Kamis, 31 Januari 2008

[psikologi_transformatif] The Sufi's Teaching

The Sufi's Teaching
It is said that in the pre-dawn hours, just before the first thread of light, there is a gentle breeze that encircles the earth.  Always traveling just ahead of the light, it is the harbinger of dawn. This is the world that sufism opens up.  The world of things so 'latif', so subtle that one has to become very still and quiet to catch them.  Getting that still is the meaning of Surrender. Getting that still is the meaning of Peace.
The Sufis teach the way to achieve inner peace, the basic principle of which is the purification of the Self.  Without the inner spiritual work, religious laws become a haven for those who seek security in dogma and living life in black and white. Sufism opens the world of depth and color and richness that only our souls can experience. Islam, without the spiritual wisdom conveyed by masters throughout the ages, is like a body without a soul.....an empty box.
Spirituality spills outside of the box.   It gets into everything.. .all the nooks and crannies of our lives, minds and souls.  Sufism teaches you to see the Divine in everything, everywhere, ...without ceasing. For the sufi, there's no escaping God.

The practices of Islamic law, shariah, bring necessary order and discipline to our physical existence. The spiritual practices of sufism, tassawwuf, nurture our soul. Both are necessary for a balanced life. Sufism teaches the importance of balance. The whirling dervishes manifest this most eloquently in their dance.
This spiritual richness of sufism is the aspect that the fundamentalists and extremists carefully and systematically extract from their teachings. When this occurs, Islamic learning becomes dangerously unbalanced. Without the wisdom of its saints and teachers, religion becomes a political hammer wielded by those interested in worldly power.  It then no longer resembles the Divine inspiration it was once meant to represent.

Wa min Allah at tawfiq
salam, arief hamdani

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