Rabu, 26 Desember 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Re: Life is...

We would notice who is getting upset here... Hehehe... Maybe becoz I dont give a funk about your God?... Who knows?... Hehehe... (that was only a picture, how could you very sure, it was me, anyway... :-) Why dont you show your own picture?... Let us see... Kwakkwakkwak....

Be fun



--- In psikologi_transformatif@yahoogroups.com, as as <as2004as_as@...> wrote:
> Who cares ?
> To someone whose hobby is showing anything ?
> Hey, look at me
> Look at me
> Huahahahahahaha
> Do you need people say
> Wooooooow ?
> Huahahahahahaha
> It is quite very sick of you.
> tuhantu_hantuhan tuhantu_hantuhan@... wrote:
> ---------------------------------
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