Dari: agung hertanto <agungeka@yahoo.
Teman teman,
Internet sebelum meluncur ke publik awal 90-an,
merupakan network komunikasi milik DARPA (lembaga
riset pertahanan Amerika). Akhir 70-an saya sudah
pakai internet, pasalnya ialah bidang fisika
merupakan sokoguru riset defense, jadi peneliti
fisika mendapat kemudahan akses internet waktu itu.
Dulu komunikasi dikalangan sipil (masih para ilmuwan)
sangat santun dan isinya adalah tukar menukar
pengetahuan atau hasil research. Setelah internet
memasyarakat, mulai dari sisi bisnis, pertukaran
pengetahuan entah dalam bentuk buku atau majalah,
dsb dsb memungkinkan kita yang tinggal dinegara
berkembang ikut mengenyamnya. Disamping segi
positip, muncul pula sisi negatip dari teknologi
internet. Mulai dari kriminalitas bank dan kartu
kredit, sex, bullying, dan recruitment kelompok
keras dan kriminal.
Di Amerika ada TV milik umum (publik, tapi
bukan negara) yaitu PBS (Public Broadcasting
Service). Saya tidak tahu apakah PBS
ditayangkan di TV atau kabel di Indonesia - padahal
isinya sangat bagus yaitu tentang sains, teknologi,
medis, sejarah, pendidikan dsb. Malam ini saya
nonton acara PBS tentang Growing Up Online.
Kurang lebih melihat interaksi anak anak kecil
sekarang di USA dan internet, dan terutama segi
negatipnya. Sangat menarik dan anda harus ... sekali
lagi harus nonton. Persoalan ini akan muncul
di Indonesia pada generasi cucu kita nanti. Dari
acara ini kita bisa simak sebaiknya bagaimana
kita melakukan navigasi mengarahkan generasi
Berikut adalah websitenya dan bisa ditonton lewat
internet. Dan silahkan diskusi nanti.
[Teman-teman, saya sarankan Anda mengunjungi situs ini. Berikut ini Pengantarnya.
Dari: http://www.pbs.
Jessica Hunter was a shy and awkward girl who struggled to make friends at school. Then, at age 14, she reinvented herself online as <http://www.pbs.
"I just became this whole different person," Autumn tells FRONTLINE. "I didn't feel like myself, but I liked the fact that I didn't feel like myself. I felt like someone completely different. I felt like I was famous."
News of Jessica's growing fame as Autumn Edows reached her parents only by accident. "I got a phone call, and the principal says one of the parents had seen disturbing photographs and material of Jessica," her father tells FRONTLINE. "I had no idea what she was doing on the Internet. That was a big surprise."
In Growing Up Online, FRONTLINE takes viewers inside the very public private worlds that kids are creating online, raising important questions about how the Internet is transforming childhood. "The Internet and the digital world was something that belonged to adults, and now it's something that really is the province of teenagers, " says <http://www.pbs.
"They're able to have a private space, even while they're still at home. They're able to communicate with their friends and have an entire social life outside of the purview of their parents, without actually having to leave the house."
As more and more kids grow up online, parents are finding themselves on the outside looking in. "I remember being 11; I remember being 13; I remember being 16, and I remember having secrets," mother of four <http://www.pbs.
At school, teachers are trying to figure out how to reach a generation that no longer reads books or newspapers. "We can't possibly expect the learner of today to be engrossed by someone who speaks in a monotone voice with a piece of chalk in their hand," one school principal says.
"We almost have to be entertainers,
Fears of <http://www.pbs.
Many Internet experts agree with the kids. "Everyone is panicking about sexual predators online. That's what parents are afraid of; that's what parents are paying attention to," says <http://www.pbs.
Another threat is "cyberbullying,
"You have a generation faced with a society with fundamentally different properties, thanks to the Internet," says <http://www.pbs.
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