Sabtu, 22 Desember 2007

[psikologi_transformatif] Re: PEMBERITAHUAN: Jaromil dari dyne:bolic: GNU/Linux di Indonesia

siapa yg suka main linux diharapkan bisa bertukar pikiran mengenai selukbeluk ilmu linux dengan jaromil.
jaromil juga akan ke bandung dan jogja.
salam, heri latief
Anti Fasis <> wrote:
Dengan hormat,

Pada hari ini, minggu, 23 Desember Jaromil kreator distro dyne:bolic: GNU/Linux selama tiga minggu ada di Indonesia. Dalam kesempatan ini Jaromil dengan senang hati bertemu dan berkenalan dengan teman-teman untuk tukar pengalaman,  tukar ide-ide dan saling belajar.

Untuk bertemu dengan Jaromil, teman bisa hubungi:
Ikatan Keluarga Orang Hilang Indonesia - IKOHI
Jl. Kalasan Dalam No. 5, Pegangsaan, Jakarta Pusat 10320

Berikut kompilasi soal dyne:bolic: GNU/Linux dan Jaromil secara singkat.
Terima kasih.

Salam solidaritas,

The Hacktive Media and GNU/Linux

'Think of the television and the way it has propagated a cultural monopoly across entire populations. A few people talk to masses and in most cases they can, just because they have the money to control broadcasting technologies. Everyone else only has the right to listen.' :Jaromil

:: dyne:bolic: GNU/Linux ::
You don't need to install anything, you don't even need an harddisk to run a whole free software operating system running out of the box on your PC! Download the ISO-image, burn your own CD, reboot your machine and you'll get back true love ;^)

dyne:bolic is shaped on the needs of media activists, artists and creatives as a practical tool for multimedia production: you can manipulate and broadcast both sound and video with tools to record, edit, encode and stream, having automatically recognized most device and peripherals: audio, video, TV, network cards, firewire, usb and more; all using only free software!

Download: 2.5.2 DHORUBA

:: About Jaromil ::

Jaromil(*) is a hacker author of various free software applications (GNU/Linux/BSD), known as artist for his performances and creations, as well as activist for his social concerns and radical way of life.

Online since 1991 (BBS CyberNet 65:1500/3.13) co-founded in 1994 the italian non-profit association Metro Olografix for the diffusion of telematic cultures. Later he migrated out of Italy and gave birth to the foundation: creating software for the freedom of expression, to let people communicate free from capitalist speculations and expensive hardware.

Among open source software he created there are: MuSE (for running a web radio), FreeJ (for veejay and realtime video manipulation), HasciiCam (ascii video streaming) and dyne:bolic the bootable CD running directly without requiring installation, a popular swiss army knife in the fields of production and broadcasting of information.

Jaromil is a featured artist in CODeDOC II (Whitney Museum Artport), Read_Me 2.3 ( software art), negotiations 2003 (Toronto CA), I LOVE YOU (MAK Frankfurt), Netarts (Machida Tokyo), Rhizome, Data Browser 02 (engineering culture), Crosstalks (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and in several other publications.

He is active on Open Source Research & Development projects for the Netherlands Media Art Institute, hacktive as member of the FreakNet brotherhood, techie and correspondent for Radio Onda Rossa (on air in Rome 87.9FM) and the Streamtime project.

(*)in 2000 founded the free software lab; sub-root for the / community. Jaromil is active in the Italy Indymedia Collective, and is currently the software analyst and developer for PUBLIC VOICE Lab (Vienna).[AND - Artists Network Database:]

(*) the 'rasta coder', also is a member of the Giardini Pensili theatre company and won the Intermedium.02 Award at ZKM for implementing the software for SophisticatedSoiree. His last piece :(){ :|:& };: was featured in the software art exhibitions I LOVE YOU (Museum for Applied Arts, Frankfurt), at Transmediale.02 (Berlin), and Readme 2.3 (Helsinki).

Useful links:
Jaromil Wikipedia

Solider untuk Software Patent Free Europe
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