Selasa, 04 Desember 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Re: Hi, I thought you might be interested in this amazing atheist philosophy show...

From: "stefanmolyneux" <>
Subject: Hi, I thought you might be interested in this amazing atheist philosophy show...

Hi - I hope you'll forgive the intrusion, but I thought you might be interested in 'Freedomain Radio' - the most popular philosophy show on the web, and a Top 10 Finalist in the 2007 Podcast Awards.
If you'd like to have a look (and a listen), the web site is   - the feed address is

The page that might most interest you is

Atheism unleashed!:D

Best wishes,
Stefan Molyneux, MA
Host, Freedomain Radio



Thanks for joining our maillist "Milis-Spiritual" and for your post introducing your website.

Unfortunately, this is not a maillist about religions, but rather about meditation and self-awareness. I have not had the time to read your articles in detail, but maybe I'll agree with about 90% of your ideas, based on my past interactions with fellow atheists and agnostics.

Of course, I am very eager to hear your comments on Buddhism (based on the ancient Pali Canon), a religion without God. Have you written any article about Buddhism?

Later on, I am also interested in what you have to say about the teachings of J. Krishnamurti, which take a lot of time and space in this maillist.

Warm regards,

Hudoyo Hupudio, MD, MPH
Moderator, 'Milis-Spiritual'

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