Kamis, 03 Januari 2008

Bls: [psikologi_transformatif] Patung Budha dengan penis & buah zakar

Masalah di balik itu justeru lebih dalam lagi, yaitu pemahaman hakikat dari 'kebebasan' ?
Menarik sekali mempelajari huruf kanji  ' manusia/ ren ' digambar dengan ciri khasnya yaitu kakinya dua .
Artinya mencatat phenomena sebagaimana adanya.
Tapi ketika menggambar huruf ' hati / Xin' di sinilah mulai berperan ontologis / filosofis / hakikat.
Dengan dua kaki berarti mempunyai kebebasan untuk pergi kemana dan berbuat apa  saja.
Tapi ada batasnya ! Apa itu batasnya ?
Bukan oleh sesuatu di  luar dirinya (misalnya asal tidak melanggar undang-undang atau  kebebasan orang lain, seperti yang ditafsirkan oleh sementara orang), tapi  justeru oleh sesuatu yang ada di dalam diri manusia itu sendiri yang dinyatakan dengan sebuah goresan penutup. Lalu muncullah huruf  'hati '.
Orang yang mempunyai ' hati ' atau liang sim (dialek hokian) adalah noble man sehingga sangat dihargai.
Sebaliknya adalah yang tidak punyai hati 'mbo liang sim' akan dijauhi oleh masyarakat.

Secara metaforis dengan jitu dijelaskan sbb. :
 ' Ada orang sedang berenang di kolam renang dan tiba-tiba naik dan keluar dari kolam, lalu terjun kembali. Setelah itu dia kembali lagi meneruskan berenang kembali. Ketika ditanya : mau ngapain ? Dia menjawab : kencing !
Ketika ditanya lbh lanjut, mengapa begitu ? Apakah karena takut dihukum telah berbuat dosa ?
Dia hanya menggelengkan kepala sambil tersenyum menjawab : Saya tidak tahu ! rasanya  memang harus begitu '.
That's all ! Semuanya menggulir begitu saja seperti ketika fajar mulai menyingsing lalu semua ayam berkokok dan burung-burung berkicau.
Orang semacam ini disebut ' kuncu ' yaitu orang yang sudah bisa mengikuti Jalan Alam tanpa keraguan atau disebut ' kuncu ' orang yang berbudaya !

Globalisasi telah menjadi semacam arena untuk menguji paradigma mana yang paling sesuai untuk membangun peradaban masa depan.
Salah satunya adalah Konferensi Perubahan Iklim 2007 di Bali.
Untunglah masih ada orang seperti Al Gore, sehingga kita tidak boleh menggebyah uyah atau menggeneralisir sebagai perbedaan antara Barat dan Timur.

" Hanya dengan perbedaan satu detik saja, kita telah mencapai 2008.
Hanya dengan perbedaan satu pikiran saja, yang penuh dengan cintakasih universal,
setiap orang bisa menjadi kuncu.
Mari giatkan melatih diri, jalankan tugas dengan penuh tanggung jawab !"

Selamat Tahun Baru 2008

----- Pesan Asli ----
Dari: Hudoyo Hupudio <hudoyo@cbn.net.id>
Terkirim: Jumat, 4 Januari, 2008 5:51:27
Topik: [psikologi_transformatif] Patung Budha dengan penis & buah zakar


Pernahkah Anda melihat sebuah patung Buddha dengan penis & buah zakarnya mencuat ke atas di pangkuannya? Patung itu ditampilkan di etalase sebuah art gallery di St. Giles Street, Norwich, Inggris. Inilah fotonya:

buddha in gallery

[beberapa milis yang saya langgani mungkin tidak meloloskan attachment gambar. Anda bisa melihatnya di:
http://www.petition online.com/ cgi-bin/mlk? http://www. hostsexplorer. com/mb/statue. htm ]

Maka situs http://www.Petition Online.com/ membuka petisi lewat internet untuk menghentikan pameran Buddha yang tidak wajar itu di:
http://www.Petition Online.com/ bs1962/

Dari 379 penandatangan petisi itu hampir tidak saya lihat ada orang Indonesia.


Pada 2 Oktober 2007, atas desakan polisi setempat, patung itu diputar kedudukannya sehingga menghadap ke dalam, tidak lagi menghadap keluar, sekalipun tetap ada di etalase.

Namun judul & komentar pemilik art gallery itu di situsnya (lihat bawah), yang mengumumkan pada 12 Oktober 2007 bahwa patung bermasalah itu akan dipindah ke belakang, tapi sekaligus dengan entengnya menamakan patung itu "Buddha with fruit offering", dan memberi judul halamannya dengan "Beatles are bigger than Buddha now!", membuat saya memutuskan untuk menandatangani petisi itu dengan komentar:

380. Hudoyo Hupudio - This statue is not an appropriate implementation of the 'freedom of thought and expression' of the human rights. Please, respect other people's feelings. hudoyo@cbn.net. id


Buddha's 'comical genitalia' upsets passers-by

Published by webmaster for <http://www.24dash. com/news/ Communities/ /organisation/ 24dash-com>24dash.com in <http://www.24dash. com/news/ Communities/ /news/communitie s>Communities on Tuesday 2nd October 2007 - 2:57pm

Detectives from a "hate crime unit" have asked an art gallery to turn around a sculpture of Buddha with comical genitalia that upset passers-by.

Police said they received a number of complaints from members of the public who saw the bronze statue - which shows a penis and testicles in the shape of a banana and eggs - on display in the window of the Saint Giles Street Gallery in Norwich.

Now gallery owner David Koppel has agreed to turn the sculpture - A Trilogy: The Iconoclasts, by artist Colin Self - so that the front cannot be seen from the street.

A police spokeswoman said detectives from the force's hate crime unit looked into the complaints and had spoken to Mr Koppel.
She said she did not know "the ins and outs" of the investigation.

"Our basic position is that there is no issue with various types of art being displayed," she said.

"We have had a complaint in respect of the prominent exhibition of this statue on the basis that it causes religious offence.

"An officer has visited the art gallery in question. There is no issue with the fact that the statue is on display within the gallery.

"However, there is an issue with such a piece of art being displayed prominently in a window frontage in full view of passers-by on a busy public street.

"We have liaised with the management of the gallery in order to reach a solution which both upholds the principles of freedom of artistic expression but also prevents any offence being caused to any general member of the public or faith group.

"At this time, the solution is that the statue remains on display in the gallery but staff have turned it away from the general view of the street and passing members of the public."

The sculpture, thought to be worth between around £150,000 had been on display at the Royal Academy in London during June, July and August.

An academy spokeswoman today said no one had complained.

The Royal Academy exhibition was featured in the Church Times in June and reviewer Pamela Tudor-Craig said the sculpture "sets out to offend Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians".

"I was thinking as I came along that if we rubbished other people's culture and religions as we rubbish our own, we would have another war on our hands," Tudor-Craig wrote.

"Political correctness restrains us to the point where we confine our spite to our own tradition. Nevertheless, I was wrong.
"Item 1119, by Colin Self, rightly entitled A Trilogy: The Iconoclasts, sets out to offend Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians, and is so successful in its ambition that I cannot describe it in these pages. At £150,000, it is probably the most expensive object on sale here."

Mr Koppel said: "It's utterly ridiculous. You couldn't make it up.

"A few months ago, I told the police that I'd seen a man walking down a lane pointing a gun - nothing was done. We had a burglary a few weeks ago.

"Some cash was stolen out of the till - nothing was done. My next-door neighbour's car was stolen - nothing was done. But offend the Buddhists and the police are there.

"Detective Constable (Dan) Cocks told me in no uncertain terms that if I turned the sculpture around again to face the window he would be coming to arrest me and the sculpture may be destroyed."

He said the Buddha was one of three sculptures. The others portrayed a Christ on a cross shaped like an aeroplane and a Ganesh wearing a Nazi helmet. No-one had complained about the others.

"I think the point of the piece is that icons are dangerous and that religion causes war and disharmony," said Mr Koppel.
"I think Colin has been proved right. This is exactly what he is saying. Religion causes arguments."

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Dari situs art gallery ybs: http://www.sgsgalle ry.com/buddha. htm

Beatles are bigger than Buddha now!

12th October 2007

<http://www.sgsgalle ry.com/buddha. jpg>

Following recent complaints about Colin Self's triptych sculpture The Iconoclasts, the Saint Giles Street Gallery, in negotiations with Norfolk Constabulary' s hate crime unit, led by Det. Con. Dan Cocks, will re-open its doors today, Friday 12th October and have agreed to remove the Buddha with fruit offering to the back of the gallery away from the view of passers by. It will be facing the window, as it was, but will now be further inside.

Det. Con. Cocks has stated " The Gallery have thought long and hard about the situation and we are now entirely satisfied and no further action will be taken".

This exhibition has followed on from our most successful exhibition in the five years since we opened, Frank Herrmann's "Unseen Beatles". Both exhibitions have received enormous media coverage, for one reason or another, and our web design team report huge interest and a surge of hits to the site. The two peaks in the graph findings for hits on the web site, show more interest in The Unseen Beatles, which leads to the incontrovertible conclusion that,

"The Beatles are bigger than Buddha now !".

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