Rabu, 30 Januari 2008

[psikologi_transformatif] The Sufis

The Sufis
For the extremist, Islam is about worldly power.
For the sufis, Islam is about spiritual peace and remembrance.
Fundamentalists adamantly oppose the need for a guide.
Sufism places a high value on having a spiritual guide.

Fundamentalists teach with words.
Sufism teaches with a joyful heart.

Fundamentalism contracts knowledge, desperately trying to fit it into a box. 
Sufism expands knowledge, putting no limits on it.

The spirit is not threatened by that which does not lie within rigid, narrow definitions, but welcomes that which touches and expands the heart.
Sufism brings the breath of fresh air that Islam originally came with.

Peace occurs as a consequence of Divine Grace and Mercy.  It is a gift. Like the gentle breeze in the pre-dawn hours which encircles the earth as the harbinger of dawn.
salam, arief hamdani
www.rumisuficafe. blogspot. com

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