Kamis, 03 Januari 2008

Re: [psikologi_transformatif] I Name A 34

Three and four
And seven will be found
Seven is July
Three and zero then
will lead to thirty
The thirtieth of July
means the beauty of my Lioness
Look at her mouthache
so sweet to be kissed
so warm and  so tender
n give her a tenderloin
that will make her smile
a gentle smile
n with her eyes staring at me
giving me the strength of
how to live in dignity
in this world full of challenges
let me hug you again
again n again
n again n again
forever n ever


non_sisca <non_sisca@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

Happiness is the delicate balance between what one is and what one
-F.H. Denison

The memory containeth also reason n laws innumerrable of numbers n
dimensions, none of which hath any bodily sense impressed; seeing
they have neither colour, nor sound, nor taste, nor smell, nor touch.

All these things I remember, and how I learnt them I remember... And
I perceive that the present discerning of these things is different
from remembering that I oftentimes discerned them, when I often
thought upon them. I both remember then to have often understood
these things; and what I now discern n understand, I lay up in my
memory, that hereafter I may remember that I understand it now. So
then I remember also to have remembered; as if hereafter I shall call
to remembrance, that I have now been able to remember these things,
by the force of memory shall I call it to remembrance.

The same memory also contains the affections of my mind, not in the
same manner that my mind itself contains them, when it feels them;
but far otherwise, according to a power of its own. For without
rejoicing I remember myself to have joyed; and without sorrow do I
recollect my past sorrow. And that I once feared, I review without
fear; and without desire call to mind a past desire.

Sometimes, on the contrary, with joy do I remember my fore-past
sorrow, and with sorrow, joy.

Present of things past, memory;
present of things present, sight;
present of things future, expectation.

I see three times, and I confess there are three.
Let it be said too, "there be three times, past, present, and to
come" : in our incorrect way.......

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