Sabtu, 12 Januari 2008

[psikologi_transformatif] Computational Understanding of Geometric Analogy Representation (CoUGAR)

Ada salah satu kawan di Jerman, kuliah di Uni Osnabrueck, alumni ITB, mencari orang buat diteliti.
Bisa coba langsung
(kalau tak mau baca pesan asli di bawah)
Terima kasih,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martesa Tantra <>
Date: Jan 12, 2008 5:52 PM
Subject: minta tolong donk... please :)


hai.. masih inget gw? tesa, anak itb juga, skrg lagi di osna...
mau minta tolong ya..ya.. gw lagi dalam tahap ngerjain study project gw,
dan butuh banget subject buat online experiment gw, so... ikutan ya, klik
aja link di bawah ini. terus, tolong forward ke sapapun yang lo kenal ya
eksperimentnya ga susah kok, cuma nyelesaiin analogi macem di test iq itu
lho, inget kan kalo dulu ngerjain tes iq trus suka ada bagian geometri
analogi, nah... mirip2 gitu deh.
so,tolongin yaaaaaaa?
thkssssss banget ya :).

Dear all,

The Master's study project CoUGAR (Computational Understanding of
Geometric Analogy Representation) is investigating the perception of
geometric analogies. For this purpose we have a short online
experiment, to be found here:

It takes ca. 25 minutes to complete and is a lot of fun - in the end
you'll also get some feedback on your "analogy solving type". So if
you need a break from preparing presentations and writing term
papers, here's something even more fantastic than cleaning dishes.

Thanks for your participation!

The CoUGAR Team

Clemens Bauer, Judith Degen, Irena Dorceva, Maxim Haddad, Martin
Schmidt, Rolf Stollinski, Kae Sugawara, Martesa Tantra, Radomir Zugic
Helmar Gust, Ulf Krumnack, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Angela Schwering


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