Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2007

[beasiswa] [BUTUH INFO] Alternate Candidate Fulbright?

sbg alternate candidate, peluang mendapatkan beasiswa tidak bisa diprediksi. begitu ada penerima beasiswa yang tidak bisa berangkat, alternate candidate nomor 1 menggantikan (diikuti nomor 2, 3, dan selanjutnya)
setahu saya, semua penerima beasiswa Fulbright bisa hidup cukup2 saja tapi tidak berlebihan sekali, ya kalau mau menabung berarti harus hidup hemat (potong dari living expenses)


Dear all,
Kakak saya telah melampaui proses2 seleksi beasiswa Fulbright sampai wawancara.
Kemudian datang imil ini, yang disitu disebutkan bahwa dia telah terseleksi sebagai alternate candidate.
-Adakah dari milister semua yang pernah punya pengalaman serupa (menjadi alternate candidate Fulbright)?
-Bagaimana ya kira2 peluang alternate candidate untuk mendapatkan grant fulbright?
-Mohon sharingnya dari yang pernah berpengalaman mendapatkan beasiswa ini, mengenai uang beasiswa yang sekitar 30,000 USD/tahun itu apakah hanya pas untuk mengcover tuition+fees+ living expenses ataukah ada uang lebih yang bisa tertabung?

-Terimakasih banyak atas perhatian semuanya-


Dear ****, Selamat! Anda terpilih menjadi calon penerima beasiswa Program Fulbright. Surat di bawah ini dikirim per TIKI siang ini.
Terlampir tiga formulir (Study Objective, Personal Statement, dan University Preferences) untuk diisi dan dikembalikan sebagai e-mail attachment ke saya sebelum tgl. 18 Oktober.
Terlampir pula lembar informasi mengenai penulisan Study Objective dan Personal Statement serta beberapa contohnya untuk dijadikan bahan pertimbangan, Harap diperhatikan sungguh-sungguh tanggal Anda dijadwalkan mengambil tes TOEFL dan GRE.
Konfirmasi tanggal dan tempat tes akan menyusul. Bilamana ada pertanyaan, jangan segan-segan menghubungi saya atauAdeline. Salam, Piet HendrardjoProgram Officer -------------------------- Oktober 10, 2007

Dear **********

I am pleased to inform you that you have been
officially nominated as an alternate candidate for a Fulbright Program
scholarship to pursue study for a Master's degree in the United States
commencing with the Fall 2008 academic term. Official and final selection
for this prestigious program is contingent upon the approval of the J. William
Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB) in Washington,
D.C., the amount of scholarship funds
available for the 2008 Fulbright program, and your acceptance for admission by
an accredited college or university in the United States.

Please note that as an alternate candidate your
participation in the program is contingent on the availability of additional
scholarships for the 2008 Fulbright program. There is no guarantee that
this will be available. Usually, we will know some time in July 2008 about
your status with the program. However, in the meantime, we have to submit
your application to several universities in the U.S. and process your application
due to deadlines.

Your preliminary selection as an alternate candidate
in what is widely acclaimed as one of the premiere and most esteemed academic
exchange programs in the world is an acknowledgement of your academic and
professional accomplishments. I am confident that you will exemplify the
same standards of excellence if and when you assume the responsibility as a
representative of Indonesia
to the United States of
America. In doing so, you would
exemplify the guiding principle of the Fulbright program which seeks to enhance
mutual understanding and cooperation between the people of the United States and Indonesia through educational and
cultural exchange.

Please accept my personal congratulations for your
selection as a new Fulbright alternate candidate representing the Republic of Indonesia.

Sincerely yours,

Piet Hendrardjo

Program Officer


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