Minggu, 09 Desember 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Why is the Mohamedan Heaven so attractive?

Why is the Mohamedan Heaven so attractive?

IN THE MOHAMMEDAN'S FIRDAUS -- HEAVEN -- IT SEEMS SAINTS ARE DOING NOTHING BUT COPULATING. Beautiful women are available, and streams of wine are flowing, and all that you need is immediately made available. And those beautiful women remain at the age of sixteen; they never grow.

And one more beautiful thing about that: they become again a virgin. Whenever a saint makes love to a woman -- only saints go there -- WHEN A SAINT MAKES LOVE TO A WOMAN, THE MOMENT HE IS FINISHED, AGAIN SHE BECOMES A VIRGIN. That is the miracle of paradise.

And what your saints are doing there? IT SEEMS AN ORGY, SEXUAL ORGY. AND STREAMS OF WINE.... Here you say, 'Avoid wine, avoid women' --For what? To gain better women and more wine in heaven?

This seems to be illogical. But this is how people are provoked, through greed, to come back. Or fear: if you don't come through greed, then fear, then hellfire -- and ETERNAL hellfire. YOU HAVE NOT DONE SO MUCH SIN, ETERNAL HELLFIRE IS UNJUST. Okay, for ten years you are thrown into hell, one can understand -- fifteen years, twenty years, fifty years. But eternal? You have not been here eternally sinning, so how can eternal punishment be given to you? It looks too much.

But that is not the point; the point is just to make people afraid. FEAR AND GREED HAVE BEEN THE BASE OF MANY RELIGIONS -- AND THEY HAVE NOT BEEN HELPFUL; THEY HAVE DESTROYED. They have not appealed to the courageous, they have appealed only to the cowards. And when a cowardly person becomes religious the religion is bogus -- BECAUSE A COWARDLY PERSON CANNOT BECOME RELIGIOUS.

ONLY A COURAGEOUS PERSON CAN BECOME RELIGIOUS. Religion needs great courage. It is a jump into the unknown. It is a jump into the uncharted sea, with no maps. It is dropping the past and moving into the future. It is going into insecurity. It cannot be out of cowardice.

AND IN YOUR TEMPLES AND IN YOUR MOSQUES, IN YOUR CHURCHES, COWARDS HAVE GATHERED TOGETHER. They are trembling with fear. And they are full of greed -- afloat in greed, aflame with greed, agog with greed. These greedy and cowardly people cannot be religious. THE BASIS OF RELIGION IS TO DROP ALL FEAR AND TO DROP ALL GREED, AND TO MOVE INTO THE UNKNOWN. God is the unknown, the hidden. He is hidden here -- in the trees, in the rocks, in you, in me. But to enter into that hidden reality, that occult, one needs great courage -- it is going into a dark night without any light.

Zen: The Path of Paradox
Vol 2, Ch #10: The Bridge but not the Water Flows
Buddha Hall

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