Sabtu, 08 Desember 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Osho, what are you doing here exactly?

Osho, what are you doing here exactly?

Selling water by the river.

Master Sogaku Harada died at the age of ninety-one. At his funeral service hung a piece of calligraphy written by himself:

For forty years I have been selling water
By the bank of a river.
Ho, ho!
My labors have been wholly without merit.

That can be said only by a Zen master. First he says 'Selling water by the river' -- where there is no need really. The river is flowing: you can simply jump into the river and drink your fill. But people are so foolish, they need somebody to sell water even by the river.

Secondly he says 'Ho, ho! My labors have been wholly without merit.' That is a great statement. Zen masters say that if you do good, it is useless. Because basically everything is good -- how can you do any more good? If you make people enlightened, what is the point of it? because they were already enlightened -- you are not doing anything new! 'Ho, ho! My labors have been wholly without merit.'

First we go on selling water by the side of the river. Mm? If you are a little intelligent you can jump yourself. And finally we know all effort is meaningless, in vain. Because even if you become enlightened, nothing is gained. YOU WERE ALWAYS ENLIGHTENED.

But this can be said only by a Zen master -- the insight is so deep. Both things are profound. NOBODY NEEDS TO BE ENLIGHTENED, BECAUSE EVERYBODY IS ALREADY ENLIGHTENED. It is such a ridiculous thing for people to keep trying to enlighten you.

It is so ridiculous for me to go on enlightening you every day. And you are stubborn... and you will not become enlightened. And I go on selling the water by the river.... And you PAY for the water! And you won't look at the river, and the river is flowing by the side. It has always been there -- before the thirst is created, the river is there. Before the desire, the fulfillment.

So you ask, "What are you doing here exactly?"

Selling water by the river. Ho, ho!

Zen: The Path of Paradox
Vol 2, Ch #2: Selling Water by the River
Buddha Hall

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