Sabtu, 08 Desember 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] SAMUDRA INDONESIA

Samudra Indonesia: Suara Muda Rakyat Indonesia, which means The Voice of Young People of Indonesia

Samudra Indonesia would be capturing the collections of statements & quotes, activities, creations, of young Indonesians, relevant to the world they are living today. It is also trying to capture their worldviews, translate them and create the hyperlinks to where those views and statements were rooted.

The collections of those points mentioned above are based on what they wrote in some mailing lists and blogs by the young ordinary people of Indonesia, through out the country on the city bases.

In the very near future, the Author of Samudra Indonesia would try to bring these voice of the young people of Indonesia to some global youth communities, that the Author is the member of those communities for -at least- past 4 years.

Samudra Indonesia is not an intitution or some kind of organization. Neither under authority of anykind of ideological-political institutions, instruments or organizations. 

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