience in my life."

Petra de Kleyn, the Netherlands


"Buddhist temple in Banjar, near Lovina, offers everything to allow you to hunt within:
- observing with no reaction to how the mind is
- peaceful setting in the hills overlooking the ocean
- nutritious food
- loving keepers
- comfy bed & room
- tranquil meditation places."

Joe Warren, USA


"My experience in joining a meditation weekend at Bali's only Buddhist monastery

Except for some short meditation moments in yoga class, I had no experience with meditation for longer periods of time. When I arrived at the monastery I directly felt very comfortable and welcome. During the two days of meditation we had six discussions with our meditation teacher, who taught us, in very good English, the Vipassana meditation techniques. I found the meditations and discussions very learnful. It helped me to become more aware, and gave several tools on how to maintain awareness in ordinary life. It were two days in a totally unknown world that were very special for me in many ways; challenging your body, observing your mind & body, experriencing peacefulness through meditation. Thank you for this wonderful gift that has come to me!"

Ingrid Depijper, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


"Observing, watching, trying to be aware. So many things happen, and all are impermanent.
They are not, they are, they gone."

Andoni Amorebieta, Spain


"I attended the 3-day Insight Meditation in the hope to understand what meditation is and what is not, and to receive guidance for my personal practice.

The sitting and walking meditations brought me in contact with myself and I could observe and experience over the 3 days how everything within and aroud constantly changing. Throbbing pain during sitting meditation became less and less, opening space for emotions to come up and go as well.

After the 3 days I feel an inner calm not experienced for quite a while. The healing following meditations encouraged me to read as well about different schools of meditation."

Hannelore Gut, Germany, Yogyakarta

[Berikut ini komentar dua orang Indonesia yang lama tinggal di luar negeri sehingga tidak lancar berbahasa Indonesia.]

"I have heard of this place from friends and always wanted to join the retreat, but being a beginner, I was worried that I might not be able to follow the teachings.

Now that I am here, it is one of the place that I feel most comfortable. The peaceful surroundings, the wonderful teachings, the understanding on each student's ability, makes a perfect retreat with intellectual subjects/teachings.

All the ingredients for us to go back again to face our lives outside with better understanding (to be a better person), feeling stronger, to be at peace with oneself. Thank you."

Angelina Santo, 48 th, self-employed, Changu (Bali)


"Being at a meditation group for the first time, this has been a very new & awakening experience indeed.

Taking self-awareness to your every breath, step and thought is like learning to walk as a little child would for he first time.

The strongest will power to overcome for me was to come here for these three days and taking it all in as seriously as possible. However, once here, with the rest of the group and our teacher/guide, learning and accepting the theory of this simple yet challenging method of letting go, yet accepting everything, became something I was willing to put my time and effort into.

What is special & wonderful with this meditation technique is that there is absolutely no discrimination between religions. At a time such as now, where families, groups, nations are experiencing such conflicts of wealth and power 'in the name of God', it is nice to feel the ___ of no right or wrong belief.

This meditation is all about the individual and each person's ability to remove themselves from the physical and mental equasion(?) to reach a point of timelessness. Having only been here three days and experiencing such inner tranquillity has brought me to think of, and remember (although we are not supposed to), many aspects of my life and those surrounding me.

Only after becoming aware/conscious of my thoughts and letting them go as they come, am I slowly beginning to understand what it is like to be free of thoughts, emotions, physical discomfort and pleasure.

Trying to find a point in my mind where all is still, without looking for it, accepting any discomfort of sitting still as a statue by observing, understanding and accepting that the discomfort is there to the point that I do not feel it anymore, and to let every fleeting thought pass by without bringing memories or emotions up, is indeed a challenge that I hope I can one day find the courage to face, to accept and become one with.

The method is so simple, yet our day to day life is in such s different perspective due to cultures and human nature, that it is a truly unique challenge to overcome, something that has no visible, physical, explainable reward. Only when we do achieve it will we truly understand its meaning or nonmeaning."

Wayan Allesandro Lam, 26 th, Kuta.

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