Kamis, 03 Januari 2008

[psikologi_transformatif] Re: Educational System

bung tuhantu, menarik juga diagnosa anda,
mungkin perlu ditambahkan efek samping dari para siswa yang terlalu
sering mengkonsumsi "burger teori " siap saji dan softdata drink
yaitu orangnya tidak pernah terpikir belajar memasak "teori "
sendiri. sehingga ketika bertemu para koki pengetahuan (baca
ilmuan/pemikir )
yang resep masakan ilmunya macam macam dengan nama bumbu yang tidak
pernah dia dengar .

reaksinya 1/2 kebingungan sambil 1/2 kaget karena masakan enak yang
dia cicipi tidak terdapat di daftar menu dan buku panduan resep
memasak miliknya.


--- In psikologi_transformatif@yahoogroups.com, "tuhantu_hantuhan"
<tuhantu_hantuhan@...> wrote:
> Quote: Talking about the educational system in Indonesia that
> students ONLY to memorize, and not really comprehend, it has been
> on for several generations. I will take one example I experienced.
> of quote.
> TuHanTu: Uhm, ini mungkin salah satu biang keladi, mengapa kelenjar
> ´According Too...´

> membengkak cukup significant pada illustrasi otak yang
> disini

> ...
> Menurut saintist yg mengabdi pada Warkop Institute
> <http://warkop-institute.blogspot.com/> , salah satu indikasi
> pembengkakan kelenjar ´According Too...´ ini adalah bahwa
> Penderita pembengkakan itu menampakkan gejala text book thingking
> bisa mengakibatkan radang pada ´sensor penggali text buku´-nya
> yang sangat berat. Hal ini terjadi, bisa akibat dipaksa menghafal
> mengikuti pelajaran...
> Di bidang politik, pembengkakan kelenjar ´According Too... ´ ini
> juga bisa terjadi, salah satunya diderita oleh Harmoko... Bisa
> saat dia berbicara di depan kamera ti-pi...´Menurut pentunjuk bapak
> Persiden... Bla... Bla...´... Pembengkakan kelenjar ´According
> Too... ´ ini nampaknya mewabah di berbagai lapisan masyarakat
> Quote: When studying English grammar, I learned and memorized
> kinds of tenses, from Simple Present Tense until Past Perfect
> Tense. I memorized the pattern very well, I could answer questions
> tenses flawlessly when those tenses were given separately.
However, when
> I needed to use it in the daily life, mixing many kinds of tenses
> once, I did not really know which was which. Memorizing the theory
> done perfectly. However, applying the theory in the real life meant
> something else. End of quote.
> TuHanTu: Kalau belajar bahasa (utk conversation) lalu terpaku pada
> metode penghafalan grammar, jangan pernah berharap mampu
> dalam waktu relatif cepat... Direct communication in real, 4
tenses are
> -relatively- enuff... past tense, future tense, present tense, and
> ´downunder´ is tense... (haha...) Itu bahasa Inggris... Bahasa
> Balkan... satu biji kata bisa berubah maknanya sebanyak belas-belas
> kali, tergantung akhiran kata tersebut.... Duh!...
> Theory (grammar) is one thing, but dare to speak (direct practice)
> another thing...
> Be Fun
> TuHanTu
> http://hole-spirit.blogspot.com <http://hole-spirit.blogspot.com>
> --- In psikologi_transformatif@yahoogroups.com, Nana P <fe36smg@>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> http://afeministblog.blogspot.com/2008/01/educational-system-in-
> a.html
> >
> > Monday afternoon December 24, 2007, I attended a class having a
> presentation time. There were five students to present their
> However, I was attracted only to two of them. One student talked
> "After graduating from senior high school, what's next?" and
> the other one talked about "Deterioration of the educational system
> in Indonesia". Both of them are high school students.
> > The first student. He mentioned three possibilities of what a
> usually does:
> > 1.Continuing their studies to a higher level education
> > 2.Postponing their studies
> > 3.Working
> > Related to the second possibility, the presenter gave two
> There are two reasons for this: the first shocking reason (for me
> course) is because someone wants to enjoy his/her life. I was
> to find out that there were a group of people that want to "enjoy
> their life" after graduating from senior high school. They don't
> want to directly continue studying perhaps because they are tired
> study. They don't want to face any responsibility they have to bear
> as students: studying, making assignments, doing examination, etc.
> don't want to work either because they are not ready yet to be
> responsible with their own life. Both studying and working need big
> responsibilities.
> > Life means responsibility. When we dare to live, we've got to
> the risk.
> > The second reason (very logical for me) is to save some money
> continuing their study since they don't have enough fund. Some
> unfortunate people cannot continue their study at once because
> parents cannot afford the tuition.
> > For the third possibility, some people choose to work because
> they want to collect some money to continue their study, referring
> the second possibility with the second reason. Some other people
> think that the diploma they get from senior high school is enough
> already for them to get a job with enough income for their life. Or
> sometimes the fact that people graduating from a higher level
> do not get appropriate job so that they have to do jobs done by
> high school graduates probably makes people lazy to continue their
> to college.
> > When I asked the presenter whether he did a research by
distributing a
> questionnaire to find out how many percents senior high school
> do the first, second, and third possibilities, I got a
> answer: he did not make that research. When I asked him the second
> possibility for the first reason—to enjoy life--, he mentioned his
> brothers and cousins did that. "They have money to directly
> their life, I assume. However, they choose to stay home and do
> hobbies: such as being racer (an amateur one)."
> > "Will you do that later after graduating?" another teacher
> asked him.
> > "Maybe Ma'am," was his disappointing answer. &#61516;
> > "Deterioration of the educational system in Indonesia" the
> second presenter meant was referring to the idea of the government
> include six subjects in the national examination for senior high
> students. For several years (I am sorry I don't pay attention for
> how many years exactly), the third grade senior high school
students had
> only three subjects tested in the national examination: English,
> Indonesia, and Mathematics. They did the examination for three
days. It
> meant they prepared only one subject for one day. While the new
> policy—six subjects to be tested—will comprise three days too.
> It means students have to prepare two subjects in one day. The
> conveyed his doubt whether students would really have enough time
> prepare it. When they don't have enough time, it is doubted that
> they will not prepare it well. They will just `memorize' the
> material to be tested without comprehending it thoroughly.
> Indonesia's next generation's quality will be
> > decreasing.
> > To comment this topic, I remembered the time when I was at high
> school, more than twenty years ago. Majoring in "Language", I
> got five subjects to be tested in the national examination while my
> fellow students majoring in "Science" got also six or even seven
> subjects to be tested. We did that also in three/four days. Minimal
> score to pass one subject was 6 and WE DID NOT COMPLAIN for that.
> > The presenter got surprised to hear this and said, "Well,
> Ma'am, I believe at that time you didn't get lots entertainment
> so that you could concentrate well. My generation gets lotsa
> entertainment so that it is difficult for us to concentrate only
on our
> study."
> > "I am sorry to say but you HAVE TO set your first priority for
> your own future!" was my response.
> > Talking about the educational system in Indonesia that obliges
> students ONLY to memorize, and not really comprehend, it has been
> on for several generations. I will take one example I experienced.
> studying English grammar, I learned and memorized twelve kinds of
> tenses, from Simple Present Tense until Past Perfect Continuous
Tense. I
> memorized the pattern very well, I could answer questions on tenses
> flawlessly when those tenses were given separately. However, when I
> needed to use it in the daily life, mixing many kinds of tenses at
> I did not really know which was which. Memorizing the theory was
> perfectly. However, applying the theory in the real life meant
> else.
> > Referring to what Bob Sadino said about the educational system in
> Indonesia, (in one seminar in one city in Indonesia), he said
about the
> human resources in Indonesia who are smart, memorizing theories
> perfectly, unfortunately they do not get time to apply the
theories. It
> means those brilliant human resources are not really ready to be
used at
> workplaces. Worse, even the teachers also do not know how to apply
> theories because what they master is only the theories but not the
> application. When the teachers do not know, how will they teach the
> students?
> > The deterioration of the educational system in Indonesia is not
> the policy of the government to give high school students more
burden in
> the national examination. It is more thorough and complicated.
> > My comment for the two presenters: they needed to prepare the
> to be presented more seriously. Their topics were interesting
enough but
> they did not make the papers well. This is also a sign showing that
> there is deterioration in the quality of the graduates in the
> Course where I work. (FYI, since 2003 we have used new books with
> up to date topics discussed.)
> > BWT 10.15 261207
> >
> >
> > Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open.
> > (Sir James Dewar)
> > visit my blogs please, at the following sites
> > http://afemaleguest.blog.co.uk
> > http://afeministblog.blogspot.com
> > http://afemaleguest.multiply.com
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Nana
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with
> Search.
> >

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