Sabtu, 05 Januari 2008

[psikologi_transformatif] scientific and numerical miracles in Quran..

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Scientific And Numerical Miracles in Quran Print E-mail
by  Sayyeed Muhammad Musawi, London 
Quran is the everlasting miracle challenging every generation and proving that it can never be but the word of Allah (God Almighty). Quran made an open challenge to all those who doubt it and claim that it is not from Allah to bring any book like it, or even any ten chapters like it's 114 chapters, or even any one chapter like it's chapters. In spite all the efforts of all the enemies of Islam, nobody could come out with anything at all like Quran. This itself should be enough to prove that Quran is not from a human source, and it is from Allah.
The scientific miracles of Quran are countless, but we may take few of them just as examples :
1) In Sura Maryam, Verse 25 , Allah ordered Maryam when she was during labor to shake the trunk of the palm tree so that fresh dates may fall on her. He also ordered her to eat from the fresh dates and drink. The medical scientists reached recently to the fact that woman during labor needs a food material to make delivery easy, that material is found in many foods, but best found in fresh dates among all foods in the world.
2) The movement of the earth is clearly mentioned in Quran (Sura 27, Verse 88) bearing in mind that most of people in that time including Europe till recently believed that earth was stable.
3) In Sura 20, Verse 30, Allah says ( Don't disbelievers see that skies and earth were attached then we detach them?). This Quranic fact was confirmed by scientists on the advance of scientific research and it is now admitted by scientists. The discovery of the Big Bang which was announced few years back confirms this Quranic fact
4) The development of embryo is mentioned in miraculous way in Sura Al-Mo'minoon, verses 12,13 and 14 giving the most accurate details which was just revealed by scientists. A Canadian Professor announced after 15 years of research in embryology that he found his research results stated in Quran which was revealed 1400 years ago. He confirmed that Quran can never be from any human being and it is definitely from God.
5) In Al-Nahl (Honey Bee), Verse 69, Allah (swt) states that the honey has cure for people. This Quranic fact is confirmed in hundreds of scientific researches on honey. Today, there are scientific research centers in USA specialized in honey and it's benefits to cure every illness.
The numerical miracles Of Quran are also countless, but we take just few as examples :
1) The mention of ( Hour ) came in Quran just 24 times, and ( Month) came 12 times, while (day) came in Quran 365 times.
2) The mention of man came in Quran 24 times, exactly as the mention of woman came in Quran 24 times.
3) The mention of (Aql) which means intellect came in Quran 49 times, as the mention of (Noor) which means light 49 times.
4) People 368 times, as messengers 368 times. This means that whenever there were people, there was a messenger and a message from God to guide them.
5) Tongue is mentioned in Quran 29 times, as talking is also 29 times.
6) Astray goers 17 times, as Dead persons 17 times, because going astray is the real death.
7) Difficulty 114 times, as Patience 114.
8) Life 145, as Death 145.
9) Dunia which means this life, came in Quran 115 times, as Aakhirah which means hereafter which also came 115 times.
10) Sins 180 times, as Good deeds 180 times.
11) Angels 88 times, as the devils 88 times.
12) Imam 12 times, successor 12 times, The Best Chosen by Allah (Al-Mostafawn) 12 times, Most pious (Al-Abraar) 12 times, and Shia 12 times. You find (Firqa) which means a division came in Quran 72 times which the number of divisions in Muslim Ummah away from the right path of Islam as the total sects according to the Hadeeth is 73.
13) Adam 25 times, as Easa (Jesus) 25 times. Quran says that ( The example of Easa with Allah is like the example of Adam ( 3:59).
14) Land and Sea are mentioned in Quran in 12 times for land and 41 times for sea, which is the exact ratio of land and sea on the globe which was discovered just recently after advancement of sciences and space photography of the globe. Finally, I should state with full confidence that every word in Quran has miracles which we may be able to discover some of it's sides according to our thinking and advancement of our knowledge, no matter which language we understand, Quran is the everlasting miracle for all worlds, all times. More we think and research, more we discover, though Quranic miracles are definitely endless.  
Wassalamu alaikum wr wb

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