Minggu, 11 November 2007

Re: [psikologi_transformatif] Selesaikan dulu seksmu, baru bicara spiritualitas!

On Nov 12, 2007 2:05 PM, Angga Wijaya <anggaji@yahoo.com> wrote:

Bukan Krishnamurtio atau Osho atau Sathya Sai Baba... tetapi kita yang tetap bodoh dan mau dibodoh-bodohi oleh lembaga agama atau guru-guru meditasi palsu yang ujung-ujungnya menguras kantong kita.

Osho pernah mengatakan 'hanya orang kaya yang bisa menjadi spiritualis'

Saya setuju dengan perkataan Osho. Orang kaya minimal perutnya sudah terisi, yak lapar lagi, tak mencari lagi, tak mengais-ngais rejeki lagi dengan cara berdagang agama atau spiritualitas.

Kecian deh orang-orang miskin, nggak bisa jadi spiritualis versi Osho. :-(

Berdagang agama atau spiritualitas kepada orang miskin,
tidak ada yang dikais-kais, apalagi dikuras.
Makanya kalau mau berdagang agama atau spiritualitas
harus kepada orang kaya, agar agar dapat menguras
kantong mereka dengan hasil yang memuaskan ...
90 Rolls Royce Bo ! - tips dari OSHO

OSHO (Controversy and criticism)

Osho had a penchant for courting controversy.[51]

His liberal views on sex and emotional expression, and the resulting unrestrained behaviour of sannyasins in his Pune Ashram, [52] at times caused considerable consternation, dismay and panic among people holding different views on these matters, both in India and the U.S.[32] A number of Western daily papers routinely, and falsely, [53] claimed that Bhagwan, a traditional title for spiritual teachers in India, meant "Master of the Vagina", and focused their reporting on sexual topics.

Osho said that he was "the rich man's guru",[54] and that material poverty was not a spiritual value. [55] He was photographed wearing sumptuous clothing and hand-made watches. [51] He drove a different Rolls-Royce each day – his followers reportedly wanted to buy him 365 of them, one for each day of the year.[56] Publicity shots of the Rolls-Royces (more than 90 in the end) appeared in the press. [23]

In his discourses, Osho consistently attacked organisational principles embraced by societies around the world – the family, nationhood, religion.[57] He condemned priests and politicians with equal venom, [58] and was in turn condemned by them.[59]

Osho dictated three books while undergoing dental treatment under the influence of nitrous oxide (laughing gas): Glimpses of a Golden Childhood , Notes of a Madman, and Books I Have Loved.[60] This led to allegations that Osho was addicted to nitrous oxide gas. In 1985, on the American CBS television show 60 Minutes, his former secretary, Ma Anand Sheela, claimed that Osho took sixty milligrams of Valium every day.

When questioned by journalists about the allegations of daily Valium and nitrous oxide use, Osho categorically denied both, describing the allegations as "absolute lies".[61]

Lengkapnya klik di  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osho

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