Selasa, 15 Januari 2008

[psikologi_transformatif] New Topic : Leveraging the HR Value (Get Free Notebook for each participant) !!

Register NOW and get free Notebook / Lap Top for each participant !!

HRD Forum Present - Workshop IT for HR Professional
Leveraging the HR Value
Through Used Technology
27 - 28 Maret 2008 - Aston Atrium Hotel - Jakarta

Get free !!
Notebook/Lap Top for each participant !!

It's no secret: no matter what your core business, in a knowledge-based economy every company is in the "people business." Finding and retaining talented, motivated and productive people is at the heart of the enterprise. The HR imperative today is all about providing the business, as quickly and efficiently as possible, with the talent and the operational capability to succeed.

Information technology is playing an increasingly central role in the "people business" of finding, developing, managing, and retaining talented, motivated, and productive employees. Nearly all companies today have deployed IT to help automate and speed transactional activities in the HR function. New Internet-enabled HR enterprise systems pledge to go well beyond that, empowering employees through information and self-service, while freeing the HR staff of many routine tasks in favor of focusing on true organizational capability, learning, effectiveness and performance.

But is more technology necessarily better? How do you ensure that your business strategies drive your HR technology decisions? How can HR executives leverage technology to transform HR work, enhance employee productivity, and strengthen the strategic business value of HR?

Workshop Coverage :
-          Grand Design of HR Technology Architecture
-          Using technology for Human Resources Planning
-          Applying technology for enhanced speed and quality of sourcing recruitment process
-          Applying technology for Selection and Placement process : Using test online
-          Applying technology for Compensation and Benefits
-          Applying technology for Performance Management
-          Applying technology for E-Learning

Methods : 
Tutorial, discussion,  simulation and business case, one participants will get free one note book/ lap top which programmed by organizers.

Cost of Venue :
Rp. 10.000.000 per participant including :
-          Tuition fees 2 days workshop : material and CD Material, meals and coffee break
-          One New Note book/ Lap Top, including windows Xp, Office Application, bags. (Notebook specification will announce soon).
-          HR Software : HR Planning, Attendance system, Payroll and Income Tax System, Employee Data Base system, Test Online (intellectual, personality),
           Employee Appraiser V4.0, Interview Generator, Handwriting Analyst Software, E-Learning, E-DOT Job Analysis software. 
           All software will install at new notebook.
Aston Atrium Hotel - Jakarta

Program :

1st Day
09.00 – 12.00
HR management in 21st century
The profile of Future HR Manager
The role of technology in HR Management
Developing Blue print of  HR Management

13.00 – 16.30
HR Planing and Staffing :
Simulation and Exercise : Develop HR Planning Activity
Simulation and Exercise : Develop Sourcing System for Recruitment
Simulation and Exercise : Using Job Analysis software
Simulation and Exercise : Interview Generator Software.

2nd Day

09.00 – 12.00
Selection and Placement test :
Simulation and Exercise : Intellectual test
Simulation and Exercise : personality test and handwriting
Simulation and Exercise : pre employment test

13.00 – 16.00
Compensation and Benefit, Performance Management
Simulation and Exercise : Design Salary Structure
Simulation and Exercise : Bonus and Incentive Design
Simulation and Exercise : Using Employee Appraiser V4.0
Simulation and Exercise : Payroll and Tax software
Simulation and Exercise : E-Learning

No Account
BCA - KCP Ahmad Yani - Bekasi
No. Rek : 739 041 0829  - a/n Bahari Antono
Information & Registration
IS Plaza Building, 9th Floor, Suite 904, Jl Pramuka Raya Kav.151, Jakarta-13120
Telp     : 021 – 851 3661 ; 021 – 857 9510 (hunting) ; 021 – 856 4666 ext.1053
Fax      : 021 – 851 3661 ; 021 – 857 9510

0815 1049 0007

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Form Pendaftaran : Leveraging the HR Value
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Company: ..................
Address: ....................
Phone/HP: .................
E-mail: .......................

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