Kamis, 31 Januari 2008

[psikologi_transformatif] The Sufi's Teaching

The Sufi's Teaching
It is said that in the pre-dawn hours, just before the first thread of light, there is a gentle breeze that encircles the earth.  Always traveling just ahead of the light, it is the harbinger of dawn. This is the world that sufism opens up.  The world of things so 'latif', so subtle that one has to become very still and quiet to catch them.  Getting that still is the meaning of Surrender. Getting that still is the meaning of Peace.
The Sufis teach the way to achieve inner peace, the basic principle of which is the purification of the Self.  Without the inner spiritual work, religious laws become a haven for those who seek security in dogma and living life in black and white. Sufism opens the world of depth and color and richness that only our souls can experience. Islam, without the spiritual wisdom conveyed by masters throughout the ages, is like a body without a soul.....an empty box.
Spirituality spills outside of the box.   It gets into everything.. .all the nooks and crannies of our lives, minds and souls.  Sufism teaches you to see the Divine in everything, everywhere, ...without ceasing. For the sufi, there's no escaping God.

The practices of Islamic law, shariah, bring necessary order and discipline to our physical existence. The spiritual practices of sufism, tassawwuf, nurture our soul. Both are necessary for a balanced life. Sufism teaches the importance of balance. The whirling dervishes manifest this most eloquently in their dance.
This spiritual richness of sufism is the aspect that the fundamentalists and extremists carefully and systematically extract from their teachings. When this occurs, Islamic learning becomes dangerously unbalanced. Without the wisdom of its saints and teachers, religion becomes a political hammer wielded by those interested in worldly power.  It then no longer resembles the Divine inspiration it was once meant to represent.

Wa min Allah at tawfiq
salam, arief hamdani

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[psikologi_transformatif] What is Sufism ?

What is Sufism ?
Sufism, which is sometimes known as the Way of the Heart, is the spiritual path that exists in Islam. Sufism teaches humankind how to rise above our lower selves, by purifying our hearts from bad manners and characteristics.
Sufism recognizes and nurtures
the spiritual nature of human beings. 
Sufism as a path is an art, a science, a practice.
It's mystical and practical.
It's the path to knowing God by knowing ourselves.
Sufism is the path ot seeking the pleasure of God,
learning to love and be at peace with one's self,
to be in harmony with all Allah's creations and to be dressed with the beautiful attributes of Prophets and Saints
salam, arief hamdani

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[psikologi_transformatif] Knowledge of The Heart ( Sufism Knowledge )

Knowledge of The Heart ( Sufism Knowledge )
"There are two kinds of intelligence:

One acquired, as a child in school memorizes facts and concepts from books and from what the teacher says, collecting information from the traditional sciences as well as from the new sciences.
With such intelligence you rise in the world. You get ranked ahead or behind others in regard to your competence in retaining information. You stroll with this intelligence
in and out of fields of knowledge, getting always more marks on your preserving tablets.
There is another kind of tablet, one already completed and preserved inside you. A spring overflowing its springbox. A freshness in the center of the chest. This other intelligence does not turn yellow or stagnate. It's fluid, and it doesn't move from outside to inside through the conduits of plumbing-learning. This second knowing is a fountainhead from within you, moving out.
( Mawlana Jalaludin Rumi )

The Prophet of Islam Muhammad Salallahu alayhi wasalam said:
"Knowledge is of two kinds: T
here is knowledge of the heart.  That is the knowledge that is of benefit. Then knowledge of the tongue. The latter is Allah's proof for the child of Adam."

Heart knowledge (ilmu 'l-qalb) has nothing to do with what heart means in today's language. 
Heart knowledge is above the senses. Indeed it is beyond the intellect. It represents the core or the lubb of human reality.

Of it the Prophet (pbuh) said:
"The hearts of the children of Adam are like a single heart between two of the fingers of the All Merciful.  He turns it wherever He desires.  O Allah, Turner-of-Hearts, turn our hearts toward obeying Thee."

from A Spiritual Commentary on The Chapter of Sincerity, Suratu 'l-Ikhlas
by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
Taken from http://starsonadark night.homestead. com/index. html
salam, arief hamdani

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[psikologi_transformatif] MARKETING PUBLIC RELATIONS; alternatif jitu pemasaran saat ini



The fall of Advertising and the rise of Public Relations. Itulah buku karangan

Al Rise dan Laura Rise yang menjadi best seller dan membuka mata kita

bahwa konsumen yang saat ini semakin kritis, sudah tidak bisa lagi “dicekoki”

dengan iklan. Perlu ada cara lain dalam melakukan marketing communications,

yang bukan sekedar mengutamakan tujuan pemasaran, tetapi juga menjaga image

di mata publik. Salah satu cara yang kian diyakini mampu melakukan hal ini adalah

Marketing Public Relations (MPR) yang juga dapat membantu meningkatkan

penjualan. Oleh karena itulah, banyak perusahaan kini membentuk Divisi Marketing

Public Relations. Dilengkapi dengan latihan untuk masing-masing perusahaan,

training ini akan membahas teknik-teknik melakukan Marketing Public Relations

yang efektif, dan diharapkan para peserta dapat menerapkannya di perusahaan



C&G Training Network mengundang Anda untuk mengikuti training:


pada hari: Rabu, 19 Februari 2008

pukul: 08.45 - 17.00

di C&G Training Network

Graha Mustika Ratu lt. 6

Jl. Jend. Gatot Soebroto Kav. 74-75

Jakarta Selatan 12870


Investasi: Rp 850.000/orang/program,

termasuk handout materi, sertifikat, 2x coffee break, lunch.

Diskon 15% untuk pemegang member card C&G Training Network

Diskon 10% untuk pendaftaran seminggu sebelum training, ATAU

Buy 2 Get 1 Free (cukup membayar Rp 1.700.000 untuk pendaftaran 

3 orang dari satu perusahaan untuk 1 program yang sama).


Materi bahasan:

  1. Pengertian Marketing Public Relations (MPR)
  2. Peran MPR, alasan beralih ke MPR, nilai tambah MPR, MPR vs iklan
  3. Strategi MPR:
    1. Mengidentifikasi target audiens
    2. Menentukan tujuan MPR
    3. Merancang pesan dan memilih kiat MPR sesuai tujuan dan target audience
    4. Menentukan anggaran MPR
    5. Menerapkan rencana MPR
    6. Mengevaluasi hasil MPR

4.     Kiat-kiat utama MPR:

a.      Publikasi: annual report, company profile, brosur, leaflet,

    majalah/buletin perusahaan, media audio visual, web site.

b.     Special event: exhibition, sponsorship, competition, product launching,

Seminar, road show

c.      News: press release, advertorial, press conference, media relations

d.     Presentasi, spokesperson, talk show

e.      Social relations: community relations, corporate social responsibility

f.      Corporate identity: logo, logotype, slogan, maskot


Target peserta: Manajer dan staff public relations, marketing atau karyawan lain

yang menjalankan fungsi marketing public relations, melakukan marketing communications

dan menjaga citra perusahaan dan produknya.


Metode pelatihan: Pembahasan konsep, diskusi kasus, latihan.


Terima kasih kepada 59 perusahaan yang telah mengikuti training

di bidang Marketing Communications, Marketing Public Relations,

dan Manajemen Public Relations, antara lain:

PT Adriwara Krida, PT Asuransi Central Asia, PT Bando Indonesia,

PT Celcius Jaya, PT Dalas Adhijaya, PT Dexa Medica, PT Homnet Buana,

Janssen Pharmaceuticals Div. J&J, PT Lamindo Jayaindo Mandiri, PT LJ

Elektronik Jakarta, RS Siloam Gleneagles, PT Sentra Enulsindo Baru,

PT Widya Sapta Colas, Adnan Buyung Nasution & Partners, PT Ahara Prima

Design, Bappenas, PT Berlian Sistem Informasi, PT Bima Bisalloy, Digital

Studio, Hotel Borobudur, Hotel Santika, PT ISM Bogasari Flour Mills, Jakarta

Hilton International, Kondur Petroleum SA, PT Metlife Sejahtera, Mongggo

Finejewels, PT Multipolar Corporation TBk, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero), STP

Trisakti, PT TELPP, PT Triwanta Santika, PT Bhakti Wasantara Net, Bursa

Efek Surabaya, PT Cometa Can, PT Conbloc Indonesia, PT Federal International

Finance, PT Grant Thornton, PT Indonesia Central Valutamas, PT Nippon Paint,

PT PNM Techno Venture, PT Prathivi Kartika Film, PT Senayan Trikarya Sempana,

PT SK Keris, PT Tata Bisnis Solusi, PT Trindo Maju Sukses, Kompak Group,

PT Modern Multi Artha, PT PNM (Persero), PT Polyfin Canggih, Bursa Efek

Jakarta, PT Global Fortuna, Qlio Design Studio, PT Koestiawan Sukses Bersama,

PT Metropolitan Kentjana TBk, PT Kita Global Mandiri, PT AJ Mega Life,

Namarina Ballet Jazz Fitness, PT Sistelindo Mitralintas, PT Ometraco Artha Samanta.


Berikut ini komentar para peserta:

  1. Training ini menarik, materi sangat lengkap, dan trainer sangat menguasai

materi (Anne Sianipar, PT. Global Fortuna).

  1. Topik menarik dan tidak membosankan, karena diselingi games. Training tidak

hanya bersifat satu arah tetapi interaktif antara trainer dan peserta

(Katarina Ira Puspita, PT. AJ. Mega Life).

  1. Saya cukup memahami materi dan mendapat banyak ilmu baru tentang

Marketing Communications. Trainer menyampaikan materi dengan santai, jelas

dan komunikatif (Maria Warasari P., PT. AJ. Mega Life).

  1. Disertai dengan contoh-contoh yang mudah dicerna (Dennny, PT. Global Fortuna).
  2. Komunikatif dan dua arah (Ari Reliyanto, PT. Koestiawan Sukses Bersama).
  3. Banyak contoh-contoh menarik (Indra Kurnia, PT. Koestiawan Sukses Bersama).
  4. Trainer memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang baik dan communication skill

yang baik sehingga tidak membosankan. Peserta diberi kesempatan aktif

berpartisipasi (Yani Cynthia Dewi, PT. Metropolitan Kentjana, Tbk).

  1. Kita jelas dan antusias mendengar (M. Arief, PT. AJ. Mega Life).
  2. Trainer cukup inspiratif dan banyak memberitahukan aplikasi/penerapan dalam

perusahaan (Lisa S. Wewengkang, Namarina Ballet – Jazz – Fitness).

  1. Metode pelatihan sangat baik, dan diselingi quiz-quiz sehingga tidak membosankan

(Rahayusandika K., PT. Sistelindo Mitralintas).



Dra. Kussusanti, MSi., Master di bidang Manajemen Komunikasi dari

Universitas Indonesia.

Selain sebagai trainer specialist di C&G Training Network yang banyak

diminta menjadi pembicara di berbagai perusahaan, ia berpengalaman

praktis di bidang marketing communications di Astra Group serta

Dharmala Group. Saat ini, ia masih aktif menjadi pengajar di

Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Indonesia. Paduan

pengalaman praktis dan kemampuannya sebagai pembicara inilah

yang membuatnya mampu membawakan training ini dengan menarik.


Informasi & Pendaftaran:

C&G Training Network

Graha Mustika Ratu Lt. 6

Jl. Jend. Gatot Soebroto Kav. 74-75

Jakarta Selatan 12870

Tel: (021) 8298802, 8298803

Fax: (021) 8298880

email: training@cgtrainingnetwork.com

website: www.cgtrainingnetwork.com

blog: www.cgtraining.blogspot.com

Training lain di bulan Februari 2008 di Jakarta:

1 Februari: Manajemen Pergudangan

4 Februari: Finance for Non Finance Officer

5 Februari: Customer Service Management

6 Februari: Service Excellence Skills (for the front liners)

18 Februari: Administrasi Pembelian

19 Februari: Effective Marketing Public Relations

20 Februari: Dasar-Dasar Pemasaran

21 Februari: Executive Secretary

22 Februari: Logistic & Supply Chain Management

25 Februari: Manajemen Perkantoran

26 Februari: Training for The Trainer

27 Februari: Smart Selling Skills

28 Februari: Telephone Technique & Courtesy

29 Februari: Corporate Social Responsibility


Public Training di Balikpapan:

10 Maret: Professional Purchasing Officer

11 Maret: Service Excellence Skills (for the front liners)

Tempat: Hotel Pasific, Jl. Jend. A. Yani no. 33, Balikpapan

Pukul: 08.00 – 16.00


Special Program:


Intensive Program 5 DAYS in Jakarta

Senin s/d Jumat, 4 – 8 Pebruari 2008

Pk. 09.00 – 16.00


Rp 4.000.000/orang

Rp 3.800.000 for Early Bird before 28 Januari 2008

Discount 15% untuk pemegang member card C&G Training Network

Biaya sudah termasuk materi, 2x coffee break, lunch



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