Selasa, 04 Desember 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Make Performance Appraisal Design - 14 Desember 2007

HRD Forum One Day Workshop
Make Performance Appraisal Design
14 Desember 2007 : Rp. 1.500.000,- HRD Forum Training Centre


ideally PA allows mgt to specify what employee must do; combines feedback and goal setting
everyone involved needs to recognize that performance appraisal involves human judgment and information processing; can never be totally objective or infallible
system should aim to be easy to operate, easy to explain, easy to maintain, easy to administer
system should be job related, relevant, sensitive, reliable, acceptable, practical, open, fair, useful
ratee should participate in the development
need to take legal issues into account

Why PA often fails
managers often resist (passively or actively)
may have limited contact with subordinate; may be poor at giving feedback
subordinates poor at receiving feedback
managers often view it as wasted paperwork, especially if nothing comes of their efforts
interfere with their "coaching" function they prefer
managers fear the emotions that can be unleashed; may fear not being able to defend ratings

To be very legally defensible a system would have these components:
employee participation in establishing perf. standards
standards based on critical elements of job; clearly recorded in writing
employee advised of critical requirements before the appraisal
system should not be based on interpersonal comparisons (eg. curve)
PA done in writing at least annually
results tied to personnel decisions
employees allowed to respond to charge orally and in writing
appraisers must be provided training
PA system evaluated and refined as necessary

Questions most asked by system designers and system users
is the system valid are the ratings reliable
are performance measures job related how are numbers going to be used
is there any pattern of dissemination how will numbers be explained to employees
does the system distinguish high from low performers
are scales well anchored what type of job analysis was conducted

Steps in a Performance Review Do Background work for the Performance Review
Clarify job description and responsiblities
Clarify employee development interests and needs
list specific development areas for concentration
Review performance objectives and performance standards
Review progress toward objectives through ongoing feedback and periodic discussions
Decide on Purpose(s) Typically the purposes include
Giving employees answers to:
      - what am I expected to do
      - how well am I doing
      - what are my strengths and weaknesses
      - how can I do a better job how can I contribute more

Other purposes include providing information about work performance judgmental-provide basis for reward allocation, promotions, transfers, layoffs; identify high potential employees developmental-foster work improvement, identify training and development opportunities, develop ways to overcome obstacles, barriers; establish supervisor employee agreement on expectations sometimes these two don't mix well translating organizational goals into individual job objectives communicating expectations regarding emp. performance providing feedback; coach on how to achieve objectives diagnosing strengths and weaknesses of employees determining a development plan for improving job perf. Define the behavioral aspects of performance and analyze performance; Identify specific problem to be solved identify specific levels of performance communicate all data to individuals about performance Gather Performance Data Develop specific, measurable, reasonable goals for each worker-make sure the worker accepts the goal Choose Performance Review Approach (eg. Tell and sell, Tell and listen, Problem-solving) Evaluate (Interpret) Performance Data Prepare for Interview Set Interview Make specific appointment (at least an hour) Private (hold telephone calls, etc.); arrange effective seating arrangement Use Characteristics of Constructive Feedback (see handout on effective feedback) Follow-up Action Plan for Future

Human resource practitioners working in the compensation field, general HR management, All Manager and line management who will be applying the methodology to the organization/unit. People in, or preparing for, highly active and accountable leadership roles for which the use of the related tools are value-added instruments.

No Account :
BCA - KCP Ahmad Yani - Bekasi
No. Rek : 739 041 0829  a/n  Bahari Antono
Venue :
HRD Forum Training Centre
IS Plaza Building, 9th floor
Jakarta Timur

Information & Registration :
Ms.Rani Kartika
IS PLAZA Building 9th Floor, Room 904
Jl Pramuka Raya Kav 151 - Jakarta Timur
Telp: 021- 851-3661 ; 021-857 9510 ; 021 - 856 4666 ext 1053
Fax: 021 - 851 3661 ; 021-857 9510

Hotline !!
0815 1049 0007

Pendaftaran Via SMS : 0815 1049 0007
(nama,perusahaan, PA Design)

Jadwal Lengkap ada di

Form Pendaftaran Make Performance Appraisal Design
Name: ........................
Company: ..................
Address: ....................
Phone/HP: .................
E-mail: .......................
Date of Transfer: ........

Agenda Pelatihan Periode November - Desember 2007
   HRD Forum - Human Resources Development For Unlimited Mind 

1. How To Be Personnel Professional
Tanggal             :           1 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp 1.000.000,-
Lokasi               :           Hotel Aston Atrium
Untuk mendukung Fungsi dan tugas HRD secara keseluruhan di perlukan seorang personalia yang professional & handal. Pada workshop ini kami uraikan satu persatu apa dan bagaimana menjadi seorang personalia yang professional.
2.  Make Powerfull And Meaningfull Psychology Report
Tanggal             :           4 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.600.000,-
Lokasi               :           Hotel Sofyan Cikini
Dalam workshop ini peserta akan di ajarkan bagaimana membuat report yang baik dan benar sesuai dengan latar belakang teori, metodologi dan manualnya sehingga menjadi sebuah report yang powerfull & meaningfull.
3.  The Doodle Test
Tanggal             :           6 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.500.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre

4. Human Capital Management Blue Print
Tanggal             :           7 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.300.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre

Salah satu aspek yang paling penting di dalam sebuah perusahaan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan sumber daya manusia adalah dengan adanya blue print atau cetak biru, cetak biru juga merupakan sebuah pijakan yang harus di miliki oleh setiap perusahaan agar jelas dan terarah keman SDM nya akan di kembangkan. Dalam workshop ini akan di bahas blue print dalam dua modul yakni analisa kondisi internal dan eksternal.
5.  Bagaimana Meningkatkan Efisiensi Perusahaan Melalui Pengurangan Karyawan
Tanggal             :           8 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.850.000
Lokasi               :           Aston Atrium Senen
Dalam workshop ini akan didemontrasikan betapa mudahnya menghitung kompensasi PHK, baik yang sesuai dengan normatif maupun di tambah dengan kebijaksaan perusahaan, sehingga PHK menjadi solusi yang win win.
6.  How To Be Assertive
Tanggal             :           10 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.000.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre

7. Pay For Performance
Tanggal             :           11 - 12 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 2.850.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre

8.  Make Powerfull & Meaningfull Assessment Report for Non Psychology
Tanggal             :           13 Desember  2007
Investasi            :           Rp 1.600.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre

Mempersiapkan Praktisi HR Non Psikologi untuk dapat menjadi seorang recruiter yang efektif. Memberikan pemahaman mengenai perilaku pelamar dalam proses assessment & recruitment dan dapat menyajikan sebuah laporan hasil assessment dengan baik dan benar.
9. Time Management
Tanggal             :           14 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.000.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre
10. Make Performance Appraisal Design
Tanggal             :           14 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.500.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre

11. Job Evaluation & Remuneration
Tanggal             :           14 - 15 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 2.500.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre
12. The Recruitment Handbook
Tanggal             :           17 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.000.000,-
Lokasi               :           Aston Atrium Hotel
Panduan Efektif proses rekrutmen
13. Quasi Assessment & Development Centre
Tanggal             :           17 - 18 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 3.000.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre
Mempelajari tentang metoda Assessment Centre dalam format yang lebih praktis & sederhana.
Workshop ini merupakan "cutting edge" yang mengadopsi beberapa metode assessment center yang klasik dan mengembangkannya dengan teknik permodelan dan pendekatan psikometrik

14. Modern Graphology Course
Tanggal             :           19 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 1.500.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre
Dalam workshop ini peserta akan di ajarkan mengenal karakter seseorang berdasarkan tulisan.
15. Expanded DiSC
Tanggal             :           26-27 Desember 2007
Investasi            :           Rp. 3.000.000,-
Lokasi               :           HRD Forum Training Centre
Agenda dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu dan akan di informasikan di Milis atau di Blog

Ms. Rani Kartika
0815 1049 0007
Email  :
Agenda Lengkap :

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