Minggu, 23 Desember 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Mother's Day

Saturday is my busiest day due to the tight teaching schedule I have this term: from 8am to 12pm, and from 14 to 16pm. I seldom go home during lunch break. I usually just go to one food stall close to my workplace to have my lunch.
December 22, 2007 I did my 'routine'. A workmate greeted me, "Happy mother's day, Ma'am." I smiled widely. I asked her, "When is the children's day?" She grinned hearing that question of mine.
I never consider mother's day a special day in my life. It doesn't mean that I don't love my mother. Perhaps I am wrong to think that my mother just does her obligation toward her children so that I never think that I need to do a special thing to show my love to her on the day chosen by Indonesian government as "mother's day". There are 364 other days in one year I can "use" to do things I want to do to show my mother that I love her.
I myself never consider my role as a mother for Angie very important so that she needs to, let's say, give me a special gift on this "special" day. Anything I have done (and will do) for and toward Angie comes from my own willingness because I am happy to do that so that she does not need to pay it back.
After teaching at 4pm, I dropped by for a while at one cyber café, checking my mailboxes, posting some writings in my blogs, including reading some writings on "mothers' day" at some mailing lists, including at some friends' blogs. I came to a conclusion that those writings still put women—especially who have become mothers, either because they have delivered some babies from their womb, or because they automatically become a mother after marrying men who have kids—at a pedestal position, I opine this situation often then traps women to be softly oppressed (such as: don't do this or that because you are a mother; don't make yourself very busy outside home because you have a very highly adorable role as a mother: to take care of children, and not as a breadwinner, don't make yourself boss by having a higher paycheck than your husband because men don't want to be under you, so please focus only on your DESTINY, a mother, etc).
At 5pm I left the café because it was going to close.
Arriving home, entering my shared bedroom with my Lovely Star, I found it a bit cleaner and tidier than the morning when I left it (NOTE: ONLY A BIT CLEANER AND TIDIER LOL). Aha … what did Angie do when I was busy at the office? FYI, she had some days off from school, from December 20, Idul Adha holiday, until December 25, Christmas. When I went to the dining room, I didn't find the pile of clothes waiting to be ironed. Instead, some were hanging neatly in the clothes hanger, some others were folded neatly in one pile. Hohoho … my spoilt Lovely Star has eased my household chores, eh? LOL. I believe she wouldn't agree if the whole days in one year is Mother's Day. LOL. LOL. (Ssssstttt… this is the first time she did it. LOL. LOL.)
PT56 13.25 231207

Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open.
(Sir James Dewar)
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