Jumat, 28 Desember 2007

Re: [psikologi_transformatif] Re: Je pense a toi - Ku selalu mengingatmu, my love - Di mana juapun dikau

Ah, sisc
the sky is not quite blue, here, sisc
it's just my mind that feels so blue
thinking of you
that you're on your way
on that huge snail that moves so slowly only at seventy
as we always rally at least at a hundred and fifty
Yes, sisc, me, either
feeling the same thing upon you
gazing toward your direction
through the thick glass wall up here
hoping you're here again, soon

o, sisc, my most precious one
my heart is aching while you're away, sisc
I can't stand of this being so lonely, sisc

come quickly
as fast as you could
come to me and hug me again
hold me again, caress me
caress my aching heart, sisc

o, cloudy nght
bring my sisc back to me again

non_sisca <non_sisca@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

When the cloudless skies are blue
When the night is drawing near
Across each day and night
My thoughts are constantly of you

Your are precious, it is of the essence
I do know the time when I'm away from you.
In my quiet thoughts, I do think of you,

The time is spent with you is worth my time
Je pense a toi

--- In psikologi_transformatif@yahoogroups.com, Asas Asas
<asas2004asas@...> wrote:
> Je pense a toi, mon amour, ma bien aimee
> Ne m'abandonne pas, mon amour, ma cherie
> Quand je suis dans mon lit, je ne reve qu'a toi
> Et quand je me reveille, je ne pense qu'a toi
> Si je ne te vois pas, je ne peux rien dire
> Je ne peux rien faire, je ne peux rien voir
> Je ne veux rien savoir
> Mon amour, ma cherie
> Mon Sisc
> Aku selalu memikirkanmu kekasihku, cintaku
> Jangan tinggalkan aku, kasihku, sayangku
> Dalam tidurku, aku memimpikamu
> Dan ketika ku terbangun, ku hanya memikirkanmu
> Bila ku tak melihatmu, aku tak mampu berkata-kata
> Tiada apapun dapat kuperbuat, tiada sesuatupun dapat kulihat
> Aku tak dapat peduli akan sesuatupun
> Cintaku, sayangku
> ---------------------------------
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