Senin, 12 November 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Re: Selesaikan dulu seksmu, baru bicara spiritualitas!

soal belajar spiritualitas, gak ada hubungannya dengan kaya-miskin.
jaman dulu orang belajar dari empu-empu, atau belajar di kuil
Shaolin malah kebanyakan orang miskin,

kalau orang kaya kebanyakan maunya jadi pejabat, ngapain jadi bhiksu?


--- In, "Nani Sujiwo"
<nsujiwo@...> wrote:
> On Nov 12, 2007 2:05 PM, Angga Wijaya <anggaji@...> wrote:
> > Bukan Krishnamurtio atau Osho atau Sathya Sai Baba... tetapi
kita yang
> > tetap bodoh dan mau dibodoh-bodohi oleh lembaga agama atau guru-
> > meditasi palsu yang ujung-ujungnya menguras kantong kita.
> >
> > Osho pernah mengatakan 'hanya orang kaya yang bisa menjadi
> >
> > Saya setuju dengan perkataan Osho. Orang kaya minimal perutnya
> > terisi, yak lapar lagi, tak mencari lagi, tak mengais-ngais
rejeki lagi
> > dengan cara berdagang agama atau spiritualitas.
> >
> >
> >
> *
> Kecian deh orang-orang miskin, nggak bisa jadi spiritualis versi
Osho. :-(*
> Berdagang agama atau spiritualitas kepada orang miskin,
> tidak ada yang dikais-kais, apalagi dikuras.
> Makanya kalau mau berdagang agama atau spiritualitas
> harus kepada orang kaya, agar agar dapat menguras
> kantong mereka dengan hasil yang memuaskan ...
> 90 Rolls Royce Bo ! - tips dari OSHO
> OSHO (Controversy and criticism)
> Osho had a penchant for courting
> controversy.[51]<>
> His liberal views on sex and emotional expression, and the
> unrestrained behaviour of sannyasins in his Pune
> Ashram,[52]<>at times
> considerable consternation, dismay and panic among people
> holding different views on these matters, both in India and the
> U.S.[32]<>A
number of
> Western daily papers routinely, and falsely,
> [53] <> claimed that
Bhagwan, a
> traditional title for spiritual teachers in India, meant "Master
of the
> Vagina <>", and focused their
> on sexual topics.
> Osho said that he was "the rich man's
> guru",[54]<>and that
> material poverty was not a spiritual value.
> [55] <> He was
> wearing sumptuous clothing and hand-made
> watches.[51]<>He
> a different Rolls-Royce each day – his followers reportedly wanted
> to buy him 365 of them, one for each day of the
> year.[56]<>Publicity
> of the Rolls-Royces (more than 90 in the end) appeared in
> the press.[23] <>
> In his discourses, Osho consistently attacked organisational
> embraced by societies around the world – the family, nationhood,
> [57] <> He condemned
priests and
> politicians with equal
> venom,[58]<>and was in
> condemned by them.
> [59] <>
> Osho dictated three books while undergoing dental treatment under
> influence of nitrous oxide
> <>(laughing gas):
> *Glimpses of a Golden Childhood*, *Notes of a Madman*, and *Books
I Have
> Loved*.[60] <> This led
> allegations that Osho was addicted to nitrous oxide gas. In
> 1985<>,
> on the American CBS television show *60
> Minutes<>
> *, his former secretary, Ma Anand
> Sheela<>,
> claimed that Osho took sixty milligrams of
> Valium<>every day.
> When questioned by journalists about the allegations of daily
Valium and
> nitrous oxide use, Osho categorically denied both, describing the
> allegations as "absolute lies".[61]
> Lengkapnya klik di

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